power immortality

Chapter 235 It seems that Weibo has the hope of birth

Mingdong could only smile helplessly after hearing this, and finally said nothing more. After all, he was not such a casual person. Although it's not human to be casual, it's not casual.

Looking at Mingdong's face, Baoer also shook her head helplessly and lowered her head. She didn't say much. If a girl said such words, she would say how much courage she needed, but what? The person in front of her seemed to slap Baoer fiercely, making Baoer's heart begin to crack. Maybe today is the last time Baoer is so brave. She will definitely not say such a thing in the future.

"When do you plan to go out? Dragon Ball, you go." Bao'er suddenly said.

Mingdong looked ashamed and said, "No, I already have Dragon Ball."

Bao'er didn't seem too shocked, because her heart was broken at this time, "Dragon Ball, why do you have it?"

Then, Mingdong explained what happened in the "difficult" door. He also wanted to know what happened inside, because there were not many things. After a while, it was over.

And Baoer finally began to have a little shocked expression: "Mingdong, can you show me the blood dragon ball you got?"

Mingdong nodded, and then took out the blood dragon ball from the recovery ring.

The appearance of the blood dragon ball shone with a strong red light, suppressing the dragon ball at the head of Baoer's bed, which made Mingdong unexpected. It turned out that the dragon ball was also so competitive.

Baoer was distracted and looked at the blood dragon ball in front of her. Then he muttered, "Is this really a blood dragon ball? Is it really Blood Dragon Ball? As he spoke, Baoer's hand had touched the blood dragon ball. The blood dragon ball seemed to be very spiritual, directly broke away from Baoer's hand, and then came to Mingdong's back.

Mingdong smiled and thought that the blood dragon ball had already relied on himself like the Lord. However, Mingdong was indeed wrong. At this time, the blood dragon ball emitted a faint and mysterious blood-red light.

"Be careful!" Bao'er shouted, but it was too late. A redness of the blood dragon ball went directly into Mingdong's head, and then the blood dragon ball turned into a red light and escaped from this place.

After the red light entered Mingdong's head, Mingdong's eyes suddenly turned blood red. Mingdong's eyes stared at Baoer in front of him, which made Baoer feel cold.

"Howling!" Mingdong roared like a monster, and then attacked Baoer like crazy. At this time, Mingdong attacked completely randomly and had no skills at all. On the other hand, Baoer was still in a sober state. Although his alien energy was no longer as good as Mingdong, he could rely on Mingdong with rational victory. When Mingdong suddenly rushed over, Bao'er flashed, but Mingdong's speed was too fast. This time, he had already scratched a wound on Bao'er's arm.

"Mingdong, no, no." Bao'er said anxiously. Baoer wanted to escape, but Baoer had found a faint red in the room. Obviously, it had been blocked by Blood Dragon Ball.

Mingdong's attack failed, that is, he attacked one after another. Previously, Baoer just dodged and did not want to hurt Mingdong, but the further back, Baoer found that she would be seriously injured by Mingdong or killed herself if she went on like this.

In the face of this sudden situation, Baoer finally chose to fight back. Baoer's hands began to move. At the same time, Baoer's mouth began to chant spells. The attack in Baoer's hand suddenly hit Mingdong's body, making the latter take a few steps back. Then, the dragon ball rose and floated. Then it emitted a faint milky light and instilled it into Mingdong's head. However, Baoer was indeed wrong. Dragon Ball could not be compared with Blood Dragon Ball. These energies were all repelled by the blood-red light that entered Mingdong's brain.

At the same time, Mingdong jumped on his body and had already overwhelmed Baoer on the ground. With his big mouth open, he bit into Baoer's neck. Baoer was very anxious, and her slender jade hand was on Mingdong's neck and did not give Mingdong's head any contact with him.

Mingdong, like a beast, pressed Baoer's hands on the ground with powerful hands.

"Mingdong!! I'm Baoer! I'm Baoer!" Baoer had closed her eyes and shouted in despair.

I didn't expect that Baoer's voice really calmed Mingdong a little, and the blood in his eyes also faded a little. However, from the perspective of the situation, Mingdong still can't be his own.

Bao'er found that she didn't feel any pain on her body, and then opened her eyes. Her eyes looked at Mingdong's eyes, and her heart was beating wildly. Every time she made a loud sound, "bang, bang, bang, bang..." This kind of heartbeat seems to have reached 300 times per second. It's done.

suddenly fell into a quiet room, but the silence did not last long. After a short silence, Mingdong got up again. As soon as Baoer found that Mingdong was not quiet, she bit her lip, and then ** suddenly turned over with the help of strong foreign energy, and Mingdong, who was originally on Baoer. Because this power bounced out. As a result, Baoer gained a short period of freedom.

"Mingdong, I'm Baoer, and I'm your good friend Baoer." Baoer tried to wake up Mingdong, but at this time, Mingdong seemed to be immune to the sound, and his body came to Baoer again, and Baoer was also a little smarter. When Mingdong just moved, Baoer took the lead in dodging.

After a chase, Baoer's physical strength is getting less and slower, and her speed is getting slower and slower. Once, she even had to use the protective light to escape from Mingdong's claws.

'It's not a good way to go on like this.' Baoer was thinking, and then looked at the personal trial area. A light of hope came in her eyes. Baoer thought that this person's trial area was not isolated, so that as long as she entered the personal trial area, the scope of escape was greatly increased. At present, he dodged several attacks from Mingdong, and finally came to this person's trial area, but after close contact with the trial area, Baoer found that this person's trial area had also been isolated.

The hope in his eyes was dashed again, and his heart dimmed again. At this time, Mingdong had already waved his claws, and the slightly distracted Bao'er saw that Mingdong was about to leave a scar on his body again, and the protective light was launched again. Then the body suddenly moved forward and did not stop at anything. In the continuous dodging, the blood red color of Mingdong's eyes had been significantly reduced. Then, Baoer was unable to do it. The foreign energy in the body gradually decreased, which made Baoer's speed drop a lot. In contrast, Mingdong's speed In the past, it did not increase or decrease. Once again, Baoer fell to the ground by Mingdong. At this time, Baoer was no longer in the mood to use the body protection light. At this time, she even had a dead heart.

Baoer quietly closed her eyes, stopped struggling, and quietly waited for the arrival of death. Tears flowed down involuntarily. At this time, Mingdong did not feel anything. He opened his mouth and bit Baoer's neck directly. This bite was not light. The blood on Baoer'er's neck had flowed down, and the blood mixed with tears became more salty. Mingdong ignored Baoer's neck. The blood flowing down from the top was suddenly drunk. Unhappy, she bit Baoer's neck again, and the blood flowed down again. Because of the extreme pain of Mingdong's bite, Baoer couldn't help moaning out in pain.

"Ah..." Baoer squeezed her lips and didn't want her voice to come out.

Mingdong's body shook with Baoer's voice, and then his eyes were dull. Although he was dull, his blood-red eyes had not faded.

Bao'er said tremblingly after finding it, "Mingdong, do you remember Bao'er?"

Mingdong seemed to be deaf and did not have any reaction. After a short dullness, his eyes were covered with a layer of blue again, which looked very strange. The blue covered disappeared in a short time, as if the blue could not resist the blood red.

Mingdong, who has regained his blood-red color, seems to have no desire for blood, but the wildness still exists! His eyes looked at the baby under him again, and a beastly desire soared in vain. Mingdong's hands suddenly tore open Baoer's noble clothes, three times and five times divided into two. At once, the two were already naked, and then... (Hundreds of words are omitted here, I understand, you know...)