ying jie

Chapter 48 Iron Tragedy

Chapter 48 Iron Tragedy

King Guangde held a Xingba knife in one hand and a black iron gun in the other, standing on the cliff. In front of him was a roaring wind, like a waterfall of 3,000 people practicing rolling up, and his robe hunting. Ji De's eyes were like substance, and he took a step forward. The half-gold and half-purple shadow instantly rose infinitely with his movements, and the sky was dark. Darkly, Ji De held the fierce soldiers in his hands and hit the void outside the cliff heavily.

Boom! The real heaven and earth shook, and countless big trees were uprooted by the wind, bang! The void was broken, trees, grass and stones were sucked in, and a gap was exposed.

9,000 people lost their voice in an instant. What kind of power this is, breaking the void and fighting against the general trend of the whole forest. Now he is like an ancient god of war, fighting heaven and earth, heroic and powerful, and powerful means. The lost morale, like a lake invading the volcano, was quickly picked up and boiling in an instant. The feeling of worship is more like a torrential river, endless. Such a prince can definitely take them to success.

Dao lost his soul. What he used to be firm has now left the seeds of distrust in the bottom of his heart and is no longer firm. Stand up and quickly walk towards King Guangde.

The void is shattered, no longer a cliff, but a continuous mountain range, a canyon pouring straight into it.

9,000 people knelt down and worshipped like that thin man at the same time. At this time, his personal prestige reached the peak. Under the respectful kneeling of 9,000 people, he set off the king's spirit and nobleness. The lonely figure slowly swept over and said loudly, "Please rise." The voice seemed to be mixed with the iron-blooded spirit of millions of heroes fighting and fighting, and this was the god of war of the Zhou Dynasty.

King Guangde held two peerless murderers in his hands and lifted their hands lightly. The two murderers flew into the sky, and then fell to the ground like a meteor, bang! Accurately inserted in front of Lin Shi and Liu Wei. This is also a kind of deterrent. King Guangde walked back to the camp and left a sentence behind him: "All the leaders entered the account."

When the curtain of the military tent fell, Ji De was unstable and fell forward. How could the blow succeed without a cost? He slowly walked back to his seat with a murderous face, which made his white and handsome face fierce and powerful.

After King Guangde entered the account, the people outside had already boiled, sweeping away the previous decadence and discussion. The theme was inseparable from the power of the prince and the worship of these young people.

Liu Wei pulled out the Xingba knife with one hand, but did not pull it out. He almost pulled it out with all his hands. He looked at his son angrily and quickly walked to the military tent of King Guangde. However, he did not dare to break through, but gave a notice and stood outside the tent and waited, but no one in the account responded. He is worried. Lin Shi did not pull out the big iron gun with one hand. After pulling out his hands directly, he made a notification and stood beside Liu Wei and waited. Gradually, more and more people. The major sects in these 3,000 sects, the predecessors of the faction were all the generals who fought in the battlefield in the imperial court, were a little arrogant. However, the king of Guangde showed such a move and immediately shocked their pride in their hearts. They stood outside the tent and waited, and even dared not whisper when they met their friends.

Dao came with a hidden pace, and he fell to the end. At this time, he looked haggard and had a world-weariness. His fairy-like temperament had already been thrown away, leaning his body like an old man. This is the result of the collapse of faith. The haze in his heart is more tragic than the destruction of the body.

I thought that he was selected by Mr. Tianji at the age of ten. At that time, he was ignorant. With him to learn knowledge and read hundreds of books, classics can recite them backwards. At the age of 20, he learned to derive. It was the heroic hair. When he was young and frivolous, he was proud of his life. Sixty-year-old Tiandao was successful and was respectfully invited down the mountain by the imperial court. He vowed to kill and break the battle, but he didn't expect that his deducement was broken by the king of Guangde with supreme martial arts, making his pride worthless, so that he could be embarrassed and how to deal with himself.

Dao kept coughing, which was already lacking in respect, and now he no longer pretended and whispered: "Your Majesty! I'm coming."

This big tent was as quiet as a dormant fierce beast without revealing any breath. Suddenly, the curtain moved. A thick hand full of callous and scars stretched out and lifted the opening curtain. King Guangde came out with a smile, held his waist and said pitifully, "Sir, you don't have to do this, let's go! Enter with me."

Ji De held Daoyin, put up his sleeve robe and said, "You are also in! Now it's a war, so there's no need to make such a big gift.

Daoyin's rickety body was still rickety, but his cold heart warmed up in an instant. His whole body was held by King Guangde, like falling into the fog. It was not until he was held to the position of the top until he woke up like a dream and said fearfully, "Your Majesty! I..." Even though he has read a lot of books, he can't find a word to express it now.

"Mr. Anza, you are the military division this time, and you still need to command and dispatch." King Guangde pressed Daoyin back to his seat, but he sat next to him and acted as an audience safely.

Tao was sincerely frightened and did not dare to have any arrogance in King Guangde. He watched the generals sit down and began to speak. He began to analyze the situation from the beginning, and gradually expressed the arrangement of actions at this time from shallow to deep, which was well organized. Mr. Tianji's apprentice is not a warlock who can only evolve, but also a great minister who commands the army to fight and manage the country.

The generals were a little dissatisfied with the literati's pressure on them. Now after listening to his detailed micro-analysis, the purpose of this operation is clearer. It is only secondary to take out the countless treasures collected by Daxia. More importantly, it disturbs the array of Jiulong opera beads and traps the dragon gas and the thunder holy beast.

"Sir! Didn't you say that your master once told you that it takes the blood of an immortal golden monkey to destroy dragon gas? How can I mess up the array if I don't catch it?" The short and capable man standing up in bronze armor is the Iron Tragedy Sect in 3,000 sects. He does the most secret and taboo things for the court. Every time he goes on a mission, he must be sad for nine deaths. Gu Tiechaozong changed his name to Tiezong.

As soon as the short and capable man stood up, the bleak corpse was full of corpse. There was no one sitting next to him, and the nearby generals tilted their bodies for fear of being contaminated with taboos. His spearheads, the two major sects of the 3,000 sects, the Sword Sect and the Iron Gun School, show his awesomeness and horror.

Although they were blamed by this short and capable man, Liu Wei and Lin Shi almost closed their mouths at the same time and dared not interrupt.

Daoyin is a little contemptuous of this short and capable man. After all, he reads the books of saints and does not like their work of digging ancestral tombs, but this is a secret of the imperial court and cannot be questioned. Not easy to get angry in front of King Guangde, Dao said in a low voice, "This immortal golden monkey, its blood can disturb this array. It can be seen that it is extraordinary, and it is not easy to catch it, but I have another way to break the array, be sure to kill."

Ji Deruo took a deep look at Daoyin, waved his hand and said, "General Hu, there is a way to break the array, so don't care about Liu Wei and Lin Shi! They are also unintentional mistakes.

King Guangde jumped away, and the short and capable man could not be investigated any more. He stared at Lin Shi and Liu Wei fiercely and sat back in his seat.

Lin Shi and Liu Wei were stared at by the man in bronze armor and dared not speak. This nonsense is not only nonsense, but also very domineering! It is no wonder that many disciples died for the digging of graves he did for the court. The court will only attract them and will not be dissatisfied with his hegemony, which is also a disguised compensation.

The big man calmed down, and the atmosphere in the tent immediately became lively, and the noise of discussion buzzed.

Where 9,000 people walked, no matter how powerful the illusion array is, it will leave traces. Zhuge Yuren, Xia Houyang, Niu Qi, Nie Qiao, Zhang Cong, Liu Qiaoyi and other young heroes gathered a large group of young people to break into the array in advance. Niu Qi did not lie. He did walk out of the Jiulong opera bead array alone, but it was just an outer array. Already, but they were lucky enough to find the traces of the brigade and quietly followed.

They did not know that there was no great opportunity, but a great disaster. Only a few people survived and witnessed a peerless war. After the news came out, the government and the opposition shook, which was the biggest crisis in decades since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty.

Zhou Yisheng and the Little White Tiger King followed the golden monkey into the narrow passage. Looking up, it seemed that the sky had become a line. A breeze blew in the passage and gradually became bigger. When they approached Zhou Yisheng, it turned into a strong wind, which greatly blocked their way forward.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The golden monkey did not seem to be blocked by the wind, running fast, crying gradually getting louder, and the voice was miserable. Those who heard it were sad and the listeners cried. The falling tears, glowing with golden fluorescence, blew in the wind and touched Zhou Yisheng's lips. They were a little sour, but they contained another spiritual power, which made him feel comfortable, as if this was a supreme tonic.

Bum! An invisible wall in front blocked the way. The golden monkey hit the wall and bounced back to the ground. After it got up, its claws wiped tears and continued to hit the invisible wall. It was blocked again. After several times of failure, it seemed to be hurt. It sat on the ground and cried even more sadly. The tears wiped by its claws were wiped by it. It fell far away and fell on the weathered rock, a little crystal clear, as if it were the crystal after the rain, emitting strange treasure light, like aura. Gradually, a dragon-shaped green grass grew on the weathered stone, which grew to age and disappear, but only a few breaths, extremely quickly, and disappeared.

Zhou Yisheng Daqi. It seems that the troops of the imperial court must be looking for this little monkey, but they didn't expect to be inadvertently destroyed by him. At present, this golden little monkey has great spirituality, and I don't know what magic this little monkey has.

Zhou Yisheng came forward and touched the invisible wall with his hand, but passed through the wall without any obstruction. Zhou Yisheng didn't believe it. He took it back and punched hard at the invisible wall, shouting! The wind roared and did not hit the real place and passed through the wall.

"Huh! What's going on? Zhou Yisheng was shocked and stepped out and entered another world. The green forest rose up and was full of vitality. The grass grew and the warbler flew, the butterflies fluttering, and the colorful and coveted bright fruits were all over the mountains. The climate was like spring and the scene was like autumn. It was really like the legendary fairyland. There were no four seasons, only scenery. Like a picture.

These transitional chapters are written as troublesome, but tomorrow will be fine. At a wonderful start, Yi Sheng will work harder to write, asking for collection and tickets.