ying jie

Chapter 55 Baby Catching Small Hair

Chapter 55 Milk Baby Catching Little Hair

This Jiulong opera bead is isolated from the world. I don't know how many rare immortals have been bred, rare trees, colorful exotic flowers, and exotic fruits. The fragrance is so strong that it can't melt in the air. However, Zhou Yisheng dares not pick such a beautiful thing easily. He will always be careful. Try it out, and you won't be happy to rush up with the golden monkey in your arms until you are sure that there is no harm. The lush fruit was immediately ruined by this man and beast, especially the little monkey, who would even dig out the roots of the fruit and bite twice, which was more horrible than the locust crossing.

After two days in the forest, Zhou Yisheng felt closer and closer to Lei Mingfeng, because he could hear the thunder rumble from a long distance. What was more strange to him was that the water vapor was thick, as if there was a waterfall rushing and roaring.

Zhou Yisheng found this small current and passed through the dense woods and grass. His eyes suddenly lit up. In a small village in the distance, chickens and dogs barked, and the drooping young man happily played in the stream outside the village. In the quiet place, the old people sat and fished like a stone. This is a peaceful place, such as the legendary paradise. .

Zhou Yisheng sighed at the silver chain-like waterfall, the stream was clear, the peach trees were fragrant, the butterfly danced gently, and walked to the small village like Taoyuan with the little monkey in his arms.

immediately attracted the attention of the teenagers in the stream. They swam ashore, holding a few useless fish and throwing the fish on the shore. A large group of teenagers laughed and ran to Zhou Yisheng. When he saw the golden monkey in his arms, these cheerful teenagers chat with each other.

Although these teenagers wear ordinary linen clothes, they are handsome, white and lively like porcelain dolls. One of the teenagers was obviously the leader. He had a ponytail braid, bright sword eyebrows and heroic. He first walked out of the crowd and said, "Where did you come from and why did you come to our village?"

Zhou Yisheng is a little wary of these children. After all, it must not be a simple person to live in countless places where tigers and wolves are rampant. And although these children are simple in clothes, they have outstanding temperament. This teenager is young, but he has his own power.

Zhou Yisheng did not answer him, but he saw a large number of them one by one. What surprised him was that these teenagers were young, restrained and lacked blood, and they were all shadow practitioners. And the leading teenager reached the fifth layer of the shadow, and the shadow behind him fluctuated violently, as if it were real.

Because of the abnormal movements of this group of teenagers, the people in the village were also disturbed and gathered out one by one. What is shocking is that many people are masters of martial arts. They are full of vitality and blood. At a glance, they have a hazy feeling, as if they are barbarians, and their power is not restrained.

Seeing Zhou Yisheng holding the golden monkey and looking left and right, this group of teenagers were a little dissatisfied, and the leader frowned his heroic eyebrows. Just as the leading teenager was about to be angry, a little baby was only three or four years old, with small arms and calves, and walked out with difficulty. There were still white bubbles in his mouth, and he could smell the smell of milk carefully. This little guy, born with red lips and white teeth, which made people love and pity, like a little baby, looked up and asked in a milky voice, "Big uncle! Can you play with the little monkey for the baby? When the little guy spoke, the teenagers were silent, as if his identity was very noble.

Two big men, like two wild bears, one carrying a bow and arrow on his shoulder, carrying a big iron fork, and one holding a wild boar. The other man carried a basket on his back, which contained all kinds of fragrant vermilion fruits.

The two men also saw the strangers outside the village and immediately became alert. The big man who pulled the wild boar left the wild boar, pulled away his bow and arrow, aimed at Zhou Yisheng, and shouted fiercely, "Who are you? Are you a martial artist who went to the mountain to look for treasure?"

Zhou Yisheng didn't expect this man's hostility to be so strong, and said awkwardly, "I'm not malicious."

The middle-aged man with the basket on his back stood forward, pressed down the bow and arrow aimed at Zhou Yisheng, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Sheep! Don't be so angry. I know this person."

The hot-tempered middle-aged man put down his bow and arrow, but he was still full of strings. As long as Zhou Yisheng had any abnormality, he could shoot him under the bow at any time. Obviously, he did not trust Zhou Yisheng, a stranger.

The middle-aged man put down the basket, and the teenagers immediately rushed up happily. One person took out his favorite red fruits from the basket, wiped them on the linen clothes, and bit them with a big mouth. These colorful red fruits were bit open. The fruit fragrance was even stronger, and the aroma was like substance. It was poured into his nose and his mouth was born. Jin, it's mouth-watering!

The big man arched his hand to Zhou Yisheng and said respectfully, "Little Engong is well. Niu Sheng is polite."

Zhou Yisheng wondered who this person was, surnamed Niu, which made him think of the Niu family that Mo Min gave wonderful paintings, but there was no such person in his impression. However, I still returned the gift and said thank you.

"Oh! Look at my memory. Maybe the little benefactor doesn't remember me. Engong has the grace of promotion to my Niu family. That painting made my brother avoid a disaster and save my life indirectly. Therefore, although Engong did not know me, Niu Sheng was grateful for his kindness. The middle-aged man looked very frank, and then saluted again.

Zhou Yisheng was a little strange. At that time, he just had the idea of giving a painting, but somehow he was seriously ill for three days after drawing the painting, which was very strange, but he gradually forgot about it after nothing happened. Today, it was strange and strange, and I didn't dare to be careless. At this time, I was even more embarrassed. I touched my nose and didn't even use it.

"Niu Sheng, it turns out that he painted the painting that was offered by your eldest brother! How old is he? He can draw something with such a high artistic conception that even the dragon owner is amazed. The middle-aged man surnamed Sheep seemed to feel that he had lost his words. He looked into the distance with a bow and shut up and stopped talking, but obviously his body relaxed, and the string-controlling hand gradually relaxed.

"Oh! Old cow, old sheep! Where's the old horse! Didn't he go to scratch my little hair? Why haven't you come back yet?" The little baby held the golden monkey hard and looked at the red fruit in the basket. His crystal mouth was left to his chin. Suddenly, he didn't let go of the hand holding the little monkey to get it. Reluctantly, he looked away from Zhu Guo's eyes and raised his head and asked miserably.

"Young master..." The middle-aged man surnamed Yang seemed to be very nostalgic for the distant scenery. When asked by the little milk baby, he came to his senses and was about to worship him, and was blocked by Niu Sheng.

Niu Sheng said, "Baby! Ma Yi chased after him. Here comes the guests. Let's go to the village to talk!"

The little baby nodded, holding the golden monkey with his short meat legs, stumbled and ran to the village, shouting with a milky voice in his mouth: "Catch the little fur."

Zhou Yisheng looked at the little guy's back and always felt that the village was very strange, but he couldn't say it for a moment, and these people's heads seemed to be too simple to reveal some secrets. As soon as the child left, these people seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and the depression all over their bodies decreased a lot.