Iron Soldier

Chapter 89 Northern Defense

The orc escorted the beast king back to the Chinese army. In the handsome tent, the beast king woke up, and the sober beast king shouted, and then ordered all the soldiers of the whole clan and vowed not to stop killing Will. Zamu hurriedly persuaded him by mistake. The orcs really can't toss around any more. In this expedition, a total of 800,000 troops were lost. More than 60 masters above level 5 were basically shaken. If they rise up again to attack the Lawrence boy of Orfrey, there may still be any tricks to prepare, once there is another flash. Lost, the orcs are over!

And even if the kingdom of Ofret is successfully captured, it is difficult to catch Will. The boy is so cunning that he must have left a way out for himself, and Ofret can't defend it. In the end, he still has to take advantage of the Bright Empire, and then the orcs who have lost their soldiers will be taken advantage of the barbarians. The Beast King also thought of this at this time, but his face was stiff here, so he gritted his teeth and wanted to rise up. After Zam's wrong persuasion, he went down the slope.

The beast king, with only 200,000 horses, had no intention of lingering on human land. He immediately ordered to collect all available materials, including the population, and bring them back to the orcs. Things can be used. Human beings can be used as slaves. They are determined not to waste any resources and try to make up for the loss of this dispatch of troops. With this order, the human beings in the trapped area suffered. Most of the orcs were tribal structures. Many of these soldiers came from the same tribe. During this war, a total of 800,000 troops were lost, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed in each tribe. The orcs after these lost their fathers and brothers naturally sprinkled their anger on people. On civilians.

The orcs who treated these humans as animals were more brutal. There were no less than 5 million human beings in the occupied area, but there were only about 1 million human slaves who finally came to the orcs alive. Except for more than 100,000 lucky escapes, all of them were tortured to death by orcs on the road.

After the news came out, the whole human society was shocked. The dark empire bordering the orc kingdom immediately thought that it would avenge its human compatriots, defend human dignity, and rescue human slaves as an excuse to send troops to the orcs kingdom. Although the slogans were beautiful, the purpose was nothing more than to pick up this advantage when the orcs were seriously injured.

The barbarians also attacked the orcs for the same purpose in the name of fighting against the brutal orcs. For a moment, the originally majestic orcs immediately became in danger, but Fortunately, the orcs were all soldiers and there were many masters. Although they were attacked on both sides, they still resisted bravely and fought well.

Will arranged General Fland to lead less than 80,000 soldiers from the remnants of the Conquest Fort, organize civilians to move to the original occupied area, and begin to help the refugees who had fled to resume production and rebuild their homes. Then he and Linglan took an Airbus to inspect the North Line. Although time was tight, Will still took time to go back to Pompeii and reunited Linglan's father and daughter to report the war situation to the king.

The old king may have thought about it. When Will saw him, the old king looked very good. After some communication, Will knew that the old king had finally retreated, but the Bright Empire was ready to move and was already open. The Bright Empire was not what the Ofre Kingdom could resist at all. , without the suppression of the strongest, it will be annexed sooner or later. At this time, the king has planned to resist. If the pressure is too great, there is no need to let the soldiers sacrifice in vain. If it really doesn't work, just surrender. If you are lucky, you will be a dependent country. If you are unlucky, you will be a rich man. Anyway, the doctrine of the Light Empire is also If it is good, their own people will not suffer.

At this time, Will looked at the old king with new eyes and could give up his power for the lives of the people of the kingdom and ordinary soldiers. This king was still very good. Unfortunately, he was born at the wrong time. In this troubled world, O'Frey had been weak for a long time and watched the old king laugh at himself. Son, let Will have a feeling of intention to kill the thief and be unable to return to heaven.

That night, Will returned home. Under the leadership of the housekeeper, he saw the small spare magic crystal warehouse mentioned in his father's letter. This warehouse was in the basement, and the space was not very large, only 100 square meters in size, which was full of large and small boxes. Will opened these boxes. Look, I almost shook my eyes, all of which were magic crystals! Millions of magic crystals, big and small!

"This is a small warehouse?" Will is a little stale. Where is this a small warehouse? There are not so many military reserves for conquering Fort!

"This is just a small warehouse that the master put in Wangdu, so the reserves are not very large. You should know that all the operations of the whole third new Tokyo Fortress consume magic crystals. Flying a hundred miles consumes a seven-level magic crystal, so most of the advanced magic crystals are stored in the fortress." The housekeeper said calmly.

After the old housekeeper's explanation, now Will finally knows why the whole continent hates his father so much. This mainland's number one rogue and drug lord secretly controls more than 40% of the magic crystal mine in the whole continent! The main reason for the scarcity of high-level magic crystals on the mainland is that nearly half of the resources are swallowed up by his old man!

According to the account book provided by the housekeeper, the number of magic crystals in this small warehouse now has 2 million level 4 magic crystals, 10,000 5 magic crystals, 1,000 6 magic crystals and 50 7 magic crystals. This is an amazing wealth! With these magic crystals, Will's first thought of is the high-energy material recycling machine. These magic crystals can bring him a lot of wish points. With wish points, then his big wish skills will no longer be a decoration. Small Empire of Light, come on! At this time, there was infinite pride in Will's heart.

Will was not in a hurry to exchange all these magic crystals immediately, but put them all into the space ring, and then left the warehouse with the housekeeper. At this time, the wet nurse also returned to Pompeii's home, and Will had eaten delicious food for a long time in the evening. One night, he was speechless. The next morning, Will went to the northern border with Linglan, who didn't say anything and didn't let Will go by himself. Before leaving, the king repeatedly told Will not to worry about failure and that everything was safe. This advice came from the king of a country and made Will feel very strange.

But at this time, Will got a large number of magic crystals. Naturally, he was fearless. After separating from the king, he went to the school to order 100,000 elite soldiers to go to the defense town in the north.

The Ofre Kingdom and the Light Empire rule across the river. A Jialing River separates the two countries. The water surface of the Jialing River is very wide, with dozens of miles in the widest part and more than ten miles in the narrowest part. Most of the two sides are rocky cliffs, and only a few flat places can be used as ferries. And these ferries are very small. Only Lingyundu is on the side of Ofre, and the large ferry of the Bright Empire is 30 miles downstream of Lingyundu, known as Chrysler Harbor. Only these two places can allow hundreds of millions of troops to cross the river.

Will led his army to Lingyundu five days later. This is a military port, which is divided into two parts. The dry village on the shore is a military fortress with hundreds of magic cannons. The water fortress is composed of warships and thousands of large and small boats. The combination is called a camp.

After this, Will entered the castle by the river, asked the accompanying army to make corrections, and then convened a meeting of generals at all levels of the two armies to understand the specific situation, and then decide how to defend it.