ying jie

Chapter 289 Crazy Killing

Chapter 289 Crazy Killing

Zhou Yisheng fell into the pit and only felt the gloomy horror around him, but he didn't think much about it. He just cared about protecting his soul, but he didn't expect that the hole was full of extremely fierce ghosts. Seeing the ghost falling in, he was full of gloom and rushed up one after another to swallow him up.

Zhou Yisheng practiced martial arts, but it was a kind of fear for these fierce ghosts. When he met Zhou Yisheng's magnificent martial arts, the fierce ghosts screamed one after another. Zhou Yisheng woke up and saw these hateful evil spirits. Without thinking about it, he ran away and went deeper into the mouth of the cave. The fiercer the fiercer the ghosts were, and finally they finally couldn't stand it. , surrounded him, filled him up with ghostly life, and finally consumed Zhou Yisheng's last bit of strength.

Some of the fierce ghosts wanted to pick up a bargain and jumped directly into Zhou Yisheng's body. They were all evil wind ghosts. They did not think about such consequences at all. After getting into Zhou Yisheng's body, they began to suck the yin qi that made up him. These are all good things to increase his cultivation! They didn't expect that Zhou Yisheng's spiritual imprint was repeatedly refined by his father, which had already been extremely powerful. He directly came up with a unique plan, using the most unusable things, and gathering his mental strength to fight back in an all-round way. How dangerous and domineering it is. If you don't pay attention, you will lose your mind and be insane.

These fierce ghosts were also killed from millions of evil spirits. In addition to being extremely fierce, their spirits were more resilient. What's more, so many ghosts suddenly mixed all kinds of spiritual forces in Zhou Yisheng's body. Zhou Yisheng's body tolerated such fierce ghosts and suddenly changed a lot, because the shadow road was with the help of The shadow of the real dragon in the Kowloon Seal naturally imprinted such a shadow, and the ghost body changed a lot and became a crazy monster with the momentum of the dragon.

At this time, Zhou Yisheng didn't know what he was doing at all. With the resentment of those evil spirits, he only wanted to kill bloodthirsty. Looking at the ghost soldiers surrounded him, he didn't want to rush up and start killing. Although one move is extremely clumsy, it is the most effective killing after the trials of these evil spirits. Injury moves.

Facing the ferocious monster, his whole body was covered with fine black scales, with two horns and red bloodthirsty eyes on his head. The monster's face looked extremely horrible. After jumping out of the hole, some timid soldiers had never seen such a ghost. Hearing the roar of the frightened ghost soldiers who ran out and turned their heads Run, they are really scared.

"Quick! Stop him." The ghost scholar looked at the monster, and his legs trembled a little. Somehow, he looked at him as if he were facing millions of evil spirits.

Indeed, at this time, Zhou Yisheng is more horrible than millions of evil spirits. With the support of no food, yin and yang, millions of evil spirits kill each other. How big is the resentment created? How strong is Hua Jun's spiritual imprint? Hua Jun's always domineering spiritual imprint has not suppressed their evil thoughts. Instead, Zhou Yisheng's spiritual world, which was trained by his mother since he was a child, was enough to see how terrible this monster was at this time.

The ghost famously treated the wound on his abdomen, but no matter how he handled the wound, the carrion was always there. Even if it was removed, it still grew out quickly. Looking at such a monster jumping out, he looked worried and said to the ghost scholar, "I don't know how this thing got it. It's very strong! Is there any good way?"

The ghost scholar glanced at the ghost and shook his head: "There are at least a million wronged souls who have to fight day and night. There is no way to know what a horrible monster will be created, but how fierce this monster should not be. This large array can weaken their anger, but still It has to be solved as soon as possible! Otherwise, absorbing enough yin qi will be a trouble at that time.

Those red eyes made the ghosts panic and dare not resist at all. However, a law enforcement team suddenly appeared behind them, both dead before and after. These proud Qin Guang soldiers still chose to move forward, thinking about this monster that scared them and rushed away.

The monster's claws seemed to be cast by gold and iron, and the chaotic cloak claws seemed to follow. They rushed back and forth among the ghosts and scratched them, as if by luck. The ghost's head was separated, and countless yin gas was sucked by him. Suddenly, it was sucked into his body. Suddenly, a faint light appeared under the black scales. The red light gradually disappeared, and I don't know how many ghost soldiers' souls were absorbed. His body seemed to have some red, red and black skin, which was even more creepy.

"Leader, don't let your brothers go! This monster is getting stronger and stronger. It's just a white sacrifice. It's useless!" Even if the law enforcement team watched these brothers rush forward and be drawn by cutting melons and vegetables, the monster was intact. Even the rock-solid heart began to fluctuate and couldn't help asking the ghost scholar for a way.

The ghost scholar doesn't know that there is nothing he can do if he goes on like this, which will only weaken his own strength, but he can't help it! He can only delay the time. Although he doesn't know what ghosts will be in this cave, he knows that as long as he doesn't give up, King Qin Guang will send reinforcements to save him.

said harshly, "What are you talking about? Don't take down this monster quickly, or you will do it together."

"Hmm! It's not your direct line. Of course you won't feel sorry for it.

"Let's speak down! Who made our lives suffer? I have become a cooli, and now I want to be cannon fodder.

"This cold family! Everyone's heart is very bad, otherwise the surname is cold!"

"Speak less! This monster can have weaknesses!"

I don't know how long it took to kill and how many ghost lives have been filled in, maybe 10,000, maybe 100,000, but who can count so many! However, at this time, both sides were a little tired. Although the monster seemed to have endless physical strength, and the Vietnam War became more and more fierce, his eyes became more and more, and finally turned into dazzling blood. However, the light in his eyes became more and more chaotic, and it could be seen that he had already happened.

This monster did have a situation. It has killed so many ghost soldiers, absorbed so many souls, and has already fed the evil spirits that rushed into Zhou Yisheng's body. However, at this time, they were deranged by the spiritual imprint left by Hua Jun, with only the instinct of killing, and Zhou Yisheng also appeared because he supplemented his gloomy qi. The ghost is incomparable. After waking up a little, he fought in Zhou Yisheng's spiritual sea, and you fought back and forth.

Zhou Yisheng's spiritual power comes from martial arts. Martial arts practitioners, domineering, all rely on a domineering behavior. Nowadays, the torrent of killing gathered by so many fierce ghosts wants to deprive Zhou Yisheng of his consciousness and fight well in Zhou Yisheng's spiritual sea of knowledge.

"Leng Shusheng, long time no see, your Grandpa Qiubao has come to meet you." After Qiu Bao's defeat in Yuncheng, he fled in confusion. After returning to Qin Guang Hall, he was regarded as a laughingstock. Now King Qin Guang personally ordered him to drive to save him. It was the time of revenge, and he seemed particularly active.

After Qiu Bao rushed in on horseback, he looked at the chaotic place, roared, and hit his head with a mace like the ghost.

When the ghost scholar saw this leopard, he was immediately annoyed, but when he saw that he was so angry that he didn't figure out the situation, he rushed up. Although he despised, now is not the time to have a conflict. He couldn't help reminding him, "Be careful, this guy is at least a king-level cultivation."

Qiu Bao is not a fool. He thought a lot along the way. Although he was not the only one to support him, since King Qin Guang ordered him to come down, this is his own shame. Naturally, he has to make some achievements. So many soldiers besieged one. Even if that man is a king or a fairy, he will still be tired. While he is tired, only He wants to rush up, capture him, and get his first success. Let's see who dares to laugh at him. However, he didn't expect that his cleverness was mistaken. He didn't pay attention to the reminder of ghost scholars at all and wanted to prevent me from achieving my first success and dreaming.

With hundreds of pounds of mace hammered by horse power, such a power is really going to kill people! Bang! With a hammer on the monster's head, Qiu Bao was overjoyed and became his own head. However, he met Zhou Yisheng, who was squeezed by hundreds of evil spirits. The shock on his head did not knock him out or smash his head. Instead, it made him wake up a lot and slapped him out fiercely.

Suddenly, Qiu Bao felt that he was like a left cloud. When did the horse under him become such a treasure? Unexpectedly, he had the magic power to fly to the sky.

"Good opportunity!" Gui Mingyang has been paying attention to the monster. Seeing the hatred leopard come out to make trouble, he gave up his defense with all his strength. Suddenly, he was happy. The soft sword in his hand trembled like a shock, and Hongfei stabbed his vest with all his strength.

Zheng Zheng!

A series of fire stars splashed, and the sharp soft sword hit with all its strength. It was not stabbed in the vest. Instead, it was scratched and rubbed out countless sparks. Without a single blow, the ghost quickly retreated. He was afraid of this invulnerable monster here.

Although it did not pierce the scales of the monster, it still made the monster suffer. It turned around and stared at the ghost reputation viciously. It looked like a bullied child staring at the villain's eyes. It was pure and flawless, and I couldn't find any other evil idea, that is, to revenge. What do you want?

The monster suddenly left countless soldiers and rushed to the ghost, grabbing his claws, like a wild mad woman.

"Stop him quickly." Gui Mingyang didn't expect this monster to hold such a grudge. Suddenly, he felt numb and quickly retreated to the gossip platform. According to him, since the gossip platform could trap him once, it would definitely trap him for the second time.

The hatred leopard flies in the fog! At this time, there was chaos in his head. He was not beaten, but lost. Originally, he wanted to grab a head, but he didn't expect to lose. Suddenly, he couldn't help using the card he had prepared for a long time and shouted out the name he absolutely didn't want to shout: "Grandpa, help me."

"Grandson! Here it comes.

"Evil beast, you can be captured without restraining your hand." The enemy was immortal. He took action for his grandson. Suddenly, a young and excessive person came out of the stone and hit the monster with one palm. His palm was not fancy and extremely plain, but the monster felt a great threat.