ying jie

Chapter 330 The Man Behind the Scenes

Chapter 330 The Man Behind the Scene

Now that the remnants of Daxia came to unify the army, the disciples of these 3,000 sects did not expect that this man would be wrapped in so many soldiers in a short period of time. A large area of people were black and pressed, which made people look frightened, but they saw the banners in the distance and the military tents that had been set up in order. Suddenly, they were leaders one by one. People's hearts are cold. In just a few days, Huang Feihu actually gathered a million troops. Who is he?

"Haha! Brother, I stepped across Weiyun City and came to this Yuncheng to have a look. It's really like this! The eldest brother is really expected, and I admire it!" At this time, a large group of people were not in the army, but came to a hill not far from Chuyun City. There were many mountains here. Huang Feihu's men thought that they would come to this Yuncheng to fight, but they didn't expect to attack the top of the city so easily. The trace of anxiety in his heart had long been thrown out of the sky.

At first, the mount under the seat was colorful, with a body length of three feet and a width of more than one foot, but it was an incomparable divine cow. I only saw him surrounded by fog, floating out of the dust, and raised his head high. Although the ordinary horses around him did not dare to look or look at it. A man in white sat on the back of the colorful god cow, looking no more than 30. A few rays of beard under the national face and jaw added to his majesty. He sat high on the back of the god cow and looked at the head of Yuncheng from afar. For the respect and admiration of the person around him, there was no joy at all, but nodded with a calm face. Then he turned his face and stared seriously at the people behind the buttocks of the god cow and looked at them condescendingly. The aggressive momentum on his body was like a fierce general, and there was no elegance to move forward: "Qi Lin!"

"There." As soon as the flattering man heard this, he immediately turned over and got off the horse. Suddenly, the lock armor on his body clung and knelt on one knee and sang a promise.

"Stop attacking the city! Drive the people we caught outside the city. Huang Feihu ordered without looking back.

With the order, the people behind Huang Feihu were suddenly shocked. What kind of trick is this? Isn't it about to attack the city? Why did he have to drive those people away? What on earth was he going to do? Suddenly, an a staff member couldn't help bowing and said, "General! Why is this? Isn't Izumo City about to be captured? Why do you have to stop attacking the city!"

Qi Lin knelt on the ground, his eyes were a little ethereal, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Qi Lin, whatever you are thinking, just say it!" Huang Feihu got off the colorful cow. His thin body faced a few divine horses, but he was still as unfathomable as a giant.

Suddenly, several generals and staff looked at Qi Lin, who was kneeling on the ground. They didn't know what they were thinking. Maybe it was really inappropriate to attack the top of the city so easily! Now that Daxia territory is about to be completely restored, these Daxia remnants have some doubts that it is so smooth that it is a dream that there is nothing left after waking up.

Yes! Qi Lin was wondering why we could gather 100,000 soldiers and bring hundreds of thousands of people in just a few days, and why it would be so easy to attack the city all the way. Is it true that Dazhou has completely lost the hearts of the people? However, from the previous month, Dazhou's government agencies in various places did not have many oppression. The people, * became a disaster, not to mention that the attack on this road was really too smooth. Qi Lin boldly said that the journey was really too smooth and smooth to a strange level. Almost everyone of the Daxia remnants, as the senior level of the Eastern Expedition, had red eyes and wanted to reach the imperial city of Dazhou as soon as possible, and almost forgot the behind-the-scenes pusher hidden in the dark.

Huang Feihu sighed deeply and said, "Yes! Now looking at such a tall wall, but it's easy to go up. I'm thinking about what I've seen and heard along the way. The Eastern Expedition is really too smooth. Even I'm dizzy and red. One day, I only think about how many cities can occupy and how many people can be wrapped. I haven't considered the so-called crisis at all. Now it's time to stop and repair it. ."

"But to stop, at least you have to go to the advanced city! If we station so many people and troops outside the city, it's not that you don't know how powerful these disciples of 3,000 sects are. They can't fight, but they all have good cultivation. If they are organized to carry out a night attack, although we are known as millions of troops, once the people blow up the camp, we will face a complete The crisis of destruction! So I don't agree with stopping immediately. It's better to go to the city for repair. Moreover, we took this city, which is equivalent to opening the door to attack Dazhou and can go east at any time. If Dazhou reacts and sends troops to reinforce it, I'm afraid we can only look at the city and sigh. This is Xia Yu, the right general who is only trusted by Huang Feihu. Although his cultivation is not as good as Huang Feihu, he is the son of the Daxia royal family. Now he is over 70 years old, and his body is still very strong. After Dazhou destroyed Daxia, he has been living in seclusion in the mountains and forests. Hearing about the Eastern Expeditionary Army, he defected to the army and was appointed as the right general by Huang Feihu. Along the way, he attacked the city and plundered the land, burned and looted it. It was very bloody. How could it be seen that this was the work of an old man over 70.

"Xia Yu! Don't take over the royal family and do whatever you want. Don't forget that you are more than 70 years old, just a side room. Isn't it enough for you to kill and rob along the way? If we still want to cause trouble, we will find the direct children of the royal family sooner or later, hum! At that time, we will take revenge." The speaker was dressed in a wide and thick linen coat and looked like a farmer, but looking at his face and eyes, his skin was delicate and smooth, and his eyes were not numb at all vicissitudes, but as bright as the star bright moon. Jiang Wu, a staff member, has been smart since he was a child. He has been wise and is not good at flapping horses. He cultivates among the fields and ridges, reads and plays in the mountains and rivers. Huang Feihu came to invite him many times in person, and Jiang Wu came out to help.

Seeing Jiang Wu finally speak, he scolded the right general Xia Yu as soon as he exited. Suddenly, the atmosphere was a little deadlocked. Most of the reason why the road was so smooth was that the young man had an idea. Huang Feihu looked at Jiang Wu and didn't know what he wanted to say.

"General, I agree with you." Jiang Wu ignored the strange eyes of the people, whispered, and then meditated. Obviously, he had something to say.

"Sir, just say it." Huang Feihu's heart sank when he saw Jiang Wu's meditation. It seemed that this conspiracy was really well arranged!

"The Eastern Expeditionary Army is divided into three routes, left and middle roads. Needless to say, the left army has no combat effectiveness. It is responsible for logistics and food supply along the way. In addition to wrapping the people, burning, killing and looting, the right army is almost full of princes and children of the so-called royal family in the Xia Dynasty. They are a group of family members, only the middle army. The military discipline is strict, and there is no crime against the people along the way, so heroes from all walks of life have defected one after another, but there is another important problem, that is, our Daxia's children are full of high-level officials. Maybe this is because they know how to read and write, but have you ever thought that no one in the army on the road is going down is our Daxia's children. It can be controlled." Jiang Wu said unhurryly and criticized the Eastern Expeditionary Army for an incompetent skin, but the last sentence was like a thunderous roar, which shocked these senior executives of the Eastern Expeditionary Army without blood.

Huang Feihu's forehead was sweating, such as a god of military, and everything was like a god. He did not escape the control of that person at all. He was played with applause and thought that he could take advantage of the situation. If he attacked the city by himself, that person might be able to take it. His disciples came to accept the army by themselves. These high-level officials of Daxia were completely caught and became his caged birds. It was a good move to steal beams and pillars, and others changed the whole foundation.

General Huang-Xiangbao is a clan uncle of Huang Feihu. He is an honest and shrive old man. He is usually despised. Now this young staff makes him so useless. He hold his mouth and wants to insert a word. Looking at the right general Xia Yu, who frowned at him next to him, he is watching the vanguard army. Lin's disdainful eyes suddenly became angry. How could he say that he was the uncle of General Huang Feihu? Regardless of the bodyguard behind him pulling his sleeves, he said firmly, "Humph! The royal family of Daxia is magnificent, and the flying tigers are ordered to be in danger. Naturally, they will respond to the magnificent scenery of the world. What's so strange about this? Besides, which of my Daxia children is not loyal and won't let them take power. Can't they be those big soldiers and fight desperately with those mud-legged? They are treasures. If I die, there will be only one less than my Daxia.

"That's enough, why don't you bring your general back?" Huang Feihu shouted angrily, and his forehead was already sweating. He still had some experience in managing accounts for this uncle, but the war march was really bad, and he dared to say wild words.

Although Huang-Xiangbao is the uncle of Huang Feihu, after all, Huang Feihu is now the most elite Chinese army commanded by the general. Now as soon as he opens his mouth, the servants behind the red and yellow-Xiangbao suddenly greeted one after another and surrounded the angry Huang-Xiangbao and left.

"Hmm! What kind of person is this? My nephew is also soft-hearted.

"My general! Just say less! General Huang led so many people, and he naturally wants to show his prestige. He still has to rely on these subordinates. He treats you as his own and yells at you so much. Don't add obstacles to him!" A son of the Huang family, who was a pro-military, comforted and said.

"Yes, you're right, little smart ghost, when the flying tiger's anger subsides another day, I'll tell him that you can also be a general." Huang-Xiangbao listened to the compliments of his children, and his sullen breath subsided, and his face smiled, not to mention how happy he was.

"Thank you, uncle."

"You're welcome. It's all my family. It's just a piece of cake."

PS: Today's third update, more than 10,000 words, the first three update at 11 o'clock, ask for red votes.