The Sword of the Alien World

Chapter 82 The Changed Plan

The big guys began to pack up their things, and the whole camp jingled, and all kinds of bottles and cans were cleaned up by Jian Xiao. This north is a long way to go. Naturally, they can take everything they can take with them. Moreover, these things made by the dwarves are not many catties, and they use these bottles and cans.

"Young master, a group of dwarves calling themselves the Locke tribe came to you." Purple Sword Wuya walked into the tent. At this time, the sword clan was giving all the legal coins on his body to Shun'er, and he couldn't help giving instructions.

Jian Xiao stood up and raised his right hand and lifted the curtain of the tent: "Let's go and have a look."

"Remember, I'll come to you soon." The sword clan put a dagger safely in Shun'er's hand.

"I'll wait for you." Shun'er's eyes were filled with tears and looked at the swordsman.

The sword clan and Jianxiao came out of the tent, and people came and went in a small circle of camp.

"Gre to those dwarf doormen and call them in." Jian Xiao's command is different from the dust.

The sword clan raised their hands to stop it: "Since we have chosen to cooperate with the Locke tribe, we should go out to greet them, and the situation here should not be known to the people of the Locke tribe."

When Jian Xiao thinks about it, the words of the sword clan do make sense. Several people immediately walked out, steel. The small yard with bronze beard is really not big and luxurious. Without much time, the swordsman and Jianxiao left the house, and the dwarves guard guarding the door also knew the swords, so the two were not much blocked from leaving the house.

"You are from the Locke tribe." As soon as Jianxiao went out, he saw a dwarf phalan standing neatly on the small stone flat, with two hammers in hand, which looked broken and powerful. This group of four dwarves formed a small square array, with a total of 16 dwarfs at a glance.

"Are you two Chinese guests from afar?"

Jian Xiao saluted kindly: "Exactly." Not to mention how kind the smile on his face is, as if the group of dwarfs in front of him and themselves are old friends they have not seen for many years.

"Lord Massamad, we are required to obey your orders and do everything under the command of distinguished guests."

"Very good. You can find an inn or hotel to have a rest first, and let's take action in the evening. The smile on Jian Xiao's face became more intimate. However, in the eyes of the sword clan, it is naturally disgusting.

"Are you clear about the goal of this operation?" The swordsman felt that they could not always be so perfunctory. Gong and the four must be killed, so it was absolutely reasonable to listen to the other party's information.

"Those foreigners have been supporting the Mike tribe, and the goal of our action this time is their messengers. Massamad said that he would try to destroy the whole messenger team at once.

"Those foreigners?" The sword clan looked at the sword flute doubtfully, and the latter coughed: "Who else is there except the people of the Violet Kingdom?"

Only then did the sword clan understand that the Yi people in the other party's mouth were a special finger. At this time, the sword clan admired the Massamad, which was simply to take over others in one hand to achieve their own goals. Just as the swordsman was thinking about it, the leading dwarf captain had handed over a letter to Jian Xiao, who looked at it and nodded repeatedly: "Everything is done according to your wizard's plan." After saying that, Jian Xiao resubmitted the letter to the other party.

Jianxiao despised fiercely: "What's there to see? Don't forget that there are many wizards in the Dwarves who can use thunder magic."

Spitting blood with different dust is simply sending it to others for contempt. Why did I forget this? Looking at the sword clan, they are calm and calm, and obviously have a clear understanding of the answer.

There was a thunder in the dark night sky. A flash of lightning crossed the night sky.

"What time is it now?" The sword flute silently pressed the hilt of the sword. The words are indeed asked to the Soege Swords. The latter looked up at the night sky: "After the night, time passes quite quickly."

"You go north, and we'll drink the Rock tribe round." After saying that, Jian Xiao leaned against the tent and turned directly over the outside of the yard. As soon as they turned over the yard, the swordsman and Jian Xiao saw steel. Copper whiskers rushed out of the hammer castle with a large group of people.

"It's so urgent that I really don't know what military information that Massamad lied about." Jian Xiao frowned and cooperated with Massa Mad. It was really a fire game and was not worth it.

"What else can be lied about? It must be said that Violet intends to invade the golden tribe or something, as long as the danger of the country's security level can make steel. Copper must go on an expedition in person.

"How many people have you counted?" Jian Xiao looked at the yard that was constantly sending troops outside.

"There should be more than 2,000." After saying that, the swordsman swept the corners of his eyes and pushed a sword flute: "Here they are." As soon as the swordsman finished speaking, he saw a small team of dwarfs rushing over.

"This equipment is quite standard." Jian Xiao has always been a servant with a knife in the Shadow Department. Although he is a well-known name, he has been a person who has held real power before.

In addition to two sledgehammers, the sixteen dwarfs also wear masks and black armor. I guess this equipment is also quite valuable.

"Vorable Chinese guests, can you take action?"

Jian Xiao took out a map from his arms, and then the moonlight sword clan still saw a small red dot on the white cloth, the dense house around, and the sword clan even saw the tent. I thought this was the yard of steel and copper beard, and the red dot should be the house of the four Gong. Jianxiao's fingers scratched a half around the cloth: "You take a shortcut from here. We moved back to attack, and the two teams surrounded the enemy together.

"Lord Massamad said that everything was in accordance with the orders of the distinguished guests."

"Bear care." Jian Xiao also has a very Chinese etiquette. The swordsman looked at the sixteen dwarves in astonishment, "Why do I think you don't intend to kill the four Gong at all?"

"How can this be said like this?" Jian Xiao looked at the swordsman in a critical tone.

"I randomly drew two circles, that is to say, surrounded by others. Gong and the four people were able to hijack Shun'er and fled to the Violet Empire a few days ago. Will he be killed by such a plan? He must have come here to kill us.

"I have to explain that your words are very idiotic. There must be no doubt that the four Gong can come to the Hammer Castle for us, but there are also fragments in the hands of steel and copper whiskers. Although I don't know what the two guys are talking about, the limited cooperation is certain. As for the four Gong, a fox is not Maybe he will show his tail so soon. You have to communicate with other tribes before you can make a decision. And the time of our attack is actually a time difference. The dwarfs found that we only had two days. The four Gong came today, and it obviously took at least half a day to draw lots from the edge of the golden tribe to the Hammer Castle. The four of Gong can discuss these things with the Mike tribe for a while? Jian Xiao has a board and an eye, and said seriously.