ying jie

Chapter 163 Changes of Hao Renyuan

Chapter 163 Changes of Hao Renyuan

The big man fell to the ground, and the sword in his hand fell nowhere. He propped up his body hard and found that his whole body had fallen off. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up. He shouted in a hoarse voice, "How hard your body is." Zhou Yisheng's collision just now was extremely powerful, but he also borrowed ingenuity and stepped on his feet, which was equivalent to removing his bone shelf.

"Hehe! But you also lost. Even if you kill us all, what if you leave the city, as long as the city is in chaos and without your suppression, I'm afraid they will rise up against you immediately!" The big man raised his hand laboriously, accumulated strength for an unknown time, and pressed it down fiercely, as if all the contempt and insults he had just suffered had fallen into this wave.

This group of ghosts surged up, and the weapons in their hands are very mixed. It can't be seen which prince's soldiers, but it should not be the six who are in the war. A little reasoning can be known.

After listening to the big man's words, Zhou Yisheng was very envious of the pseudo-king Xue Wuyang. As soon as he patted it with his hand, he would die. He could beat you to death through the air. You crow's mouth, it's really unpleasant to say something. Zhou Yisheng suddenly stretched out, and his spine rose to the sky like a big dragon, like fried beans. Facing the soldiers who hit him quickly, Zhou Yisheng only hated his hard life and was about to open the killing.

Wow! Roar! Like the roar between the mountains and forests, it immediately caused a hurricane. Although Zhou Yisheng was not between the mountains and forests of the canyons, the roar in the plain was like the tide, and the sound of the wind exploded. When the ancestors covered his ears and heard such power, his courage immediately weakened. Zhou Yisheng seized the opportunity, took a step forward and staggered. He was like a fat giant bear in a trance. He shoveled down, and his thick bear's paw rushed to his face with a fierce ear.

Papa! With a crisp sound, the hit face splashed like a rotten watermelon red and white thing. The shovel seemed to be clumsy and powerful, but it returned with a trembling blow and changed it to cut. Another big good head flew up. The shovel surface as thin as silkworm wings was not deformed at all. Zhou Yisheng shoveled into the crowd one by one, using the brute force of the earth. , like a thick-skinned giant bear, rampaging and killing people, there was no suspense at all.

The ghost sword did not do it, but pressed the array on the sidelines. At this time, Zhou Yisheng killed Zhenghuanly, not the time to grab the limelight. He knew when to take action. Looking at Zhou Yisheng's shelf every time he exerted, he always felt that it was connected to the earth and had a very heavy taste, just like a mountain. No matter how small it was, as long as the foundation was big The earth is extremely huge and can still stand high and immortal, which is called strange. Just like the iceberg in the sea, the volume under the sea is nine times that of the sea, so the 10,000-ton giant ship does not dare to collide with an iceberg smaller than him. Titanic is the best example, so this shelf is also very important. The root of the shelf must be rooted deep into the ground. This is the time to test cultivation, the deeper the root, the greater the strength. The higher the cultivation is naturally.

And Zhou Yisheng's own feeling does not have the illusion of force peneing the earth and steadily. He only feels that the earth under his feet is vibrating, and he tries to adjust the frequency with the earth. This thing is very strange. If it is an ordinary person, he may feel very complicated, vibrate and exert force. You can't do two things at once, but these are too simple for Zhou Yisheng. After the frequency of the tremor of the earth, the whole person seems to be integrated into the earth. With a single blow, you can have unexpected results. If you touch it, you will die, and if you will die.

In just a few breathing hours, there have been more than 50 people and ghosts who died under Zhou Yisheng. There is really an illusion of killing chickens and sheep. However, although Zhou Yisheng can take over the power of the earth, his speed is no longer fast and his body is injured.

"Ah! It's on fire, save it! The barracks caught fire.

"The granary is on fire, put out the fire! Feed my food! You who kill thousands of knives, save my food first!"

A fire broke out all over the city, and rumors were flying all over the world. If it had been before Zhou Dongsheng, it might have been scattered immediately! However, after Zhou Yisheng's adaptation, although morale is much worse, because many low-level generals are appointed by these soldiers themselves. After Zhou Yisheng's screening, these low-level commanders can convince the soldiers and be loyal to Zhou Yisheng. Zhou Yisheng's control is naturally infinitely strengthened. .

"You profiteers, it's enough for the leader not to arrest and investigate all of you. What's the intention of you to stop us from fighting the fire?" A small leader, wearing rusty armor, is a big-headed ghost, and he is also a veteran. He has done nothing. Now he is recommended and encouraged by Zhou Yisheng. He is very loyal to Zhou Yisheng and has always wanted to do something. Now he sees these grain merchants pulling the defenders. Let them save the hoarded food, and the defenders are also afraid of these people who used to climb over their heads. Now they are almost deadlocked and don't know whether to save the fire of the military camp or the hoarded food of these merchants. Now the commander-in-chief is small, but he is more flexible. With a roar, he shocked the merchants who usually think he is high, and the soldiers also reflect, carrying water and rudely kicking away the sky-grabbing profiteers next to him and rushing barracks piled up with materials.

"You...you will regret it."

"We will make it difficult for you."

"Well, with Zhou Yisheng, we need to unite to make it difficult for you all." These merchants were the remnants of several clean-up. They all thought that the chaos had nothing to do with Zhou Yisheng. In addition, Zhou Yisheng did not touch them. Now those big businessmen in the city are left, and they naturally become arrogant.

This veteran used to give himself a slippery and pleasing name Hao Renyuan, which flattered several times, so he was not salty and passable. However, since Zhou Yisheng led the army into the city and planned to reuse him, his nature suddenly changed and vowed to do a career. Now it's time for his name. Hao Hao dared to

Hao Hao dared to knock on the breastplate and asked, "Do you know what this sound is?"

"Hmm! A rusty iron helmet, you dare to be presumptuous in front of us. Do you know how many such things we have done? A big businessman with a thick waist and thin legs, wearing gold and silver, was disdainful of Hao Hao's movements in his small eyes. He was really a country bumpkin.

If Hao dared to do so, he may immediately flatter him, saying that now he also has backbone. His eyes are staring, and there is no power. He raised his thumb in one hand and said disdainfully, "This is an unknown voice. Do you have this? Humph! A group of lifeless things..."