
Chapter 145 Ancestor

What is the fastest thing in the world? Is it light? Is it electricity? Neither, it's time. What is the slowest thing in the world? It's also time! What's the difference between speed and speed without time?!

Unconsciously, Cartel planet has ushered in its 10,000-year birthday (200 years have passed since Ye Xing was sealed). During these 200 years, the Cartel planet has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is both a blessing and a disaster for people living on the cartel planet.

In 200 years, the rapid development of planetary technology has developed to an incredible height, which is reflected in all aspects.

First of all, the development of longevity drugs has increased the average life expectancy of human beings from about 100 years to 200 years, and even those powerful figures can even live to 300 years. It can be said that life expectancy is no longer a headache for the life and death of people on the planet Cartel.

Then there is genetic technology. The so-called genetic technology is to optimize human genes and inject good genes to remove unhealthy genes. The invention of this technology has greatly improved human capabilities, which is a great blessing for those who are born without powers.

At the same time, genetic technology can also diversify powers. For example, few people had multiple powers in the past, but now they are everywhere.

You can have any ability through genetic technology, and even some countries combine the genes of humans and animals to produce fusion people (mainly Aoi people, relying on this technology, their national strength has a faint tendency to surpass that of the heavenly soul people).

Of course, improving strength through genetic technology is not unlimited. These people can only reach the level of Xuan-level superpowers. Heavenly powers and seven-level purple warriors are still rare, but even so, there are still many people in hospitals who want to do genetic surgery every day.

Of course, not all things are moving in a good direction. As the saying goes, everything has two sides. Due to the significant increase in human life expectancy, the human population has also shown explosive growth, which is a huge challenge for the planet.

In these 200 years, the number of human beings on the cartel planet has changed from 6 billion to 60 billion. Some people once joked that the most indispensable thing on the cartel planet is the population. Just throwing a brick can kill a group of people. Although it was a joke, he clarified the truth that the population has increased too much.

The first serious consequence of the explosive growth of the population is the lack of resources, many of which are non-renewable. For example, 200 years ago, some people estimated that coal could still be mined for 500 years, but the actual situation was that it was only 300 years old.

A piece of bread and a cup of pure water can sometimes trigger a murder. People who die from cold and hunger can be seen on both sides of the road and starve all over the field. How tragic is this scene?

In order to seize more resources between countries, a war inevitably occurs. Once the war breaks out, more casualties will continue. It can be said that Cartel has entered a dead cycle.

War, plague, and food shortages make people living on the cartel planet miserable. It can be said that people live in water and fire.

In order to occupy resources and survive, countries use nuclear weapons arbitrarily. The serious consequence of using this weapon is that the space for human beings has become narrower. The original green mountains and green waters have become deserts, and more serious is the warcraft monsters contaminated by nuclear weapons. Become stronger.

These mutant monsters and monsters use these polluted areas as bases and then wantonly attack human beings to seize more living space, which makes the original fierce environment more complicated. Is the last result for everyone facing death?

Just when the people on the cartel planet fell into despair, things suddenly took a turn for the turn, which gave the living people a glimmer of hope.

One day, six old men came out of the bottomless cloud cave. Each of them had supreme power. In one thought, they could kill thousands of people with a random roar. The six of them let people see where the limit of human beings is. When they saw people living in the heat, they did not hesitate to take action.

Destroyed the war leaders with lightning speed (poor those people don't even know how they died), and then the six took their apprentices into the land of warcraft monsters to recover the lost land.

It is worthy of the six powerful apprentices, each of whom has the strength not weaker than the heavenly powers. It can be said that they represent the most powerful people on the planet Cartel.

There is no doubt that under their efforts, the monsters were driven to several limited places on the planet Cartel, and all people regarded them as gods for a while.

Maybe their efforts have been approved by everyone, and more and more people have begun to join their ranks. It can be said that these six people have become their spiritual sustenance. Within a hundred years, the whole cartel planet has been officially unified, and there is no more regional difference between people. There is no longer a unique state of the heavenly soul kingdom. It is the Cangjing City of Tianhun City, and this cartel planet has become unprecedentedly unified.

In order to commemorate the credit of these six mighty, people call them the six "ancestors", that day is called the first year of the ancestors, and their disciples are also collectively known as the six guardians. Since then, the planet Cartel has entered a new era, and everyone is full of confidence in the future.

Ten years after the ancestor, under the attention of the six ancestors, the superluminal engine came out, and soon the superluminal spacecraft was also invented. This is a huge leap. With the superluminal spacecraft, human footprints not only appeared on the cartel planet, but all over the universe.

In the 20th year of the ancestors, dozens of planets such as Blue Dream, Wood Mercury and Sirius have been discovered by the six ancestors one after another. The environment of these planets is almost the same as that of cartel planets, and they are suitable for human survival. More importantly, these planets have no intelligent creatures. This matter has made the whole cartel planet boil, and of course they know what it means to have these planets.

In 30 years, human beings living on the planet Cartel began to migrate. Of course, the goal of the migration was blue dream and other planets. The original population of 60 billion became 3 billion within ten years, which greatly eased the population pressure of the planet. Since then, human beings have begun the era of great development.

In 40 years, the six ancestors announced the adoption of a federal system on the planet. The first parliamentarians were held by six ancestors. The federation was approved by everyone based on the principle of fairness and justice. The second parliamentarians were held by the six guardian gods. Since then, the six major parliamentary federal system has been officially established and has been used ever since.

In 50 years, the six ancestors decided to establish the Dragon Soul Martial Arts Academy and the Heavenly People's College in the two cities of Heaven and the New Moon. These two colleges aim to deliver fresh blood to the troops. What's more surprising is that in addition to martial arts and powers, the two colleges have also set up contract teachers, enchanters, Many people have never heard of majors such as magicians. It can be said that they have the most glorious future when they enter these two colleges.

In 60 years, the mechanic attacked the cartel planet (the mechanic is not much different from the cartel planet, but their technology is extremely advanced, especially their armed mecha is even more powerful). Within three days, most of the cartel planet has fallen.

At this critical moment, the six ancestors led the students of the Six Guardians and Dragon Soul Academy and the Tianzhe College to arrive in time and defeat the robot with supreme power, which surprised the robot. You should know that the combat effectiveness of the robot is enough to rank in the top 20 in the whole galaxy, but even so, they are still by the people of the cartel planet. Defeat.

In 70 years, the mechanic star signed a planetary armistice agreement with Cartel planet. In the same year, the sixth ancestor joined the cosmic planet alliance through the mechanic.

The cosmic planet alliance, as the name implies, is a collection of alliances of all planets in the universe, through which resources can be exchanged between planets. It turns out that joining the cosmic planet alliance is their most correct choice, and the planet Cartel continues to enter a period of rapid development.

In 80 years, in order to commemorate the contributions of the six ancestors, people consciously cast six 100-meter bronze statues in the hometown of the ancestors, Tianxing City, which are all cast according to the image of the six ancestors. When the ancestors knew it, they hurried to come. They did not stop everyone but asked everyone to add another bronze statue in the middle of the six bronze statues.

The face of the bronze statue is very vague. Some good people once asked the sixth ancestor about the source of the bronze statue. Their answer was that "One day the man will personally carve his face." After saying that, the sixth ancestor set up a strong boundary around the bronze statue to prevent ordinary people from approaching.

For a while, there were different opinions about the identity of this person. Some people said that the bronze statue was the master of the six ancestors, and others said that the bronze statue was the best brother of the ancestors, but they did not receive a clear answer from the six ancestors. Over time, people called the bronze statue "unnamed".

In 90 years, the sixth ancestor announced a retreat, and the six guardian gods officially took over the federation, and the second six parliamentarians were elected.

In the first centenary, the six guardians suddenly disappeared, and the third parliamentarians took charge of the federation. Of course, most of these people were from the six guardian families. For a while, the federal parliament changed a little.

In the 200 years, the economic and political development of the cartel planet and its affiliated planets have reached its peak, and people's living standards have also entered the ranks of the top ten planets in the universe. It can be said that the comprehensive strength of the cartel planet can definitely squeeze into the top three of the universe in another 100 years.

However, such prosperity has not continued. Due to the retreat of the six ancestors and the sudden disappearance of the six guardians, coupled with the intrigue between the third eight parliamentarians, the economy of the cartel planet began to show a downward trend. What is more serious is that several other planets in the universe are afraid of the further development of the cartel planet. As it affected their interests, they began to deliberately weaken the power of the cartel planet.

Seeing such a situation on the planet Cartel, other planets that originally took it as the main star began to move, and there was a faint tendency to split.