ying jie

Chapter 377 Yun Mengze's Horror

Chapter 377 Yun Mengze's Horror (Part 1)

Ji Lengfeng wanted to open her mouth to let Zhou Yisheng leave, but in the end, Zhou Yisheng is a young eagle. His future is the sky. Now this young eagle is famous, which means becoming the object of others to hunt. If you don't fight and fight, maybe you can protect him, but after all, this dance The platform was too small to bind his wings. When the time was ripe, he no longer dared to fly high.

Zhou Yisheng still looks old. Although this battlefield has helped him heal most of his wounds, he still has to find a way to solve it. Zhou Yisheng has never visited the great mountains and rivers in this world leisurely. Although he is suffering from other worlds, the mountains and rivers are still so beautiful, beautiful and spiritual.

The last time I went to Beijing, together with Zhuge Yuren, Xia Houyang and Liu Qiaoyi, I pretended to be Wang Jingzhu, and I don't know how he is now, uh-huh! By the last time, the five-guan king in the world inadvertently mentioned to explore Yunmize, but at that time, Zhou Yisheng's cultivation was not enough to get a cloud emperor bee. Later, because he really couldn't feed it, he had to let it go. Or go there this time. Zhou Yisheng made up his mind and immediately changed his direction and went south.

The further south you go, the denser the forest is. When it reaches a place where there is no one, Zhou Yisheng suddenly disappears. When he appears again, he has already arrived in the primitive forest in the southwest. The weather in the forest is extremely strange. Sometimes it is surprisingly hot, and sometimes it rains heavily. After the rain, it is not refreshing, but like a steamer. Generally, the sultry heat is uncomfortable, but Zhou Yisheng is no longer affected by these.

This cloud dream has been floating all year round. This cloud dream is full of miasma gas. If you are not careful, you can trap people into it and poison it. However, this cloud dream is boundless and I don't know how big it is. This cloud dream has fallen outside some aliens. They are all kinds of people who are good at using various poisons. Occasionally, you can see these aliens. Look for all kinds of poisons or herbs to cure diseases in Yunmengze.

I remember that when I came last year, there seemed to be something big happen among these aliens, and they all went back to the mountains. This time, as soon as Zhou Yisheng came, he found strange things. There were too many people coming in and out of Yunmengze. From time to time, he came out with a big back of herbs. If they picked like them, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much. For a long time, Yun Mengze couldn't see any medicine.

These foreigners are very wary of foreign visitors, so Zhou Yisheng does not want to go forward to ask, for fear of exposing his identity and causing hatred among these foreigners. At that time, there was not a lot of trouble. After all, they are the owners here.

"Quick! The saint ordered a large number of knife wounds and herbs. Don't care about the beasts and wild beasts in Yunmengze. She will take people to clean them up and protect you.

"You should thank the saint. If it hadn't been for the arrival of the saint, you would still wear rags, live in a leaky house, and be bullied by wild beasts." Several middle-aged men wore fancy clothes, which were no different from the people here, but when they said the words of the aliens, they had a strong Central Plains accent. Although they were a little lame, they still heard them.

"When did there be a saint?" Zhou Yisheng didn't understand this alien words, but when he first came here, he saved an alien man under the mouth of a python. After getting along with him for a few days, the man was actually the son of a patriarch in a mountain village. After a few days, he found that the alien language was slightly different from the pronunciation of the Central Plains. In order to have no too strange changes, and from these languages and the young man, we know that these aliens once lived in the Central Plains.

Zhou Yisheng knew that this saint was definitely not the original one of these aliens, but looking at their happy appearance and so many knife wounds and herbs, Zhou Yisheng had a bad idea in his heart. Did these aliens elect a saint to lead them? Fight, but who can they fight? This answer is ready to come out, Central Plains.

"Alas! When did these thin monkeys living in the mountain forest dare to wave their claws at the tiger? Zhou Yisheng smiled jokingly, but then he didn't want to mind his own business. These things were not something he could worry about. The aliens living here included all the men, women and young. Even with the number of nursing children, there were only 50,000. Zhou Yisheng couldn't figure out what they could do and didn't want to waste that energy. . I just hope that they want to have an addiction to war and can only fight themselves. It will take a month to cross the mountains to the Central Plains in the south, and they just hope that they will not get lost. Not everyone will be able to fly and escape.

So the uneasiness in Zhou Yisheng's heart was quickly suppressed by laughter and entered Yunmengze from the uninhabited place on the other side. Zhou Yisheng's footsteps were very light. Whether this was a swamp or a pool, he could not stop Zhou Yisheng's footsteps now. The only thing that could cause a little trouble was this fog, even if it was repaired. As strong as the master of the world, his spirit is frozen like a stone. In this dream, he still feels confused about the direction. After the poison is inhaled into his body, he is particularly stubborn and takes a lot of effort to spit it out. However, these are just small troubles. Zhou Yisheng quickly walked to the depths of Yun Mengze with his memory.

"The saint has been in for so long, do you think there will be anything wrong!"

"No way! She has been there several times. It should be very important to go in in such a hurry this time!"

In the fog, several people with medicine baskets suddenly came out. Zhou Yisheng suddenly hid into the depths of Yunmeng. Listening to their dialogue, Zhou Yisheng became more and more curious about this saint. He could make these ignorant and pedantic aliens be praised as saints in a short time. It can be seen that her means, and those who dare to call themselves saints are all ice. A pure woman, otherwise who dares to stain this word? If she is ugly, I'm afraid she won't let the people below respect her as a saint!

"Oh! Why did the beasts and birds in Yunmengze disappear? Zhou Yisheng watched the two go far away, and then stepped on the swamp. Ordinary people would not think that they could hide a person on this swamp and walk on this dry path. Zhou Yisheng obviously noticed something, because this is already the depths of Yunmengze, and the suddenly more road has to be found. Think about it.

All the way last week, Yisheng no longer has to look for a way according to his memory. He can only follow this road and move forward quickly.

Wow! Gaga!

Zhou Yisheng was shocked when he heard the song of the birds. Except for the people who came and went on the way, it was really too quiet. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. Zhou Yisheng knew that this was a cloud crow. Although it was small, it was one of the hegemons in Yunmengze, except for a few large living birds. Except for the beast, it eats almost all the meat, and it is as fierce, which is very annoying.

Zhou Yisheng restrained his breath and saw a large piece of black and white rushing out quickly. The cloud crow's whole body is not black, white, gray, black and white. Although many of them are mixed, these cloud crows are extremely united. They are all one Large groups go out, which is why they can dominate Yunmengze and become the hegemony.

buzz! Buzz!

Zhou Yisheng heard the sound of the cloud wasp again. This little thing was difficult to deal with in Yunmize. Thinking of a cloud emperor bee that he got last time, he suddenly felt happy, but he saw a large area of surging yellow clouds rushing out. Seeing this scene, Zhou Yisheng seemed to have caught something. Is there a big one in this cloud dream? When the monsters were born, these overlords were afraid to escape.