
Chapter 48 A Sea of Fire

"Start your fire power and attack me with your strongest blow," Huo Feng stood on the ring and said to Ye Xing.

They will increase their training here every night, and occasionally sparks will come to see their training, but she doesn't seem to know that the night walk is working hard to study the 'sky cremation month', but more often it's the two of them.

Hearing the words of the fire wind, Ye Xing launched his own fire power. After a two-foot fire wolf formed, it immediately attacked the fire wind, but just as it was about to touch him, a fireball of the fire wind suddenly smashed it.

"It's not that you are not strong enough, but because your speed is not good. You have formed a fire wolf for too long, which gives the enemy a opportunity, and the fire wolf you just formed. I can't feel the fierceness of the beast at all. You should understand that when it takes shape, it not only has the characteristics of fire, but also should also have the fierceness of the beast. Disabled, come again

After hearing this, Ye Xing did not hesitate at all and continued to launch his fire power to attack him. The two have been training like this for a long time.

"The pervert, accompany me to eat ice cream" Spark ran over from nowhere and said to Ye Xing.

"I don't have time, I still want to practice for a while." Miss, I am very important every minute and every second now. I don't have the leisure time to accompany you for recreation, Ye Xing thought to himself.

"Night trip, that's all for today's training. You go out with Huo'er." At this time, Huo Feng said. To be honest, his daughter has never asked a boy to accompany him to eat ice cream when she was so old.

After listening to my father's words, Spark suddenly smiled. Dad is better.

Ye Xing was helpless, and even the curator opened his mouth. Is he embarrassed not to go again?

"Actually, the night walk is also quite good." After seeing Huoer and Yewalking go out, Huofeng said to himself that his daughter is not small...

This time I came to the last place, even the location is the same, but Ye Xing won't be stupid to order ice cream this time.

Seeing that Ye Xing did not speak, Sparker pouted the waiter to come over and ordered two strawberry ice creams, saying "stingy". Ye Xing shook his head helplessly.

"Wolf, are you learning 'Sky Cremation Moon'?" Sparker overheard the conversation between her father and Lu Qing yesterday, which made her worry a little better. In the past 50 years, she has watched the people who studied 'Sky Cremation Moon' leave.

"Well" Ye Xing felt that there was nothing to hide, so he told the truth.

"Can you...don't you learn this trick?"

"Why" Ye Xing asked doubtfully.

"You don't know that I've seen too many people who have died because of this, and I don't want you to die because of this..." The spark didn't go on, and Ye Xing didn't think that she let herself out to say today.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have to learn" Ye Xing must learn it anyway. Even if he loses his life, he has no regrets.

"You... you pervert, big fool" came after saying these words angrily. What, for your own good, you still don't appreciate it.

As soon as the spark said, the whole restaurant stared at Ye Xing, as if they wanted to see what the so-called pervert looked like. There was a black line on Ye Xing's brain. What's the matter?

Ye Xing hurriedly paid and left. He joked that he had an appetite only when he was stared at by so many people.

Unconsciously, under such intense training every day, Ye Xing finally broke through the yellow level of fire and officially entered the Xuan level in about a month.

Ye Xing is in a good mood today. For nothing else, today the fire wind will officially let himself study 'Sky Cremation Moon'.

Looking at the sunset glow in the distance, Ye Xing smiled faintly, "Master, how can I, an apprentice, humiliate you?" Ye Xing walked resolutely to the location of the fire wind.

"Won't you regret it?" Lu Qing held a box in his arms and asked Ye Xing again.

Ye Xing did not answer, but nodded firmly. Seeing this, Lu Qing said nothing more.

Open the box and put a book in it. This book is different from ordinary books in that other books are made of paper, but this book is made of iron, and Ye Xing can obviously feel the chill coming from this iron scroll.

"Don't underestimate this iron scroll, even heavenly powers can't destroy it easily." Seeing that Ye Xing was more interested in this iron scroll, Huo Feng explained to Ye Xing.

This kind of iron is called cold iron. Each time, the iron is forged thousands of times, then put into the ice cellar to freeze for 100 days, and then take it out and forge it thousands of times before putting it into the ice cellar...

This has been repeatedly forged a total of ten thousand times. If you use it to make weapons, it is simply invincible.

"Don't waste any more time, let's start." Seeing the two talking on a piece of broken iron for a long time, Lu Qing complained dissatisfiedly, and the two immediately returned to the point.

"Just follow what's inside and practice. We will guard it next to you. Once there is anything wrong with you, we will find a way to stop you immediately," Lu Qing handed the iron scroll to Ye Xing.

Ye Xing thanked him and began to study.

The first day of training was surprisingly smooth, and his body had no discomfort except a little fever. Ye Xing wondered if he was the best master of this skill.

The two people did not show much joy about this. At first, it was the same. The real difficulties should be encountered on the tenth day. If he can survive the tenth day at night, then it is possible for him to complete the 'Sky Cremation Month'.

Time is slowly passing. In the past few days, Huofeng completely stopped the classes of the members in the museum, which made many of them dissatisfied, but Huofeng did not have time to pay attention to these people. The only important thing in his eyes now is Ye Xing.

If he succeeds, not to mention whether he can compete with Yuan Hao of the Flame Hall, but the top five should not be a problem, so that the Skyfire Hall will have time to breathe, and then he will have time to figure it out, but the premise of all this is that Ye Xing can survive this tenth day, otherwise, he and the Skyfire Hall...

It's the tenth day. At this time, Ye Xing's face turned red and horrible. If you touch his body, you will find that the temperature of his body is much higher than that of a normal person.

Ye Xing felt as if there was a fire running around in his body and colliding in his body. If his body hadn't been strong enough, Ye Xing really suspected that the fire had burst out by himself.

My head is getting more and more uncomfortable, and my eyes are getting more and more blurred.

"Fire uncle, shall we stop him?" Seeing Ye Xing's current appearance, Lu Qing felt that something was wrong, so he asked the fire wind next to him.

"Wait a little longer" If Ye Xing is stopped now, then although Ye Xing will be fine, the hope of the Skyfire Hall will be completely gone, so the fire wind will not be stopped until a last resort.

In fact, it was his thought that led to the death of many people, but sometimes he had to do these things for the sake of the hall.

Many pictures flashed in Ye Xing's head now, including Han Bing being killed because of himself, crying because his parents left, and Yan Chen died in his arms.

"Ah" Ye Xing shouted.

The sound of "bad" Ye Xing made Lu Qing clearly feel that Ye Xing had been eroded by the virtual fire at this moment, exactly the same as himself. If he didn't take action, Ye Xing would be useless.

"Oh, after all, can't it work?" The voice of the fire wind was full of helplessness, pressing two pairs of big hands on Ye Xing's head, and suddenly Ye Xing calmed down.

After a long time, Ye Xing finally opened his eyes.

"Have a good rest" Huo Feng said and left the room with a depressed expression.

"You have done a good job of being able to hold on for so long," Lu Qing said and turned his wheelchair and left the room. Now Ye Xing is the only one left.

"Did you lose like this?" Ye Xing sat alone at the head of the bed. Although it was less than 30 minutes just now, it was very long for Ye Xing.

Looking back on the scene of studying 'Sky Cremation Moon' just now, Ye Xing's eyes showed too much unwillingness.

"No, I'm going to try again, right, Master," Ye Xing said, and his eyes became firm again. If he gave up like this, he was really unwilling. He could feel that as long as he persisted for a while, he would definitely succeed.

Open the iron roll and do it cross-legged. Ye Xing is ready to try again.

Out of the door, Lu Qing saw the fire wind looking up at the full moon in the sky, with infinite sadness in his eyes. Lu Qing also understood the problem facing the hall now.

If this is still the end of the Sixth Hall, then the Flame Hall will definitely find an excuse to turn the Sixth Hall into five, and in the end, the Skyfire Hall will slowly become a second-rate hall until it disappears.

"Fire, what should I do next?" With Ye Xing's current strength, he can't defeat the top talents in other halls at all. Unfortunately, his legs are useless, otherwise...

"What else can I do? I'm going to let Huoer play," Huo Feng said helplessly.

Since its establishment a hundred years ago, after countless ups and downs, it has still stood in the country of Lihuo, but I didn't expect that it would eventually be defeated in its own hands, which makes me how to face the dead ancestors a hundred years later.

"Fire?" Lu Qing whispered that Lu Qing knew that he could not defeat any of the other five courtyards with the strength of Huoer. He could only say that he would not lose so badly to participate in the Tianhuo Hall.

"Alas" Lu Qing and Huo Feng both sighed heavily.

Dad, have you finished your training today? Where's the pervert?" Spark saw that Lu Qing and his father were in the yard and ran over to ask.

"Well, he's in the room. Go and have a look." Huo Feng responded casually without raising his eyes.

"Damn, who wants to see him?" Although Spark said so, he still walked to the room.

At this time, something unexpected happened. With a loud noise, the whole room collapsed and surrounded by a sea of fire.

"This...this...is it a night trip..." It's not very sad to see this collapsed house and the sea of fire. This loss is not worth mentioning for the Skyfire Hall.