After a poison

Chapter 006 is soft here

Zhuge Aoshuang was stunned and then nodded with laughter.

A mother who can abandon her life to save her daughter is worthy of respect.

Over the years, Wang Cuining has been tortured and humiliated by Mrs. Zhuge and the maids in the house.

Twenty-four pink maids and fifteen young men in navy blue bowed neatly behind Zhuge Aoshuang and waited.

Such a scene reminded Zhuge Aoshuang of the guards and maids in her princess's house in the prosperous period of the White Country.

They used to serve themselves respectfully like this, making beds and quilts for themselves.

But there is no one left of those people who have already died.

"It's good to serve your wife. If you see your wife suffer again in the future, you will certainly suffer a hundred times more than her." Zhuge Aoshuang looked at Wang Cuining, who was a little sleepy on the bed, and ordered the maids to walk out of the main courtyard alone.

What she ordered was just to make the maids here stop bullying Wang Cuining. In the future, she will not be here, and others will dare to bully Wang Cuining again.

In general, there will be some scruples.

Walk to the gate of Zhuge Mansion and pause. Finally, she looked at the spacious mansion, which seemed a little dilapidated to her.

This is not her home after all.

The relatives are not her relatives.

There is no need for her to stay here.

Turn around and strode away.

Her lonely look and lonely back seemed to stain the sky with a trace of sadness.

How many sorrows and grievances are hidden in her small body?

Or, wash away the unclean blood feud?

Behind her, a person in a snow robe stood quietly, and his dark eyes were staring at her thoughtfully.

The sky was getting dark, and Zhuge Aoshuang saw the inn called Piaoyun Tower and walked in.

"Ouch, guest officer, are you at the top or staying in the hotel?"

"Prepare a room."

"Okay, guest, please."


Zhuge Aoshuang was attentively led to the second floor by his second brother, and then turned left to the last room.

Xiao Er opened the door for her and made way for her to walk in.

The oncoming breeze blew the green silk on her cheeks behind her head, revealing a beautiful face, and the temperament of Jiangnan women was undoubtedly revealed.

Like a white lotus flower, it comes out of the mud without staining, and it is clear without demons.

How can there be such a strong wind in this room?

She was puzzled and looked at the second child beside her. But his kind face became ferocious in an instant.

Her face also slowly turned flushed, and her head was crooked and she fainted.

Before fainting, she saw the blood flowing from the second neck.

After seeing him, there was a young man in a snow robe. His narrow eyebrows slanted into his temples. His black eyes were a little slender, and his thin lips were bent down. He was withdrawing the sword in his hand and came in her direction like lightning.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on a strange bed, covered with thick white bear skin felt. There are five stoves in the room, and the fog is rising.

The warm feeling made her pores spread out.

I moved and wanted to sit up, but I found that I couldn't do it.

Turning around, my heart jumped.

A teenager in a snow robe sat lazily on her side, holding her with a clear big hand.

Isn't this the snow-robed teenager sitting in the cyan carriage when she escaped from Zhuge Mansion last time?

As soon as she moved, the young man's black eyes opened, and a light flashed from it. He smiled and said, "Wake up?"

She nodded and quickly pulled back the softness wrapped in his palm.

looked around and looked up at him: "Where is this?" How can I be here?"

The surroundings are magnificent, two black and gold circle chairs are placed on the side, and the ground is covered with white bear skin carpets, and several nine golden foot bottles are neatly arranged in a circle.

Every decoration here is comparable to that of the palace.

There is nobility everywhere, but it will not seem too vulgar, elegant and noble.

"You entered the Piaoyunlou Inn, where there was a dark cave. It's a place to sell some beautiful women and make money.

Zhuge Aoshuang was surprised and had no expression on his face, but there was an angry light in his eyes.

"An hour ago, the Cloud Tower caught fire for no reason and turned into nothingness." The young man's elegant and mellow voice came into his ears, which made Zhuge Aoshuang stare at him and wanted to see something in his eyes.

The young man looked at home, and there was no trace of strangeness, as if it was just an accident that the floating cloud tower turned into nothingness.

He didn't say anything, and Zhuge Aoshuang didn't ask. His body was about to stand up with force, but his legs could not exert any strength. He fell down with an unstable head and was about to hit a blue nose and a swollen face.

A pair of white big hands gently wrapped around her slender waist and pulled her into a warm embrace with a slight force. He inadvertently wiped his cold lips across her ears and blew his slight breath into her ear.

Her heart, like a calm lake, was lost a small piece of gravel and gradually rippled.

The face turned red in an instant, and the heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

Don't open your head and don't look at him, but your body suddenly stiff.

The teenager didn't seem to feel her change, so he gently put her back on the bed and pulled the quilt for her.

"Thank you." Zhuge Aoshuang came to his senses and was annoyed by his loss of mind for a moment. He reached out and tapped his legs gently, numb and didn't feel it.

She was stunned and felt that she must have kept an action for a long time, so she was numb. He moved his legs gently and knocked again with his hand.

So repeatedly for so long, her eyes turned around and unexpectedly calm. "My legs are useless?"

He nodded and his black eyes narrowed slightly: "Hmm."

Silence, silence, the silence in the room is terrible.

For a long time, the woman smiled coldly, took out the purple frost sword in her sleeve and stabbed the teenager beside her. Say, who the hell are you? What's the purpose of bringing me here?"

"Your leg was cold to the bone, and then you were hit by a heavy object. You didn't deal with it in time. Up to now, you haven't completely abolished it. You can have fun secretly." The teenager stepped back two steps and stood with his hands behind his back. He smiled faintly on his cold face: "My surname is Qin, and my single name is Xuan."

Qin Xuan's black eyes narrowed slightly.

How can this woman laugh when she learns that her legs are useless? And he didn't cry, exclaim, or hang himself like other women.

In addition to her strong willpower, it can only show that the suffering she has suffered is more painful and difficult to accept than being discarded of her legs.

Huh? Do you mean that it hasn't been completely abolished?" A trace of hope flashed in Zhuge Aoshuang's dark pupils: "Does that mean that I can still walk?"

"How can you waste it when I'm here?" Qin Xuan smiled and his eyes were full of confidence.

She exhaled a heavy breath of turbidity.

Her legs were ruined, and she had already suffered it once.

She has long experienced the burning and smashed beams. Therefore, it is not unacceptable to cry and shout for losing their legs.

Losing her legs, she calmly accepted. She was still overjoyed to learn that her legs still had hope of treatment and could continue to walk in the future.

Who would like to be paralyzed if you can walk?

Qin Xuan went to the side and picked up the teapot, poured a cup of osmanthus tea and handed it to the thoughtful woman on the couch: "If you want your legs, promise me a condition."

Zhuge Aoshuang took over the cup and shook it gently. He looked at the amber-colored ** and whirled in the cup before saying, "What's the condition?"

It's normal to have conditions. If there are no conditions to treat her, she will doubt whether he has ulterior motives.

"When your legs are ready, you will know."

As the teenager was talking, Shi Ran had gone out, leaving only a handsome back for Zhuge Aoshuang.

Zhuge Aoshuang rubbed his temples.

This person did not give her any chance to refuse.

But she has reached this point, what could be more miserable than the current situation?


The next day.

The rising sun shines and the golden light shines all over.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful everywhere, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

The breeze hit, and the willow leaves floated down, made a few spins in the air, and quietly floated on the clear lake.

A huge luxury painting boat is driving slowly on the sparkling lake. The top of the boat is painted with yellow paint, and the ship pillars are carved with beams and phoenixes.

A few carp seem to be high and low compared with the painted fish, sometimes swimming in front and sometimes falling behind the painted fish.

At the front end of the painting, there is a soft golden couch. On the couch, there is a young man who looks 18 or 19 years old. The young man's face is like a crown and his eyes are like a bright star. Wearing a snow robe, with high crown hair, he lowered his head slightly, and a pair of deep pool-like black eyes looked at the woman pillowing on his leg.

A girl in white tribute soft satin closed her eyes and was comfortably pillowing on his lap. The breeze blew up her long ink-like hair and drew an elegant arc in the air.

Soft and quiet.

The dazzling light made Zhuge Aoshuang open his eyes slightly and reach out to block the golden sunlight in front of him. What he saw was the blue sky, white clouds, and occasionally groups of invisible birds flying by.

The surrounding environment is strange, and it is not the Kyoto she is familiar with at all.

Where is it?!

Later, she realized that what was lying under her head did not seem to be a soft silk pillow.

Reach out and touch it.

It's not very hard, and it's a little soft, and there is a warm touch.

What is this?

Reach out and touch somewhere else.

Well, it's softer here...