ying jie

Chapter 317 Mr. Tianji's Layout

Chapter 317 Mr. Tianji's Layout

"Why didn't you return it just now!" Dugu Waner looked at Zhou Yisheng's lonely back and didn't know what he was thinking, but looking at the lonely thatched hut not far away, she couldn't help trembling. Could he remember it and couldn't help asking in a trembling voice.

"Although those flies are annoying, they are all human beings after all. If I destroy them, the people will suffer. The most important thing is you. You and their hatred can't be completely untied." Although Zhou Yisheng is conceited that he has the ability to easily destroy many sects in the 3,000 sects, he is not arrogant to think that the 3,000 sects can be easily slaughtered by him. After all, he can feel that there are countless eyes staring at him and watching himself walk on this vast chess game in the world step by step. .

Zhou Yisheng doesn't like or hate such a feeling of being watched, but the person who is watched will eventually feel uncomfortable and wants to get rid of it. However, in the current situation, he still has to rely on that feeling, such as blind people touching shrimps, and he has to find the movement that he can take advantage of. So after feeling the fluctuation, he quickly gave up 3,000 sects and came here.

At a glance, under the dark night sky, the night view of Qionghu Lake is particularly beautiful. However, without the screams of fighting not far away, perhaps this quiet and peaceful scene can wash away the restless heart and give people an extremely wonderful feeling.

"Come out!" Zhou Yisheng shouted softly. Although he didn't know who let himself come here and aroused the resonance in his heart, he was not afraid. Suddenly, a huge wave by Qiong Lake hit out, rolled up a huge wind and wave and hit the darkness overwhelmingly.

"Mr. Tianji's disciple, see you in Wuyang." The man made a thin blue dress, tied a bun and tied up with a wooden hairpin. He stepped on a dragonfly on the lake like a little water. The huge wave was about to turn him over. Suddenly, he spoke to Zhou Yisheng and said respectfully.

Zhou Yisheng stepped on his foot again, and a faster water arrow shot out, which immediately divided the huge wave into two. After passing Wuyang, all of them fell down like rain that had lost strength. Zhou Yisheng frowned slightly and didn't know why this man could arouse his idea. He said maliciously, "Who is your master, Mr. Tianji? Isn't there any immortal person who wants to play conspiracy and tricks again!"

Wuyang quickly stepped on the surface of the water, quickly approached Zhou Yisheng, fell to the shore, looked at Zhou Yisheng's eyes a few feet away, confirmed that it was not turbid, and then said, "The family teacher has been immortalized, left a letter, signed a date to wait for the deceased on the lakeside of the destruction of the city, and handed over to the deceased, Wuyang The task is completed as a teacher, and you can travel around the world to create a career.

Zhou Yisheng received the letter in surprise and immediately felt that it was the letter that made him feel strange. The envelope was painted with fire paint, opened it and shook the letter paper. Zhou Yisheng watched it carefully.

On the day when the city of Izumo City was broken, the summer rose again, and the shadow practitioners ushered in the dawn... I thought that everything was in the control of stupidity, but the thunder in the divine world appeared, and stupidity was nothing more than a chess piece! The way of heaven is vast and boundless, peeping at its complacency and getting this end, sighing! You will be the key to human rejuvenation. I hope you take care...

After Zhou Yisheng finished reading the letter, the letter paper suddenly burned into flying ash, and a little blood-colored smoke quickly drilled into Zhou Yisheng's head and screamed. All this changed so fast that even Zhou Yisheng, a half-immortal and half-god, did not feel it.

"You dare to cheat and poison, and take your life." Dugu Waner's cultivation on the list saw that Zhou Yisheng suddenly screamed and screamed. He took the jade palm and patted Wuyang. The palm-wind was fierce and vicious, and even the big stone could be broken, let alone the human head.

Wuyang - didn't expect this change at all. She was stunned for a moment and was completely unprepared for the jade palm patted by Dugu Wan'er. Seeing that she was about to be killed under her palm, Zhou Yisheng grabbed Dugu Wan'er's hand, so that she could not make any progress at all.

"Don't kill him, it has nothing to do with him."

Zhou Yisheng sucked cold air and squeezed a few words out of his teeth. Now he only felt a splitting headache, as if someone had split his head with an axe, and then forcibly put a lot of things in and stitched them roughly. The thing put in his head was constantly expanding. He wanted to squeeze it out of his head, but he only I feel that something is about to gushing out of my eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

"Let him go." After a long time, the swelling and pain finally dissipated a little. Zhou Yisheng waved his hand and said to Dugu Waner.

"Let's go! Don't let me see you anymore." Dugu Waner waved her hand and drove Wuyang away.

Zhou Yisheng sat by Qiong Lake and recovered after a long time. During this period, he had several seizures, and finally the pain gradually subsided.

The two stood quietly by Qiong Lake. Dugu Waner didn't know what Zhou Yisheng had found, but it made her more worried and more afraid. Zhou Yisheng stood quietly by Qiong Lake, as if it had turned into a willow that was spitting new buds. His eyes became extremely deep, and then he looked at the hut not far from the shore, and only felt extremely cordial.

"Mr. Tianji said." Mr. Tianji's reputation is too popular. Although he doesn't know whether what Wuyang said is true or false, Dugu Waner is very curious about this person and asked tentatively.

"Nothing, this old fox is too cunning to deceive everyone." Zhou Yisheng looked at the hut and replied casually.

Is that right? But hasn't he lied to you yet? At least you see through it!" Dugu Waner followed Zhou Yisheng's eyes and looked at the thatched hut. At this moment, she seemed to have an illusion that he knew everything, but she didn't want to believe it, or the drowning man grabbed the straw and didn't let go. Maybe the only scenery on the shore made him appreciate it. Yes, it must be like this.

Zhou Yisheng turned his head and looked at this peerless face. This face was not pink, and was covered by black ash just now. However, after the washing of the water by the lake, the water came out of the hibiscus at night, which was thrillingly beautiful. Her thin figure was a few people who could control this beautiful city in troubled times. Jiaoyan sighed softly and was as calm as Zhou Yisheng still couldn't help being intoxicated with her.

"Do you really love me? Will you marry me?" Zhou Yisheng asked softly.

Dugu Waner didn't know why Zhou Yisheng suddenly asked this question. She only felt extremely shy. She was looked at by those hot eyes and couldn't wait to hide her hot cheeks. The slender snow neck shrank slightly. Dugu Waner turned to Zhou Yisheng on her back and wanted to nod. At this moment, her head seemed to be The power of heaven is generally imprisoned. In any case, the simplest action has exhausted countless forces, but it can't be done.

Zhou Yisheng sighed, pulled the topic back to the original top, and whispered, "I was also deceived by the old fox. Maybe I will be cheated by him to sell himself and help him count the money in the future."

Dugu Waner was finally not so uncomfortable. She turned around and looked at Zhou Yisheng: "Since you know that you were cheated by him, you can just leave him."

"Can you leave? I can't do it anymore. Let's go! Accompanying me, it is estimated that the masters of 3,000 sects have begun to clean up the skeleton soldiers and ghost soldiers in the city. When they are finished cleaning up, we will go home and help you recover some interest from the 3,000 sects. Zhou Yisheng looked at Dugu Waner. He didn't know whether he was right to do this, but he believed that his intuition would not be deceived, even the old fox of Tianji.

ps: Although Mr. Tianji has few appearances, this is a super big pit. Guess what he is going to do. First of all, it means that there is no prize!