power immortality

Chapter 34 Police Assessment

In class, the teacher's words finally interrupted Xiaoshuai's eyes. Xiao Shuai's eyes shifted from Xia Yuan to Mingdong. Four eyes facing each other. Mingdong smiled hypocritically at the little handsome. I thought to myself, 'Your wolf's eye has finally been removed!' The voice said, "Xiaoshuai, I'd like to ask you for a favor. By the way, let me ask you something!" The voice entered Xiaoshuai's heart without hindrance.

Indifferent and slightly declining words appeared in Mingdong's mind: "What's the matter?"

"Is that voice yours?" The sound Mingdong refers to is nothing else, but the sound of Mingdong's heart beating during the battle.

What sound! I don't know" Xiaoshuai's words are as light as water. Not getting any news from Xiaoshuai is to say the focus of the conversation: "Well, you also know that I'm not strong enough, so I want to exercise. So peace on earth is up to you. And...my girlfriend!"

After the transmission, Mingdong couldn't help crying secretly! This is to give the sheep around you to the wolf for help! However, what he said can't be taken back. Now Mingdong can only hope that Xiaoshuai is not a wolf. Xiaoshuai's words sounded again in my heart: "Why should I protect this planet? Is it just one word for you?

"My intuition tells me that you will!" Mingdong said firmly! Mingdong waited for Xiaoshuai's reply at the end of his words, but Xiaoshuai's voice did not appear in Xu Mingdong's heart for a long time. Mingdong didn't ask deeply. It's a miracle that I can say this to Xiaoshuai. Even Mingdong didn't believe that he would be handsome. I ended the conversation with Xiaoshuai. Mingdong's heart is to think, 'I'm going to the police station next, father, I won't humiliate you!' Mingdong's eyes are full of determination.

Looking at the classroom that had just started, Mingdong was really annoyed. It's really helpless. Originally, Mingdong came to this school only because of Xiaoshuai. Nowadays, Mingdong feels that Xiaoshuai is not a power man who destroys the earth. However, Xiaoshuai did not find any actions that threatened the safety of the earth, and even Xiaoshuai made efforts to protect the earth. This makes Mingdong not want to stay in this school.

"Teacher. I have something to go out for a while!" Mingdong's voice resounded in the classroom. All the students looked at Mingdong. Mingdong's words caused a small **.' This Mingdong is so strange that he didn't have a good class at all when he came to school. Is Mingdong here to learn?' This question is the doubt in the hearts of many students. The teacher on the podium nodded. Mingdong left the classroom in a crede.

and then appeared in the police station. Mingdong has just entered the police station. Mingdong's father's friend, the police officer, came out. I happened to meet it. Xiaodong. Why did you come so soon?" The police officer said in surprise. Obviously, it was a surprise to Mingdong's appearance.

"Uncle. Hello, I'm here for the assessment. Mingdong said politely to the police officer. The police officer listened to him with a slightly thoughtful look. Then he shouted to the police station, "Xiao Huang! Xiaoqing, you two come out!" Soon, two people came out. One is the little yellow who came to Ming Dong's family before. One is Xiaoqing. A young policewoman in his twenties. When the eyes blink, they are vivid. A melon seed face is very delicate. White skin. It seems to be broken at all. It looks like a weak woman!

"Xiaodong, as long as you defeat the three of us, then you can take this task!" The police officer said cautiously. Sheriff, what's the mission? Xiaoqing's clear voice penetrated into everyone's hearts. There is an extremely pure atmosphere everywhere.

"Xiaoqing, don't worry about it. You just need to defeat Xiaodong!" Xiaoqing also nodded obediently when he heard the sheriff's words. Xiaodong, do you still want to take the assessment? The sheriff asked Mingdong. Mingdong didn't find that the person in front of him turned out to be the sheriff of Zhendong City!! But Mingdong doesn't know. If his father does not leave the police station, the sheriff's position is Mingdong's father. Mingdong nodded. His face did not look worried. The heart is still calm, and there is no fluctuation at all. Mingdong is not afraid of the powerful beast, let alone human beings?

Xiao Huang arched his hand to Mingdong, which was a greeting before the game. Mingdong also arched his hands to Xiao Huang and saluted each other. Xiao Huang's face showed a touch of solemnation. Then he turned to the sheriff. He said very seriously, "Head, I admit defeat!" The people on the court are all eating! Even Mingdong was a little stunned. After a while, the sheriff said harshly to Xiao Huang, "Don't you want a bonus? Do you think the salary is too much? Xiao Huang nodded seriously: "Head, I believe in the son of the spy god!"

"The Spy God?" When Xiao Huang said two words, Xiaoqing's body trembled! He said inexplicablely, "You, are you the son of the spy god?" Mingdong ignored it, but looked at the sheriff quietly. The sheriff's eyes looked at Mingdong. He said angrily, "Xiaoqing. You go! You must defeat Xiaodong!" Xiaoqing was shocked by the sheriff's harsh words. How difficult the task is, it doesn't make the sheriff so angry. Xiaoqing looked at the son of the spy in front of him. A crisp and loud answer: "Yes. Sheriff!"

I saw Xiaoqing's footsteps coming towards Mingdong. The footsteps look extremely light. He waved his right hand to Mingdong. The strong wind brought up by the fist is a slight sound. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Mingdong couldn't imagine that Xiaoqing, the seemingly weak woman in front of him, could burst out such a powerful attack power. Even if Xiaoqing's attack power is so strong, it is nothing in Mingdong's eyes. If Mingdong is not awakened, he may fall on Xiaoqing's slender fist. The little white fist came towards Mingdong. Mingdong didn't mean to dodge. Put one hand behind your back. And the other hand is the palm of the fist that blocked Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing's right hand was grabbed by Mingdong, and his right hand had no ability to move at all. Mingdong held Xiaoqing's fist in his hand. Mingdong felt a kind of soft and boneless hand in his hand as cotton.

Xiaoqing did not stop attacking because his hand was held by Mingdong. ** As soon as I lift it, I will go towards Mingdong. Mingdong still uses only one hand. I saw Mingdong's hand turn. It is to make Xiaoqing rotate sideways in the air and rotate 720 degrees. Mingdong pinched the way, but did not grab a trace of Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing, who failed in the first confrontation, was not shocked. Because in Xiaoqing's heart. The spy has always been his idol. The spy is so powerful, how bad is his son? Xiaoqing did not intend to give up. With his toes, he went towards Mingdong. Xiaoqing, who had just walked away, was immediately stopped by the sheriff: "Xiaoqing. Stop it, you have lost!" .................. Xiaodong seeks to hit the new book list, everyone. Red ticket. Thank you.