power immortality

Complete speech

It has been more than half a year since the review of this book began on December 1, 2019. During this period, the book has been coming all the time, and I insist on finishing it. I persisted. Although it is not perfect, it always ends with the "end"!

I opened a new book "Animals in World of Warcraft" on June 1, 2011

Now. Still in creation.

I think you can take this book off the shelf and add a new book. Ha ha, along the way, I am not a newcomer, and I am familiar with the world of online articles.

I don't know how many people see it, but whoever it is, thank you for your support.

The complex mood has changed a lot along the way. Things are wrong.

Not to say, I have been struggling with this book for the past two days, and the new book has not been saved yet. I have to save the manuscript. Next month's new book @ Quanqin, no manuscript can guarantee the quality. New books should be of better quality. Let him go on the shelves! Everyone, please support!