ying jie

Chapter 297 Palace Martial Arts Event 7

Chapter 297 Palace Martial Arts Event (7)

How precious Tianyuan is? These things are Zhou Yisheng's hard work. Although a big reason is his father's help, he dominates, so this baby is deeply imprinted in his soul. As soon as Zhou Yisheng's mind invaded, he suddenly felt as relaxed as arm guidance. He only felt that there was infinite energy in it. As long as he could use a little, he could repair his body, and even forcibly upgrade his cultivation to countless levels. However, Zhou Yisheng instructed it anyway, it was integrated into the body, but it did not Zhou Yisheng could only sigh helplessly.

"I took him." Everyone began to shout with red eyes.

"This thing is not his, it should be all of us."

"Yes..." The villagers' eyes are getting redder and red. If Zhou Yisheng hadn't been on the head of the huge thing, they might have been a little afraid to grab it.

Zhou Yisheng woke up from the surprise that inspired Tianyuan, but only a few short breaths. Looking at the monsters under him, Zhou Yisheng stopped killing was completely moved by their love. Zhou Yisheng saw that he had to give up the good situation to protect his childishness under him. Looking at the man's end, he would rather die. Protecting the child, although Zhou Yisheng sometimes can't understand, and this is still a monster, feelings are common. He has lacked love since he was a child, so he doesn't want the baby under the monster to lose what he didn't have.

If you are entangled today and you haven't got a rare beast, it's time to refine your body and restore your strength, so you don't want to stay any longer. Looking at the gas around his body one by one below, Zhou Yisheng found that things were a little bad.

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Yisheng stood above the monster's head and shouted angrily.

Because Zhou Yisheng gave up killing it, the monster fell to the ground and hid the cubs under him. Zhou Yisheng shouted angrily and almost fell out without standing still. The monster fell to the ground when these villagers were crazy one by one.

Looking at the villagers breathing heavily and with naked eyes, even fools can feel their covement. Although Zhou Yisheng does not have a good impression on these strange villagers, he has no sense of evil. Now Zhou Yisheng can never forgive his coveting his own things. Looking at the charge to him, Zhou Yisheng does not want to The fight accidentally injured the two-headed monster who gave birth to the baby, ran a few steps, jumped high above everyone's heads, and could only run away on the ground.

"A group of white-eyed wolves." Zhou Yisheng cursed angrily and looked at the posture of the villagers with arrows. He seemed to have the courage to never stop. The bows and arrows that were not used by these two-headed monsters were actually aimed at him in the air. If he hadn't looked at their red eyes, Zhou Yisheng had to doubt whether he had been set up for him earlier.

Woth! Szw!

The bows and arrows flew all over the sky for only one purpose, that is to shoot Zhou Yisheng down. Zhou Yisheng was completely angry. The arrows shot by these people were not only tricky, but also seemed to be desperate. The full moon bows pulled out by one couldn't wait to be broken, and some people even overdrawn their vitality to pull away those hard skills that usually could not be pulled away. It's not easy to avoid these bows and arrows in the air, and Zhou Yisheng doesn't know how many arrows he has been shot. Fortunately, he is a ghost and not fatal, but the murderous spirit contained in the bow and arrows makes him terrible.

"Little thief, dare to steal the treasures of our clan, why don't you leave your life quickly?" Even the old man who commanded his eyes were red. He didn't know what he was doing at all. He only felt that his body was full of infinite power. For the red gas around Zhou Yisheng, he was determined to get it. As soon as he took action, he jumped from the high mountain wall and slapped it out, with a loud momentum, at least the power of the top of the list. .

There were bows and arrows, and the attack of several old men on it suddenly forced Zhou Yisheng into a desperate situation and did not dare to keep it. The bow and arrow in his hand threw back to the same road. Suddenly, it roared more fiercely than before and shot at the villagers below, and suddenly there was a large scream.

Zhou Yisheng palmed the first leader and quickly landed. Seeing several old men hit down from the air, Zhou Yisheng did not dare to neglect. He kicked a large number of stones under his feet and was shaken into flying sand all over the sky. The force contained in it was huge. The yellow sand splashed like an arrow, and Zhou Yisheng's feet Don't retreat and advance.

Bang bang!

I don't know how many palms the people put in the yellow sand, but I only saw the crowd beating in the dark. Zhou Yisheng barely fought with these old men because of his clear eyes. He was completely exhausting his strength. Only these old men' physical strength could suppress the upper hand.

"Thief, take your life." Although several of the villagers around were killed by arrows, they did not scare them. Instead, their eyes were red and they were even more crazy. They kept shooting arrows at Zhou Yisheng, even these old men.

"Quick, please come out of the master's magic weapon." I don't know where to shout, and suddenly everyone suddenly took out small bells from their bodies and shook them behind the archer.

jingle! Jingle!

The voice is crisp and pleasant, very pleasant, and it can't help but make people intoxicated. What kind of life-saving means did Mr. Hua give them or other? However, as the bell became more and more urgent, everyone's eyes gradually became clear, but the fighting spirit was more high, while the sound of the bell became louder and louder, and the sound was like a handle. The sword is cutting the air and constantly shaking back and forth in the wide cave.

Zhou Yisheng felt a little unstable. Although he didn't know the purpose of the bell, looking at everyone's gradually clear eyes and more and more powerful means, his heart was shocked. The bell was also getting dull and dull in his ears, which did not seem to be so good. But now he is in a stalemate. Looking at the appearance of these old men, he became more and more brave after listening to the bell. Zhou Yisheng did not dare to delay the stalemate. He stepped back a few steps and hit the big stone with all his strength. Suddenly, the big stone flew towards several old men in pieces. Zhou Yisheng turned around and fled in the chaos, but he muttered the power of the bell and unexpectedly Next, he squatted down and was a little weak. At this time, his tense mind relaxed and found something strange. It turned out that the bell could not only disturb his mind, but also absorb the energy in his body.

"Thief, hand over what stole us quickly."

"If you dare to go to my Xiajia Village, you don't want to live."

"The thief, you dare to be arrogant. If it hadn't been for our old people, you would have been killed." Several old men watched Zhou Yisheng kneel on one knee, and suddenly stared at the red gas around him like a wolf. They approached vigilantly and absorbed the red gas. However, no matter how hard they tried, the red gas quickly overflowed after inhaling the body, and suddenly threatened Zhou Yisheng with great anger. Hand over what they don't know.

"Hehe! How beautiful the reasons are for being famous one by one, but you are always thieves. Zhou Yisheng said viciously and stared at the villagers who raised their knives fiercely.

"Don't talk nonsense with him and kill him. Naturally, these are ours." These villagers quickly took a step back, but they did not dare to look at Zhou Yisheng's fierce eyes. Now they have made a big mistake, and their greedy hearts have never weakened, and they can only go to the dark one by one.

"Yes, kill him and take back what belongs to us."

"I agree."

"I agree, too."

Everyone expressed their position, as if they were determined to kill Zhou Yisheng and seize the red gas that 'belonged' to them.

"It turns out that you are not tempted by this thing. You are all pretending to be crazy!" Zhou Yisheng saw everyone's faces and didn't want to refute anything more. Seeing that this posture would never end.

Wo! Roar!

Just when everyone was furious and wanted to kill Zhou Yisheng, the two-headed monster they deliberately forgot hit the blocked gap on its back. Suddenly, the big stone rolled down, and a cold wind blew out, and the roaring sound blew, like a sharp sword penetrating into everyone's hearts and screaming strangely one after another. Escape quickly.

"The demon wind is blowing, run!"

"Together with the demon wind, the monster is coming."

Everyone has completely forgotten the object to be killed and left. This large number of monsters can't be stopped by ordinary people like them. Who made them greedy! Taking advantage of the port where the demon wind stopped blocking the hole, he didn't expect to abandon his previous achievements for his own selfishness and completely scrapped it.


The roar became more and more fierce. Although several old men were anxious, they did not leave, but said bluntly to Zhou Yisheng, "We can temporarily put down our stereo ideas. As long as you help us block this beast, we can block the hole, and then you can be spared."

"Why should I help you?" Looking at the weak two-headed monster, Zhou Yisheng had a strange feeling and was saved by the monster he wanted to kill. Isn't it bullshit that these people who wanted to fight and kill wanted to help him?

"Because you are a human, if monsters invade, not only you, but even the whole world may be lost under the monster's hooves." These old men were anxious. Although the red fog was too **, they had to suppress their greed. They believed that Zhou Yisheng was a smart man. Any smart man who dares to carry the charge of human public enemy would be felt by the righteousness in their mouth, put down their prejudigree, and then willingly be Drive, and then...

"Are you still waiting for me to help you finish your work, and then ask me to hand it over in the name of justice, right?" Zhou Yisheng looked at several old men and only felt puzzled. Who are they? Do you really think you are a fool? Is it easy to cheat?

"Do you choose the same for the life and death of human beings or your misunderstanding, the safety of human beings or your life and death?" One of the old men rudely pushed away the gentle man and said viciously that he was determined to tie the interests of human beings together!