Iron Soldier

Chapter 148 She is your sister who has been separated for many years

Human society knows very little about the lives of elves. Some human aristocrats even think that elves are just a group of beautiful monkeys who shuttle through the forest to make handicrafts, but when Will and several girls really understand the lives of elves, they all fall in love with it without exception.

The elves seem to have no worries. God has given them strong strength, allowing them to have no worries about food and clothing in the forest of rich elves. The long life allows elves to have enough time to learn and understand everything they have to do without worrying about nothing because they are not dedicated enough.

Because there is no food and whether there are enemies that can threaten them, the lives of the elves are very comfortable. Will has never seen elves in the elf's royal city, and everyone is so leisurely.

After getting up every morning, the elves first dress up leisurely, and then walk to the canteen to enjoy delicious food. After eating or reading, or * some gadgets that they are interested in. At about ten o'clock, they sit in the shade and enjoy a cup of fragrant coffee with some exquisite desserts. After a break, they put themselves into their interest again until noon to meet a few close friends, or go to the canteen to eat and chat, or make a big lunch by themselves.

After lunch, you can go home to take a nap, and then do what you like. At about 4 p.m., the elves will stop their work again, gather in groups, cook a pot of fragrant and elegant green tea, prepare some delicious nuts, and then talk about their similar interests. The topic.

In the evening, the gourmets who love cooking among the elves will spontaneously hold a grand banquet. The wide square is set off by psychedelic magic lights. The elves enjoy food in the square while singing and dancing, as if sorrow never belong to them.

The elves love nature. In addition to building the necessary homes, they try to avoid leaving artificial traces in the forest, so most of the natural wonders in the forest that Sophie and Will visited are all natural wonders of nature, not all the various scenic spots left by the elves.

Among these wonders created by nature, what surprises Will most is the moon well. Will has heard of this moon well for a long time, but he never thought that this kind of well was alive before he saw it! It can move freely. Whenever the moon rises, it will chase the moonlight and let the moonlight shine as much as possible into the well water. Until the moon sets, it will return to the tree of life where the city of Asara is located.

According to Sophie, the moon well is very magical. Its well water has no effect on others, but it is a rare treasure for elves. Whether it is healing wounds or restoring magic, it is a first-class effect. As long as there is a moon well, the elves are invincible in the forest!

Although the three-day sightseeing tour made Will and the three women very happy, there were still some things that gave Will a headache, that is, Sophie's clingy. Almost every morning, Sophie would run to knock on the door on time. After knocking on the three links, whether Will came out to open the door or not, she would violently rush into the room. Inside, and then I enjoy watching the embarrassment of several girls every day, and I enjoy it.

And not only that, from the moment she rushed into Will's room, Sophie would stick to Will like this all day. As long as Linglan's women were rarely negligent, she would occupy at least one of Will's arms, making Will's little wives jealous, which led to Will's elf. Although the forest is in the same room with several women, they have to lay the floor by themselves.

What makes Will most helpless is the attitude of the elf elders. It is reasonable that his queen and a young human man are inseparable all day long and behave quite intimately. The elders should jump their feet against it, but these elders look at each other and just whisper gossip. It seems to be a group of big girl and little daughter-in-law.

And these elders also looked at Will very ambiguously. They no longer called him General or Mr. Will, but changed his name to Mr. Will or Master Will, which made Will very vigilant and secretly said to himself: These elf elders don't want to use Sophie to make a beauty trick to keep themselves here, do they? But what can the elf kingdom do for itself?

Finally, three days later, Will's happy and annoying days passed. With the arrival of the two big shots, Will was hung aside. For two days, Will did not see Queen Sophie or any elders. Will, who had been used to the bustle, couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"What's the matter, young master, do you miss him?" Linglan looked at Will's lost face and sarcasticly with dissatisfaction.

He pulled Linglan beside her and let her sit on her lap. While playing with the girl's soft little hand, Will said in her ear, "What's wrong, baby? Are you jealous?"

Before Linglan answered, Liana began to stop, took Will's arm and shouted, "I'm jealous!" Jealous! Anna is jealous!"

On the other side, the little fox girl also looked at Will with a pair of big eyes, which made Will have a big head. Unexpectedly, she said a joke that led to such a big Louzi. Now these three girls are playing tricks and are more difficult to deal with.

"Good boy, Lilith, I'm very satisfied with you. There is absolutely no other crooked thoughts!" Will and the little fox girl promised that this girl was the most obedient and better to coax her, so Will started from the little fox girl one by one to avoid them forming an alliance.

"Hmm! Lilith believes in her brother!" Sure enough, the little fox girl had absolute trust in Will, which made the little girl smile in one sentence.

"Baby, I swear, I have enough of the three of you in this life. If I can have the three of you, I already feel that I owe you very much, and I will never make trouble everywhere!" Will picked up Linglan's chin in his arms, gently pecked her cherry lips and said.

"Well, I'll forgive you this time. If you dare to keep your word, wait!" Linglan gently pinched Will's waist as a threat, and then let Will go.

Looking back and looking at Liana lying on her back, Will has a headache. Unlike the clever little fox girl and Linglan, who knows the book, Liana is too fickle. At one moment, she is a precocious and complex intelligent girl, and at other times she becomes a lawless little girl. You can't tell who she is now What's the state? Maybe there was a reason to tell you about this a while ago, and the next moment he immediately threw himself on you and acted coquettishly like an octopus.

"Liana, tell me, how can I forgive my brother?" Will, who was not sure what the little girl's temper was now, had to take the initiative to hand over the gun and said that he wanted to pinch her little Qiong's nose with his hand.

As a result, Liana did not answer Will's words, but waved her little head, her little nose dodged Will's sneak attack, and then her little mouth suddenly grabbed Will's finger, grinned, revealing her little white teeth.

"Hey, let go, baby, let go." This scared Will. The girl really put down her mouth and left a lot of tooth marks on her arm.

Liana blinked her big eyes. Although she didn't bite hard, she didn't let go of her little mouth.

"After returning to Pompeii, I will play with you for a day. Whether you want to go shopping or an outing, you can do it!" Will began to take the initiative to sign unequal treaties.

As a result, the little girl still did not let go, but blinked her big eyes and stretched out her little hand to draw a three gesture.

"Good! OK! Three days!" Will continued to give in.

"I knew Brother Will was the best!" The little girl finally let go of her little mouth and said with a fierce kiss on Will's face.

Will looked at the rows of thin teeth on his fingers and smiled bitterly. Just as Will and several girls kissed me and said love words, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Will asked unhappily, saying that this man really has no eyesight. Didn't he see that he was playing the game of his brother and sister here?

"Master Will, Your Majesty summoned you in the royal palace. Please come with me."

"Oh, please wait a moment. I'll change my clothes and come." Will agreed and didn't dare to neglect it. I guess it was decided to give him the key.

When Will and several people packed up and were ready to go to the palace with the visitors, they were told that Queen Sophie only went alone and asked several girls to wait here.

Several girls' faces changed as soon as they heard it. What else can they do behind their backs? Most of this queen intends to use God's puppet key to force marriage! Although all three girls are pasted upside down except for the little fox girl, Your Majesty, don't post so clearly, do you?

"Don't worry, what I promise you will never change." Will let the women go after promising that he would never be seduced by Sophie.

has been following the Queen's servant to the palace. Along the way, Will felt that the leading girl's expression was wrong, as if she wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh very uncomfortable. At present, he was a little confused.

When she arrived at the hall, Sophie was still sitting on the throne, and below was a group of elders and some Sophie's close attendants, and there were no outsiders at all.

"See Your Majesty." Will Shili said that although he has been commensurate with Sophie's brother and sister these days, he has to follow the rules on formal occasions.

"Oak, Brother Will, don't come here. I asked you to come here to meet two acquaintances!" Sophie did not put on the queen'sjia zi this time, but said as usual.

"Acquaintance?" Will was stunned. He didn't know any acquaintances of the elf clan.

Just when Will was surprised, two people came from behind Sophie's throne. Will was shocked at first sight. These two were not others, but his own housekeeper and wet nurse!

"Housekeeper, wet nurse, why are you here?" Will asked in surprise.

The housekeeper still looked like a dead face and didn't say anything, but the wet nurse walked to Will affectionately and pulled Will and said, "It's your sister who specially invited us here!"

"sister?" Will asked doubtfully.

"Yes, Sophie is your sister, the same father and mother's sister!" The nurse said with a smile.

(red ticket! Come to the bowl!)