Iron Soldier

Chapter 112 Integration of Orcs

These arrow-like orcs almost crossed hundreds of thousands of miles on their backs with hundreds of pounds of salt and sugar. It took them less than a week to return to their tribe. After returning to the tribe, they were almost all received by the left-behind people, and all of the left-behind people were concerned about themselves. The relatives of themselves were forcibly summoned by the Beast King to fight against the powerful demon. This nine-death mission filled all the tribes with a desolate and sad atmosphere.

Wait for these tens of thousands of advance team to return to their tribe and talk about the past, the death of the beast king did not cause much waves. After all, the orc people have been extremely disappointed with the beast king and did not expect him to defeat Will at all. The orc army also made these old and young women and children very much because they surrendered without a large number of casualties. Happy, but the fall of the beast god undoubtedly caused a great panic among these ignorant orcs, but as the news of the orcs getting the protection of the new god spread, Will, who defeated the beast god, became their new guardian god, which made the orcs immediately forget the sadness of losing their former idols. The beast god has not fallen for tens of thousands of years. It's a miracle. This belief that all-day prayers have never been answered is naturally not as obvious as the real idol worship. Especially when a large amount of salt and sugar were taken out like treasures by these orcs, these orcs immediately strengthened their determination to follow the new gods!

The long-term poverty of the orcs has caused their typical milky mother's character. Seeing that believing in Will can immediately bring such rich benefits, these orcs not only brought back salt, but also brought back Will's promises and declarations!

"Today, I am very happy to celebrate the rebirth of this orc with you!"

"100,000 years ago, a god claimed to be the ancestor of the orcs. He could lead the orcs out of poverty and create a better future. On the land under our feet, the hard-working orcs responded to God's call."

However, today, 100,000 years later, the orcs are still hungry and undressed, struggling to survive in the keel wilderness. Today, 100,000 years later, the orcs are still blocked in the dragon bone wilderness and can't step out of this poor mountain and water. Today, 100,000 years later, when other races have been rich in food and clothing and begin to pursue more material enjoyment, orcs still have to sell their daughters in exchange for the food necessary for survival! Today, 100,000 years later, the orcs are still curled up in the corner of the Xianyue continent, enjoying the taste of poverty alone. Today I just want to tell you that orcs can get rid of all this suffering!"

"In a sense, the orc has the right to ask the god to fulfill his original promise. The god who claimed to be the beast once promised that the orcs would have enough food, a stable living environment, and fertile land!"

"In terms of fair contracts, the orcs have fulfilled their obligations, believed in the beast gods for generations, and were proud to be the people of the beast gods, but they did not get the corresponding rights! The god is equivalent to only writing an empty check for the orc, and the stamp with insufficient funds on the check has been returned. We don't believe that the god's credit bank has gone bankrupt, and we don't believe that the god's promise library lacks reserves to be cashed.

"Today, I come to awaken the right of the orcs to have equal dialogue with the gods. As long as you contribute your loyalty and devoutly believe in your new god, you will immediately get everything that God has promised you! Those who believe in me will have eternal life! Those who believe in me enjoy peace!"

"Miserable orcs, although I am called your new god today, I still have a dream, which is deeply rooted in my mind!"

"I dream that one day orcs can really stand up and walk in every corner of the continent, no longer being used as a synonym for dirty poverty!"

"I dream that one day orcs can no longer worry about food and can't sleep at night for fear of being attacked in the middle of the night!"

"I dream that one day, orc children can walk side by side with human children, play on the street and share their childhood friendship!"

"I dream that one day, even in a shrewd merchant country, orcs will no longer be deceived and enslaved!"

"I dream that one day your children will no longer feel inferior because they are an orc, but will be proud of themselves as an orc!"

"Today is my dream. I believe that as long as you sincerely believe in me, you will gradually realize all these dreams under my leadership. When the dream becomes a reality, you will no longer be proud of my followers, and I will also be proud of you people!"

This is what Will made the returning orcs have to recite - the oath of God! He asked these orcs to go back and tell their people that this is the promise of the new god to them, and this is the light of hope given by the new god to the orcs!

I have a dream of a simplified version. With a slight change by Will, it has become the core doctrine of Will's religion. As the truth of Will's great god, it is recorded on the title page of the divine scripture. All the people in later generations were moved by Will's unparallelled ambition, but they knew that at this time, Will only took a fancy to the excellent combat power and super labor ability of the orcs.

Regardless of Will's purpose, the necessities of life such as salt and the oath of God written in the orcs's heart undoubtedly caused a great shock among the orcs. When the orcs who returned to the tribe recited the divine oath, the orcs of the tribes almost coincidentally knelt down to the east and touched their heads. Grand salute.

These orcs kneel and prayed and prayed without doubt. These poor orcs are more likely to be satisfied than human beings with rich food and clothing. They don't even expect Will to fulfill all their vows. Even if they only fulfill two or three, they would rather dedicate their souls to Will.

As a result, almost all other races except the orc royal family were attached to Will's command. As for the Bemon royal family, he vowed not to surrender. Will had no choice but to give an order to attack. Under the joint attack of the five nobles, although it is stronger than the Yellow Royal Family, it is also difficult to beat the four hands with two fists. Tigers can't hold back many wolves.

Finally two days later, the Bimon royal family was completely destroyed and lost the old order, so a new orc order needed to be built. Therefore, with Will's deliberate support, a new orc leadership class with the fox clan as the core and James's family as the backbone, the bear, wolf, tiger and eagle as the backbone was established. .

Since the whole orc has obeyed Will, it is equivalent to obeying Overrey. Will sent back the news of the victory with magic. Pompeii immediately boiled up after receiving the good news! Almost without blood, he took the whole keel wilderness, and Will made great achievements again!

His Majesty is very happy now, because he can immediately ascend the throne and become emperor. Once the Ofre Kingdom occupies the Dragon Bone Wilderness for a month, it will be recognized by all countries as belonging to Ofre's territory. The Ofre Kingdom, which has obtained the Dragonbone Wilderness, will meet the conditions for promotion to the Empire. You can register to be crowned emperor! The king has also thought about it now. Will is not rewarded, and it is no different from painting a snake to add feet. So it was just a commendation order for people to come to the fortress of Dracsaron. At the same time, Will's petition for his subordinates were all approved. The division of the fiefs of the orcs that Will requested was not ambiguous at all, and he could not have any opinion on the two-three times the tax king.

Because the orcs are so poor that even if they get fertile land for human beings, they do not have enough means of production to cultivate. They need seeds and farm tools, which need money. Therefore, Will generously provided low-interest loans to the orcs so that they can quickly buy farm tools and seeds. Then he arranged a large number of technicians for the orcs to guide them on how to cultivate. He wanted to domesticate these nomadic orcs and turn them into a farming nation!

Everything is going very smoothly, and the management of the fox clan is indeed excellent. Each tribe is arranged in an orderly manner. Whether it is the first- and second-class orcs going to the west of Ofre, or the left-behind third-fourth-class orcs, they have lived a life ten times richer than before.

The orcs claim to be a race of soldiers. Although the Beast King has gathered 200,000, the limit of the orcs is far more than that. If it is an emergency conscription in wartime, now the orcs are enough to recruit an army of 500,000 people. The main reason why the Beast King has not conscripted all of them is one is that they can't afford it!

However, Overy had enough food and grass, and it was easy to raise an army of 500,000 orcs. He handed over the army of 500,000 troops to James and the four nobles respectively, and let them lead 100,000 horses to train in the dragon bone wilderness. The fox was appointed by Will as the chief administrative officer of the orcs and sent some fox clans to the army. The wise man serves as a counselor.

Although all the elites of the orcs have been recruited, the remaining old, weak, women and children are also more powerful than ordinary human beings, able to endure hardships, and can still withstand several human beings when doing farm work. Will, who had arranged everything, planned to inspect the situation of the whole orc and then returned to the court, leaving Huang Shulang to develop the ship of Will's divine religion and monitor the whole orcs by the way!

A month later, Will inspected the entire keel wilderness and the west of the kingdom, cleaned up some corrupt officials who took the opportunity to ask for cards from the orcs, and also looked at how the orcs were learning about farming.

Now that winter has passed, and it is the season of sowing when the flowers bloom. With the help of human agricultural guidance, the orcs learn very seriously, because as long as these harvests are deducted from the prescribed taxes, the rest will be their own. According to the experts who teach themselves, they are divided into these lands. Even if the food produced is a few times more taxed than human beings, because these beasts are strong and can take care of a larger area of land, the production of food can not only meet the consumption of the family, but also have surplus food!

yu liang! What a wonderful term. He once only appeared in the dreams of orcs, and now it is about to become a reality!

(Please collect!!!)