power immortality

Chapter 54 Surround

"What a pervert! I'm really not afraid to provoke the police!" Scar scholar cursed fiercely in a place! Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Qingyun's behavior. Because such a crazy act really frightens Scar Scholars! If the police are provoked, they will be arrested by the police if they are not killed by Qingyun and others. ..................

"Catch it alive! Go!" Under Qingyun's order, many people rushed out in the rear. He holds all kinds of guns, including assault and pistols. Wait! ..................

"Little Sky! Call all the people in Qingtianyuan!" Ming Lao looked at the form in front of him and couldn't help saying to Qingtian next to Qingtian! The situation at this time is very unfavorable to Qingtian! Very dangerous! Qingtian almost called those elite members this time. In this way, the people in Qingtianyuan are not good, but they are better than many people! Ming Lao, listen to Xiaotian only once this time. No need to call people! If anyone else enters Qingtianyuan, the treasure will be lost!" Qingtian said firmly! This treasure is obviously very important to Qingtian! It's even more important than your own life!" Xiaotian! You are really..." At this time, Ming Lao really had nothing to say to Qingtian. I can only shake my head. At such a life crisis moment, I am thinking about the treasure in Qingtianyuan. I'm still counting on that guy to save himself!!! However, Qingtian insists on doing this, so what can he do?

The cold double evils beside him did not make a sound from beginning to end. Holding a submachine gun in his hand, he carefully looked at whether anyone around him was close to him. Let's go!" Qingtian said to the people behind!! At this time, there were very few people in Qingtian, but there were only three people following Qingtian! Ming Lao and Leng Shuang Ba! The four plan to break through this encirclement as a group! Four people move quickly! The cold doubles are in the front and back. Ming Lao and Qing Tian are in the middle. The shooting of the four people is very accurate. The people I saw were lying on a pool of blood. However. There are too many people in Qingyunfang, but someone saw Qingtian.

"Here! Here! ............" After Qing Yunfang found the shadow of Qingtian, he shouted loudly. However, the price of speaking is life! However, what this man said attracted many people from Qingyunfang. Many people are approaching Qingtian. Da. Da. Da. ..." The submachine gun is shooting crazily. Cold Shuangshi, Ming Lao. Qingtian, but he is not a vegetarian. The people who besieged Qingtian and others were like wheat. They fell down one after another. Da, Da, Da, Da..." The sound kept coming out! However, there are too many people in Qingyunfang. Two after another. It appeared endlessly in the eyes of Qingtian and others. It seems that you can't finish it no matter how you fight! Four people attacked crazily. Qingyunfang's people are also appearing in an endless stream. In the crazy battle.................

Cold eyes still look at Qingtian and Shuang from time to time. Only see. Behind the pair, a man pointed a gun at the pair. Cold, shocked. I'm afraid of making mistakes. At present, it is to go towards the two quickly. At the same time, the man's bullet has been fired at both. I saw a cold rush to the two. Put your two to the ground! The cold action saved both of them from the edge of death. But he suffered a bullet. The bullet hit the cold left shoulder. But the cooling did not make a sound because of the pain. Cold, get up immediately! With one hand, hold the machine gun as usual. Fight towards Qingyun Fangren! However. The accuracy has decreased! Shuang looked at his brother and felt sad, but Shuang didn't show it. Instead, fire crazily at the enemy! Qingtian and the four of them went to the dock. While fighting against the people of Qingyunfang. If Qingtian and four others arrive at the dock, they will be saved. If you enter the water, then jump out of the encirclement of Qingyun!!

However, the four people in Qingtian are difficult to walk! Many people will appear at every step. Today. There are less than ten people left in Qingtianfang and others!! From thousands of people before to less than ten people now, this gap is really too big! However, Qingtian knows nothing about Qingtian's situation!! However, Qingtian looks at the speed of Qingyun's movement. Qingtian knows that there are few people left! Nowadays, Qingtian can only look forward to the sea in front of his eyes. Or! Mingdong appeared in front of his eyes!" Da! Da!" ............The sound of the submachine gun sounded again. Qingtian screamed: "Ah!" The pain made Qingtian unconsciously shout! Qingtian's foot was shot! It made you fall down naturally! Ming Lao, who was beside him, couldn't help saying when he saw Qingtian being shot, "Xiaotian! What's wrong with you?" The voice is very urgent. Ming Lao, it doesn't matter! Run!" Qingtian shouted at Mr. Ming!

Qingtian's anxious look is vivid! However, there are different ideas in my heart. Qingtian knew that Ming Lao would not leave himself behind. That's why they say such words. Otherwise. Ming Lao will not care so much about Qingtian. Qingtian has done a very good job in this regard. What you think in your heart is completely different from what you show. ...When Qingtian's words floated into the ears of the old man Ming. I saw that Mr. Ming did not leave by himself. Instead, he pulled Qingtian to an obstacle. Use obstacles to avoid the sight of bullets and Qingyun's men. Ming Lao's stop naturally drove the footsteps of the cold double evil. Four people are behind an obstacle. Leng Shuangshi is on the side to protect Qingtian and Ming Lao. Ming Lao, hurry up and leave me alone! Qingyun, he won't kill me!" Qingtian's eyes turned red and said to Ming Lao! And the word 'kill' was deliberately aggravated in the words. An eager look is really difficult to find a reason for suspicion.

"Xiaotian, don't be stupid. I promised your father that he would protect you well!" Mr. Ming said to Qingtian with a little sadness. Qingtian was not moved at all by the old man's words. In the eyes of Qingtian. All of this should be done! It's all from yourself! However, at this time, Qingtian regretted that he did not listen to Ming Lao's words. Otherwise, Qingtian would not have to run away so awkwardly at this time. If Qingtian called some of the people in Qingtianyuan at this time, he might have fled into the sea at this time. However, it was too late to say anything at this time. At that time, Qingtian didn't think much about it. Qingtian thought that he could come to this side of the sea with more than 100 famous elites. However. The fact is so cruel... When he was shot in Qingtian's leg, he only saw a cold smile in the distance. I don't know whether he looked down on Qingtian or had hidden feelings.

All of a sudden! Only a man's voice was heard: "You have been surrounded. I know what to do!" Qingtian looked up. I saw many of Qingyun's men surrounded themselves and others.................

One update.