Iron Soldier

Chapter 136 The atrocities of profiteers and Will's anger!

As the topic about Will's strength became popular, some gossip and exclusive inside stories emerged, including the powerful puppet controlled by Will - the giant soldier of Obelisk!

I don't know who inadvertently looked through the historical materials and found the information of the five strongest and three corpses, because these five are at the top of the continent and are fearless! Therefore, there is no concealment. It is not a secret to get the divine corpse and transform it into a puppet, but more than a thousand years later, the puppet of God has never appeared, and all people have gradually forgotten this.

Now after being turned over, the insightful people on the mainland immediately understand the root of Will's power, but Will is now invincible. It is impossible to grab it from him, but don't forget that there is more than one puppet of God!

The fall of the other two god puppets immediately replaced Will's topic and became the focus of mainland's attention. With Will's example, who can get one of the remaining two puppets will undoubtedly become one of the three giants of the mainland in this era when there is no strongest!

So the dispute over the whole continent stopped in an instant, because in front of the strongest, the victory or defeat in front of them is not worth mentioning at all. If you want to dominate the mainland and get a piece of the big cake of Xianyue Continent, a god puppet is indispensable!

The Dark Empire and the Business Alliance confronted between Lorden and the Avalanche Canyon, and the army of the Light Empire also withdrew from the Storm Mountains. Everyone began to search for information and look for the clues of the remaining two puppets of gods.

Except for the elves in the elf forest and O'Frey, where Will is, all the other countries were mobilized. Finally, the emperor lived up to his heart, and the two puppets of the gods were all found!

One of the two puppets of the gods was buried in a valley in the Dark Empire, and the other in a swamp of the Empire of Light. After the two puppets were excavated, the mainland did not calm down for this, and the other two giants were not born because of the appearance of the god puppet.

The reason is very simple. At the beginning, the five strongest got three corpses, but Yuantang Lawrence relied on his superior strength and occupied one corpse alone, and the remaining two corpses were divided into four strongest, so they studied the corpses together.

Light and darkness naturally cannot be grouped together, so the Pope of the Light Empire pulled the dean of the Magic Martial Arts Academy, and the speaker of the Dark Council, together with the Elf Queen, divided into two groups to develop his own god puppet. After the completion of the puppet of God, there was another controversy about the ownership, but this time everyone's strength is comparable, and no one can suppress the heroes like Yuantang.

When the problem cannot be solved by force, things often fall to the negotiating table. In the end, the two groups of the strongest decide to manage together. Each of the strongest has a key to control the puppet in his hand. Only the two keys of the Pope of Light and Dean Mowu can drive the puppet of the God of the Bright Empire. It gathers the keys of the Dark Speaker and the Elf Queen to drive the god puppet of the dark empire.

Just as the continent was shocked by the transformation of the two god puppets, the 200 dragon knights of the commercial alliance raided the magic martial arts academy!

The 200 Dragon Knights moved too fast. Their sudden attack caught everyone off guard. Although the Magic Martial Arts Academy is not easy to provoke, after losing the dean, the status of the Magic Martial Arts Academy is not as detached as before.

Due to the abrupt raid of the dragon knights, 15 seven-level strongmen rose up to resist without preparation, but in the end, they were defeated after the loss of 20 dragon knights in the commercial alliance. Eight seven-level mentors were killed, and countless six-level and five-level mentors were killed and injured.

The whole magic martial arts academy was destroyed by this group of dragon knights. The big library was burned after they robbed high-level spells, and many magic laboratories were completely destroyed. In the end, the 100-mile school was completely turned into a pile of ruins. Countless students and tutors looked at the former home from afar for a long time. After refusing to leave for a long time, sobs and sobs can be heard everywhere near the college.

A few days later, the students and tutors who gave up the college arrived in other countries one after another, when the heinous behavior of the business alliance became obvious. The remaining students returned to their own countries, while the tutors who had regarded the Magic Martial Arts College as their home did not know where to go.

In the end, some of the tutors went to their former students, some went to their favorite countries, and some simply retired to the mountains and forests without asking about the world.

After receiving the news, Will hurriedly said goodbye to Gaowen and rushed back to his camp with the little fox girl. After returning to the camp, Will met Mr. Wu Tian, who had just left. At this time, although Mr. Wu Tian's face was calm, his eyes still showed endless pain and sadness, and occasionally there were angry flames burning in his eyes, but it was hidden in an instant.

There is also a so-called seven-level divination mother-in-law who came with Mr. Wu Tian. The old lady is still sitting on her crystal ball, wearing a dark magic robe, a high pointed magic hat, and her eyes are slightly closed, as if she were asleep.

"Mr. Wutian, you are here." Will saluted the two old men with a heavy face.

The talkative teacher Wu Tian did not speak, but the always silent divination mother-in-law took the initiative to say, "Will, I'll bring you two messages and a request this time."

"Please speak!" As soon as Will saw what the divination mother-in-law said was so formal, he immediately respectfully signaled that he was listening.

"The first news is that the Magic Martial Arts Academy has been destroyed, and the dean's laboratory has not been broken by them. The business alliance has got a key to control the puppet of God!" The divination mother-in-law said with a blank face, paused for a moment, and then continued, "The second news is that your master's seven-level light magician Stark died!"

"What!" Will was stunned by the news and stood still and shook for a few times before he stabilized his body. Will's feelings for the master are far deeper than for his cheap father. Although he has not been with Stark for a long time, Will has put all his feelings for his father on the master.

"Business Alliance! Dragon Knight!" Will gritted his teeth and pronounced these two names!

"Finally, there is a request to kill all the 200 dragon knights involved in the attack and kill all the managers and executors of the business alliance who made the decision!" Although the divination mother-in-law has always been expressionless, the hatred for the business alliance is real. If it is carried out according to what the divination mother-in-law said, at least half of the middle and high-level management and five giants of the business alliance will not run away, and all of them will have to be killed!

"That's for sure, and not only that!" Will's mouth twitched with a sneer. The death of the master completely released the demon in his heart. Will, who was still guilty about the killing, was already full of cruel blood in his eyes.

After Will agreed to the divination mother-in-law's request, she and Teacher Wu Tian decided to stay and help Will carry out a devastating revenge plan.

The next day, Will did not even say hello to His Majesty the Emperor of the Overtray Empire, but directly announced to the whole continent that the Overy Empire declared war on the commercial alliance!

Because Will's previous support for the Dark Empire can only be regarded as a personal act, now after the declaration of war, Will's army immediately started and rushed to the Avalanche Canyon.

On the night of the declaration of war, Will knelt heavily in the direction of the Magic Martial Arts College, "Bum! Bang! Bang!" He kowtowed three times, and then prayed to the sky, "Master, your spirit in heaven, walk slowly and watch your apprentice avenge you!"

The boundless anger burned Wil's eyes, and the magic in his body kept bulging. Finally, his anger reached its peak. Driven by anger, the magic in his body broke out crazily, and the light magic elements around him gathered towards Will like crazy!

I don't know how long it took, "Wh!" At once, a beam of light enveloped Will, and powerful power spread all over his body - level 7! Will finally broke through the magic barrier with the help of anger and entered Level 7!

Unlike usual, the light column of Will's promotion is not the golden light column of the conventional light mage's promotion, but the enchanting blood-red light column! The sky-high beam of light slowly converged to Will, and finally all of them entered Will's body.

"Wo!" Thinking that as soon as he opened his eyes, he jumped down the little fox girl guarding, a pair of blood-red eyes, and his eyes were filled with boundless murder. And the magic on the body is released, releasing a bloody red magic flame like fighting gas burning. The elegant black hair was set off purple by the blood-red flame, and they all stood upside down.

Seeing the little fox girl's surprised look, Will shook his head, the flame on his body disappeared, and his hair returned to its previous appearance. Finally, the eyes gradually regained their former innocence.

"Brother Will, what's wrong with you? You looked so terrible just now!" Seeing Will return to normal, the little fox girl said with some fear.

"Nothing, it's just a special state, and there's no harm." Will comforted him with a smile.

Yes, just now, Will was urged by anger to advance. He not only entered the seventh level, but also acquired a talent skill. The strength in Will's body in this rampage state was magnified five times, but correspondingly, the use of such a powerful skill brought endless fatigue.

After promotion, Will took the little fox girl and Liana to comfort them. After both of them fell asleep, Will returned to his Chinese army treasure account.

"Treacherous merchants! Are you ready to bear Uncle Will's anger?" Will said to himself.

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