
Chapter 123 Go Home

"If everyone is gone, why don't you leave?" Xuanyu said to Ye Xing in a dissatisfied tone. It's because he, a demon-level figure, will become Ye Xing's weapon from now on, which can make him satisfied.

Aware of the dissatisfaction in Xuanyu's tone, Ye Xing explored his heart, and Xuanyu did not stop him. After a while, he finally knew where the dissatisfaction in Xuanyu's mouth came from. He took the soul-grabbing needle in his hand and said, "You don't have to be so sad. I promise you that I will release you from the soul-grabbing needle as long as there is a chance. Put "

"Really?" Xuanyu couldn't believe his ears. He really didn't expect Ye Xing to say this. You know, if the soul-grabbing needle did not have him as an artifact, the lethality of this needle would be greatly reduced. If he was Ye Xing, he would never say this easily.

Ye Xing did not answer, but made a smile. This expression seemed to tell him that what he had just said was definitely not a lie to him. In those years, Xuanyu as a spirit was completely to protect himself. When he had enough strength, he did not need him at all. He also knew that if he did so, the strength of the soul needle would be There will be a big discount, but I'm not ready to dominate the four worlds. If you make a discount, you can get a discount.

My current goal is very simple. I just want to spend my life with Chen'er. As for other things, I really don't care about them. At the moment of his parents' death, Ye Xing understood that the most precious thing in the world is family affection. Now he just wants to take care of their beloved hut with Chen'er.

Xuanyu looked back suspiciously. I hope this boy is telling the truth, but if what he says is false, even if he and he are dead, he will make this boy pay the price.

"You are a person in the demon world. Is this silence finger very powerful?" Ye Xing pointed to the jade Jane given to him by Qingyuan in his hand and asked. When Qingyuan handed him the eager eyes around him did not escape his eyes. Is this thing really that good?

"Awesome? It can't be described as powerful." Looking at Yu Jian Xuanyu's face in Ye Xing's hand, his face was full of envy. If the current soul blood was still on Ye Xing, he would definitely get Yu Jian by any means. Unfortunately, he could only see it now.

"Well?" His words aroused the curiosity in Ye Xing's heart. If a skill is not described as powerful, then what kind of skill is this skill? It seems that the eldest brother has given him great benefits this time, and a warm current suddenly passed through his heart.

"If you really want to describe this set of skills with one word, then you can only describe it with despair." At this moment, Xuanyu has come out of the soul-grabbing needle and transformed into a human form and stand with Ye Xing.

"Despair?" Looking back at the jade Jane in his hand, at this moment, the jade Jane emitted a little fluorescence under the moonlight, and a line of small words appeared on it.

Seeing the doubts in Ye Xing's eyes, Xuanyu no longer sold anything. She looked up at the full moon in the sky and slowly said the reason for the silence.

Silence refers to the legend that it was created by the Silent Emperor ten thousand years ago. Speaking of this Silent Emperor, ordinary people have no impression at all, because it is too old. As for why Xuanyu knows that it is because he loves ancient books very much, it can be said that there are ancient books about what happened in the four worlds in ten thousand years. Of course, this silent emperor is not included.

Ten thousand years ago, the four worlds lived in peace. At that time, there was no human world, but suddenly one day such tranquility was disturbed by the appearance of a person, who claimed to be the emperor.

To tell the truth, the most powerful of the four worlds is only the level of venerable, but this person dares to use the emperor to think that if there is no brain problem, then this person has absolute power, and it turns out that this person has supreme magic power.

The splitting of mountains and seas is only between hands and feet, and the ashes and smoke are extinguished in an instant. Such strength is not as unmoved as that world. Try to fantasize that if anyone can get his help in the four worlds, it is easy to destroy the other three worlds.

It can be imagined that the four worlds spare no effort to attract the silent emperor, but the problem is this place. The silent emperor has not entered, and has always acted unrestrainedly and does not accept the pull of any world.

Try to fantasize again that a person's strength is much higher than yours, but he is not under your control, so this person is destined to be your enemy and not a friend, so a war to exterminate the silent emperor began.

No world thinks that this silent emperor is easy to deal with, so they have invested 60% of their troops in each world, and the venerable people of the four worlds are also dispatched together. What kind of concept is this, but even so, the venerable people of the four worlds find that they still underestimated the silent emperor.

This battle is dark, and this battle is full of blood. If a corpse will make you feel scared and hundreds of corpses will drive you crazy, then what will happen to you?

This battle let everyone know the silence finger, the killing skill of the silence emperor. The four venerable people died under this silence finger, but before they died, they can imagine how powerful the seal of the venerable people of the four worlds would be.

Although it was sealed, this silence finger was inadvertently obtained by the demon world. Originally, I thought that with this silence finger demon world could unify the four worlds from then on, but something unexpected happened. Although this silence finger is powerful, it is extremely difficult to practice. The silence finger is divided into 12 layers, and the first nine layers are slightly easy to practice. But the last three layers are difficult and difficult. In the years of the demon world, only the fifth demon has cultivated the silence finger to the tenth floor, and the others are stuck in the sixth or ninth floor.

After listening to Xuanyu's words, Ye Xing spit out his tongue a little. What kind of courage and strength it was for one person to challenge the four worlds. At the same time, Ye Xing pressed the jade slip in his hand more tightly. Unexpectedly, the eldest brother gave such an important thing to himself. I didn't know how many layers he could cultivate.

Seeing that Ye Xing stopped talking, Xuanyu hid into the soul-grabbing needle. The only disadvantage after making an artifact is that I can't leave the artifact for too long or my soul will be scattered. That's why Xuanyu hates being an artifact so much.

Put things in your arms and slowly disappear into the night with a wheelchair. The original intention was to return to the crescent country immediately, but now that you have a silent finger, wouldn't you be very sorry if you don't practice it? The stronger your strength is, the better you can protect Chen'er. In the past, he always thought that he had reached a level beyond the reach of others, but what happened recently made him understand that there are people outside, just in case he had better work harder.

In this way, Ye Xing stayed in this forest for half a year. In addition to training, Ye Xing also trained. When he pushed a wheelchair out of the forest, the hotel people thought they had met a savage, but when they saw Ye Xing throwing a dump of heavenly soul coins at will, The boss immediately smiled happily.

The bright sun shines on the ground, as if laying a hotbed on the earth. The delicate flowers may also become more delicate because of the beauty of the weather. At this moment, a girl in simple clothes but refreshing in front of the house bought by Ye Xing is standing in the distance.

Chen Chen - Ye Xing's beloved, she had come back some time ago, but Ye Xing did not come back. Although Ye Xing had told her before that she would go back to the Heavenly Soul Kingdom to deal with something, her heart was still full of worries.

A black spot appeared in the distance. With the passage of time, the black spot became clearer and clearer. A man sitting in a wheelchair with a warm smile on his face appeared in front of Chen Chen. Seeing Ye Xing return safely, Chen's worries finally disappeared.

Just as Ye Xing was about to say something, Chen Chen ran over and hugged him tightly for fear that he would suddenly leave. Ye Xing was very surprised by this. When did Chener become so affectionate?

How does Ye Xing know that his fate with Chen'er is about to end? Chen'er's master has decided that all his disciples in the human world will return to this sect after March. After a period of time, the demon world and the heavenly world are likely to go to war, so the heavenly world should actively prepare for war during this period.

The master has sent a message to give his disciples in the world six months to deal with common affairs. To be honest, Chen Chen did not care at all before he knew Ye Xing, but now,,,,,,,

So Chen Chen decided to use these six months to make Ye Xing feel the greatest happiness.

"Chen'er, what's wrong? I didn't come back alive." Looking at Chen's cheek, he reached out and wiped the tears on her face. Ye Xing thought that Chen Chen cried because he was worried about himself, but unfortunately he was wrong once.

"Nothing, I'm so happy to see you." He held Ye Xing's right hand, then put his hand on his cheek, and slowly felt the warmth from Ye Xing's hand. Chen Chen felt that she was the happiest woman in the world at this time.

Ye Xing and Ye Xing seem a little overwhelmed about this. You know, although Chen Chen is a little naughty and cute, she has never been like today. She feels like a different person. Does this study change her personality? However, I have to say that Ye Xing likes this kind of morning.

"Oki, let's get married" Chen Chen looked at Ye Xing with wide eyes.

"What did you say?" Ye Xing looked at Chen Chen with incredible eyes to know that she had been proposing to her for a long time, but she always refused for one reason or another. Unexpectedly, this time, she took the initiative to get married. Ye Xing suddenly felt that happiness came too suddenly.

"I said let's get married! Don't you want to?" Chen Chen deliberately said the three words "married" and deliberately pretended to be unhappy after saying that.

"Yes, yes, I will" Ye Xing said three times in a row. After a short buffer just now, he finally understood what Chen'er meant.

Chen Chen seemed very satisfied with Ye Xing's answer and pushed Ye Xing slowly to their house, which was about to become their new house.