After a poison

Chapter 046 Men and Women rob

Only the emperor of the State of Qin claimed to be the emperor. The emperors of other empires claim to be "I" or "Widow".

Seeing the appearance of the Jade Ling Xiao, and then hearing the man who claimed to be the emperor, and the legendary age similar to His Majesty, so there is no doubt that this must be His Majesty.

"See the Empress, the Empress is thousands of years old!"

After shouting Long live your majesty, they shouted a thousand years old to Zhuge Aoshuang, making Zhuge Aoshuang slightly sip the corners of his mouth. However, she didn't explain much and was worshipped by them.

Qin Qingxuan stretched out his hand and said, "False."

When the people heard the words, no one got up, and even the children did not make a sound, let alone jump up directly.

"If there is anything, just let me know. As long as it does not violate my Qin laws, I will naturally deal with it fairly. Qin Qingxuan glanced faintly, as if he knew something.

"Your Majesty, please kill the mountain thieves for me! Your Majesty, please rescue the villain's wife, daughter and son... Please, Your Majesty!" More than a thousand old, weak, sick and disabled people in the village shouted together and burst into tears.

I don't know if it's sadness or tears of joy.

Hearing this, Qin Qingxuan nodded and said, "The mountain thief here has been wiped out for you a few days ago, and you can live at ease. Your family will be able to return in less than three days.

When the people heard this, they were shocked and cheered with gratitude: "Thank you, Your Majesty... Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you very much... Thank you very much! Long live your majesty, long live your majesty..."

"Hold Your Majesty..."

"Queen Qianyear-old Qianyear-old Qianyear-old Qianyear-old..."

The people were not only shocked when they heard Qin Qingxuan's words, but also Zhuge Aoshuang, who had been beside Qin Qingxuan in the past few days.

She raised her eyebrows and suddenly thought of the scene where he was taken away by mountain thieves a few days ago and she went to save him.

It seems that he was taken away that time and intentionally or unintentionally flattened this group of troubled mountain thieves.

Moreover, it is still effortless. The soldiers and horses of the State of Qin were not used, but only the ten thousand wild wolves she called.

Why is it so coincidental? So is this a coincidence or...

Is it that Qin Qingxuan wanted to eliminate the mountain thieves before, so he set up a bureau to help eliminate the mountain thieves?

But how did he know that she could use wild wolves?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Aoshuang's mind flashed and looked down at the flute in his hand.

All this... I'm afraid he has known and guessed it for a long time, so he took advantage of her naturally?

"I gave it back to you when you helped me." Zhuge Aoshuang turned his head and said to Qin Qingxuan, who was smiling.

Qin Qingxuan nodded gently and acquiesced Zhuge Aoshuang's words, and also acquiesced Zhuge Aoshuang's previous thoughts.

He really took advantage of her once.

The villagers arranged the two into what they thought was the best room. Of course, this room was naturally only prepared.

The room was decorated with light blue by them, with an elegant atmosphere. The walnut-colored table was placed with wine brewed by the village, with a fresh aroma of wine.

Zhuge Aoshuang walked in and looked around. The decorations were almost light blue.

The room is so wide that it can hold more than 100 people. There is a bed in the middle, and a pair of river mandarin ducks embroidered on the light blue quilt.

Zhuge Aoshuang and Qin Qingxuan have been busy on their way these days and haven't rested for a long time. At this moment, she was drowsy when she saw this light blue room with elegance and warmth.

The villagers brought hot water. After bathing her, she drowsily lifted the light blue quilt embroidered with river mandarin ducks and lay down.

As soon as he got into the warm quilt, Zhuge Aoshuang fell asleep quickly.

Three days and three nights on the road to save Qin Qingxuan, she traveled for a few days after being rescued. It can be said that she is now in a state of collapse and can fall asleep with a quilt.

She slept in a daze and felt that there was something in the quilt, soft. She subconsciously leaned against the soft thing, held it in her hand and pillowed under her head.

Qin Qingxuanfang half lay in and was held in Zhuge Aoshuang's arms, and then her whole head was directly buried in his waist.

He shook his head helplessly and let Zhuge Aoshuang hold him. He half lay on the couch and closed his eyes slightly.

Zhuge Aoshuang woke up and found that her whole head was buried in Qin Qingxuan's waist, and her hands also held his whole upper body in his arms. When she looked up, she could see Qin Qingxuan's thick eyelashes and his sharpened chin.

The tip of her nose smelled the good smell of grass on his body, and she felt particularly relieved. At the same time, she was even more shocked by her own movements holding him and his sleeping posture.

He was half lying, except for his waist under her head, and above his waist. A head of ink hair is still meticulously tied in the crown, and a pair of clear eyes are slightly closed.

However, almost the next second when Zhuge Aoshuang opened his eyes to look at him, his hand moved, and then Zhuge Aoshuang put on a pair of clear black eyes.

"Wake up?" His elegant voice is drowsy and hoarse.

Zhuge Aoshuang got up in a hurry, lowered her eyes and said, "Last night, I didn't mean to offend you. You shouldn't have slept well. Let's sleep a little longer. I'll go out and have a look."

said, stood up, took off the shirt on the screen and put it on his body, put on white boots inlaid with emerald, and hurried out.

Looking at her act like running for her life, Qin Qingxuan smiled and shook his head.

However, he really didn't sleep well this night.

His clear eyes were gently closed, and his whole body lay in the quilt.

When it came to lunch, Qin Qingxuan and Zhuge Aoshuang were invited by the villagers to the largest open space in the village.

Standing on the open space, Zhuge Aoshuang saw the villagers putting the beef leg and chicken leg in a large bowl, and then eating it for her.

And one of the boys with a red belly pocket climbed on the back of the White Wolf King and was playing with the white hair above his head, prying the white fluff into various shapes from time to time.

And the white wolf king ate the lunch prepared for it by the villagers. He was teased by the child so much that he did not have a trace of temper, let alone show his fangs and bite the neck of the child riding on it constantly playing.

I have to admire the courage of this child with red belly that he dares to treat a fierce wolf like this.

The villagers were obviously afraid of the wolf king, but they did not drive him far away. Instead, they let their children play with him and give him food.

These villagers are so bold.

"Are you not afraid of it?" Zhuge Aoshuang came closer, held the child riding on the back of the wolf king in his arms, and asked the frightened villagers around him.

When several villagers saw her, they knelt down and saluted: "See the Empress, thousands of years old."

Zhuge Aoshuang quickly helped them from the ground with one hand. Before she could say that she was not the queen, she heard one of the villagers explain: "This wolf must be the pet raised by Your Majesty and the Empress. We believe that the pets raised by Your Majesty and Empress are definitely not ferocious."

Although the villagers do not have much wisdom, they have a pure heart.

In their eyes, their emperor is kind, and in their eyes, the emperor's pet is also kind.

Listening to their words, Zhuge Aoshuang really pinched a cold sweat for them.

If she came out late, or if these villagers did not give the food to the Wolf King, the White Wolf King would definitely bite off the child's neck in his hand.

The villagers did not know the nature of the Wolf King, but Zhuge Aoshuang did.

This wolf is not only a wild wolf, but also the king of wild wolves. That is a more ferocious and violent existence than ordinary wolves.

Thinking of this, she reached out and patted the wolf king on the head and smoothed the hair that had been messed up by the children. He said, "It's good that you didn't hurt them."

She looked at the yellow and thin faces of the villagers and the skinny bodies of the children, and then looked at the rich chicken, duck and fish on the huge wooden table on the open space and sighed slightly.

I heard from the villagers that the bandits robbed rice and robbed the woman...

If they don't have rice, it's a problem to eat a full meal every day!

But this time, she and Qin Qingxuan were prepared a table full of meals... I'm afraid these meals are enough for these villagers to save money for a year.

"Every city of the State of Qin, every people belonging to the emperor, will live a rich life. Their days will be safe and happy.

When Zhuge Aoshuang was meditating, Qin Qingxuan's voice sounded in her ears.

She turned her head, looked into his eyes, and saw the confidence in his eyes.

At this moment, there seemed to be a sacred light on his body, which made her feel so dazzling.

He is telling her that as long as it belongs to his people, he will not be treated badly.

Zhuge Aoshuang and Qin Qingxuan were pushed to the table, and the villagers stood aside and watched them eat with a smile. Although Zhuge Aoshuang is used to the girls standing beside her when she eats, she now has a different feeling when she encounters this situation.

She stood up, helped an old man with armor, let the old man sit next to her, and then smiled at the people around her and said, "Everyone sit down and eat. We can't eat so much."

Everyone was frightened, looked at each other, and then knelt down and didn't dare to get on the table.

The old man who had been helped by Zhuge Aoshuang to sit at the table before also came down to the table with a crutch and would kneel down with him.

Zhuge Aoshuang quickly stopped her movement, helped her to the throne again, and said, "If you don't sit down and eat, how can Your Majesty and I eat?"

Qin Qingxuan hooked the corners of his mouth and said approachablely, "Sit down and eat."

His smile is gentle, and his hands and feet are noble, but he is kind and tight.