power immortality

Chapter 47 Aphrodisiac Strategy

In the monitoring room. Haha! Finally succeeded!" Qingtian's release. The unrestirring sound flowed in the monitoring room. Looking at Mingdong soft on the ground on the soft sofa. Qingtian couldn't help laughing..................


In Xiaoxuan's room... "Brother Mingdong, come in. Sister Xiaoxuan helps you change your clothes..." The enchanting voice floated to Mingdong's ear like the fragrance of rice from the house Xiaoxuan had entered before. The words that were already very lethal became more crazy by Xiaoxuan's deliberate words. **! It must be **!' Mingdong felt that his body could not be himself, and he thought of what was in the ginger soup. Mingdong couldn't crawl slowly towards Xiaoxuan's room. At this time, Mingdong's body was very strong. There is no way to walk. I can only crawl slowly.

'No! No way!' Mingdong struggled in his heart. Stischeri's struggle. However, there seems to be no way. This sense of powerlessness makes Mingdong tired.' No, it can't go on like this!' Mingdong meditated in his heart. It is to quickly operate the power above the body. What made Mingdong feel terrible is that he can't mobilize most of his physical powers. Mingdong controls a little power. The power actually leaked under the control of Mingdong. This is not that the power is too powerful to fully control the leakage. Instead, Mingdong himself can't control the power of his body. At this time, Mingdong could only mobilize a very subtle power. Even a little power will leak out. It can be imagined. At this time, Mingdong is inferior to various degrees! The sense of powerlessness on his body made Mingdong unable to mobilize more powers. ..................

Qing Tianzai in the monitoring room looked at Mingdong carefully. When a trace of blue just appeared on Mingdong's body, Qingtian did not pay attention. However, the extremely faint blue seems to jump out from time to time. Qingtian thought it would be difficult if he didn't know. Is this? Is this the reflection of the wall?" Qingtian looked at the subtle blue on the screen. I can't help guessing. However, successive appearances denied Qingtian's idea. In the past, when Qingtian saw Mingdong, his body was covered with cyan silk, but at this time, he saw a small blue thing beating on Mingdong's body. This makes Qingtian think about why..............................

"Brother Mingdong, I'm hot. Why haven't you come in for so long? Come and help me take off my clothes..." Xiaoxuan's voice came to Mingdong's chaotic heart again from the room. Mingdong's body still can't move slowly towards the sound source. Although mobilizing the power on the body can make Mingdong slightly sober, this trace has not changed Mingdong at all. Can't you really avoid it? Really?' Mingdong meditated in his heart. Mingdong, who can't fully mobilize his physical powers, is like an ordinary person at this time. In the face of such a powerful **, there is no good way to solve it.

"Brother Mingdong, I'm so hot. Come quickly, okay?" When Xiaoxuan finished speaking, Mingdong was already outside Xiaoxuan's door. Brother Mingdong. Brother Mingdong, brother Mingdong. Xiaoxuan's words are becoming more and more urgent. More and more urgent. The door of the room opens in a world that will be confused. Ah~" sounded. Mingdong appeared at the door.

I saw Xiaoxuan looking at Mingdong with fiery eyes. Mingdong looked at the surrounding wall with a charming girl. The eyes seem to be releasing electricity at any time. The face is so red. The white skin is a little red. Beautiful thighs, exposed to the air. Beautiful and slender. One piece, the golden ratio is perfect, the long hair, and it seems to be a little moist. Put it on Xiaoxuan's shoulder. It's really unspeakable**. If you put any man here! It's fake to be unmoved! What's more, Mingdong is still a virgin. Brother Mingdong, waiting for Xiaoxuan's sister is so hard..." The coy voice is really unbearable.

At this time, Qingtian in the monitoring room and Mingdong in the room rudely swallowed a spit. Mingdong's "Gulu..." voice came to Xiaoxuan's ears. Xiaoxuan naturally heard the sound of swallowing saliva. At this time, Xiaoxuan's face turned redder. Like honey. Peach-like rosy. She smiled at Mingdong. She showed the posture of a little woman. It's really another man's crazy gesture. Mingdong's red has reached his neck at this time. Looking around, it is not the main color of blue, but the wall with red as the main tone. This red is like the catalyst of **. Don't let Mingdong's inner desire come out. I don't know where the power came from, maybe it was the red excitement on the wall. Mingdong had already stood up at this time. Turn around...

The moment when Xiaoxuan looked at Mingdong and turned around. A burst of tingling in my heart. Inexplicable tingling. The tinging is accompanied by reassurance. Peace of mind. This contradictory psychology makes Xiaoxuan want Mingdong to leave and not leave. Mingdong turned around and did not leave, but closed the door casually! When the door closed, Mingdong's heart suddenly shook. But! This doesn't seem to resist the release of ** in the body. I can't resist the excitement of this red wall! Desire has occupied Mingdong's heart. Mingdong is not a Tang monk. He can completely produce antibodies in the face of seven emotions and six desire stones. Mingdong is not a Tang monk. He can be indifferent in the face of demons! Mingdong is not a Tang monk! Eating Mingdong's meat will only make you full. It will only make Mingdong lose a piece of meat and can't live an immortality!

Look at Mingdong's closing door. Xiaoxuan gave birth to hope again. Continue to use charming skills and charming words beyond Daji. Brother Mingdong. Come here quickly, okay? Xiaoxuan's sister can't stand it anymore..." This made Mingdong's heart beat much faster. The pace also accelerated. Red has made Mingdong excited. Mingdong's strength was slowly mobilized. Come to Xiaoxuan's side and smell the fragrance of Xiaoxuan's body. Mingdong seems to have forgotten everything. Mingdong's hand. Touch Xiaoxuan's white and red skin. Xiaoxuan's skin is very elastic. It's very reluctant. I can't put it down." Brother Mingdong. Hurry up. Come on. Xiaoxuan's sister is yours. It's yours, and no one can take it away. Xiaoxuan said angrily. His hand has been wrapped around Mingdong's neck. The fragrance in the mouth made Mingdong's heart beat faster. Looking at Xiaoxuan's movements. Once upon a time, Mingdong also felt it in Xia Yuan. Mingdong's eyes suddenly became confused. Xiaoxuan in front of him seems to have become Xia Yuan. The confusion of the eyes. Make Mingdong's feelings. I want to go up to another layer. Looking at the beloved woman in front of me. Mingdong has no longer had the previous psychological barrier. Kiss Xiaoxuan's face. A reluctant kiss. It's like kissing Xia Yuan. And Xiaoxuan is very cooperative with Mingdong.

Maybe Xiaoxuan is too anxious. The hand has been put down on Mingdong's neck. Touched Mingdong's wet coat. Slowly take off Mingdong's coat. The two lips touch each other. What's more, ** broke out. Xiaoxuan groaned in a passionate kiss. Xiaoxuan, who took off his coat, continued to attack Mingdong's short lining. Suddenly! Mingdong seemed to feel something wrong. He suddenly pushed Xiaoxuan and retreated.' Xia Yuan is not so active. She, she! She is sure! She is definitely not Xia Yuan.' Shake your head violently! Mingdong's strength is to mobilize more powers to cool his head. Looking at Xiaoxuan, who has already**. Mingdong was suddenly afraid! Thinking, "Is there ** in all three cups?" ..................

Three Updates! Ha ha. The second day of full attendance............