After a poison

Chapter 074 It turned out to be very similar to you

The old ladies and girls in Baihua Tower retreated one after another. Looking at the eight-headed jujube red horse, they could know that the identity of the people in the carriage was extremely noble, and naturally they did not dare to neglect.

Zhuge Aoshuang led her to the top girl's room on the third floor by the old lady in Baihualou, and then retreated with a smile.

Su Enen jumped off the beam in a black suit, knelt down three steps at Zhuge Aoshuang's feet, and saluted respectfully: "See the princess."

Zhuge Aoshuang looked around and then nodded gently.

Su Enen then stamped heavily on the floor, and the floor was separated from both sides, revealing a bright secret room. Red candles paved the road. The secret room was clean and refreshing, and the faint fragrance of grass came to his nose, which was open and happy.

The smell penetrated into the nasal cavity, and Zhuge Aoshuang couldn't help stepping forward and stepped in first, followed by Su En'en and Mu Yutang into the secret room.

The three walked in the secret room, but Mu Yutang's face was hard to look, and finally couldn't help shouting, "Princess!"

Zhuge Aoshuang's head did not return, and he hummed faintly.

"Why did the princess come here so swaggering...?" You know, this is the place where he has been running for more than a year. In order to build this secret room, he spent a lot of effort. He just wanted to treat this place as a secret place that no one knows. But this time the princess swaggered and came in the royal carriage!

Now, the idiot who dares to ride in the royal carriage can guess her identity.

Who can sit in the royal carriage at this time?!

Facing Mu Yutang's question, Zhuge Aoshuang just coldly pulled the corners of his mouth: "It's just to let everyone know."

Mu Yutang frowned more tightly: "Why?"

Zhuge Aoshuang shook his head, but he stopped talking, and the steps under his feet became faster and faster.

Seeing that she did not answer, Mu Yutang was slightly disappointed and followed her to speed up.

Soon, in a room to the left at the bottom of the secret room, Qin Shousheng was struggling to break away from the chain on his body, but he could not break away from the chain. Instead, the chain made a crisp sound, which made people a little more irritable.

Qin Shousheng heard the footsteps, suddenly looked up, and then gritted his teeth at Zhuge Aoshuang: "You poisonous woman!"

Zhuge Aoshuang was not annoyed when he heard the words, but asked with a sneer, "Qin Shousheng, as a son of the Qin family, you actually gave yourself such a name. Ha ha, it's really admirable."

The cold mockery made Qin Shousheng's face turn purple.

I desperately pulled the chains on my hands and feet, and the rustling sounded again, and a long echo came from this empty secret room.

"This is the Bai family's heart lock. The fire is burning constantly, the internal force is not broken, the sword is even more invulnerable, and there is no key. If you want to break this lock, it is no different from a fool's dream." Zhuge Aoshuang approached Qin Shousheng in the prison and shook his head gently at him through the prison door: "You two brothers of the Qin family have been harmful to people. Have you ever thought about your own end when taking advantage of others?"

Qin Shousheng stared and said angrily, "You poisonous woman! It's a waste of the master's painstaking efforts!"

Zhuge Aoshuang scolded: "Don't say that your lord didn't take advantage of this palace before! At the beginning, he designed and framed him again and again. If he didn't treat the Bai family like this at the beginning, how could I kill him?

"Dog bites Lv Dongbin! Even if the lord destroys the whole world, he has his own reason!" Qin Shousheng turned his head, and the chain made of what it was was cling and crisp.

Hearing Qin Shousheng say this, Mu Yutang went crazy, smashed the prison door with a bang, and punched Qin Shousheng's stomach fiercely: "I'm going to destroy you now!"

Mu Yutang said, raising the silver halberd in his hand and thrusting it into Qin Shousheng's neck.

The silver hair is as cold as electricity, but Qin Shousheng's neck was straight and he didn't hide.

At this time, a white shadow brushed the cheeks of Mu Yutang and Qin Shousheng like the wind. At the same time, the silver halberd of Mu Yutang was held by Zhuge Aoshuang and said coldly, "It's still so impulsive."

Mu Yutang was furious, but he endured it, and then knelt down on the ground with a bang and said in a sonorous voice: "Please punish the princess!"

Zhuge Aoshuang waved his hand: "Ok, you go out and watch outside."

"Yes." Even if Mu Yutang didn't want to, but the princess opened his mouth, he had to go outside as a guard.

"Qin Shousheng, Qin Qingxuan is not dead. Is this what I said?" Zhuge Aoshuang coldly raised the corners of his lips and tested Qin Shousheng.

Qin Shousheng stared and said angrily, "What's crazy? The master was stabbed in the heart by you, and there is still poison on the dagger that pierced the heart. Do you think he is a god? After that, his body stayed in the palace for seven days. Are you blind? Can't you see it?"

Every word of Qin Shousheng is like a knife, cutting Zhuge Aoshuang's heart one by one.

"Idi..." Zhuge Aoshuang muttered unconsciously.

Qin Shousheng said, "Bah, my emperor? Is this emperor also your name?

It seemed that she was hit by something in her mind, and she couldn't help clenching her fingers.

Yes, why did she call herself "the emperor"?

The emperors of the White Kingdom usually call themselves "I", don't they?

What she said turned out to be very similar to him.

After being stunned for a moment, Zhuge Aoshuang turned around, left two words coldly and then left the secret room: "Let's do it."

Su Enn nodded: "Yes."

After a while, Su En'en came out of the secret room and knelt down to Zhuge Aoshuang, who was waiting in the room, and said, "Princess, it has been done."

Zhuge Aoshuang nodded slightly and stepped out first. He got on the bright yellow carriage and walked slowly towards the palace.

On the way, from time to time, she could hear the people talking about the closure of the Hundred Flowers Tower.

For this, she just clenched her fingers and raised the corners of her mouth coldly.

As the corners of her mouth were raised, a dark feather arrow cut through the sky, wiped the air and made a sharp sound burst. Along the way, it pierced the chests of three soldiers, and then stopped and shot into Zhuge Aoshuang's carriage.

While the black arrow was shot into the carriage, a dark shadow also rushed in the direction of the black arrow.

The speed of the shadow was so fast that no one present noticed it.

"Your Majesty! Escort!"



The soldiers gathered around a loud escort and fled with the panic of the people. The street, which was originally quiet and even slightly breathing, suddenly became messy and screamed everywhere.

The soldiers and the people saw the black arrow feathers shot into the bright yellow carriage, and then there was a slight muffled hum in the carriage, and everyone's hearts fell directly to the bottom of the valley.

Everyone mourned, but they didn't expect that thebi xia, who had just ascended the throne, had lost his life.

"Your Majesty!" Mu Yutang's teeth were about to crack, and the silver halberd suddenly pierced the chest of the surrounding man in black. His intestines fell out with blood, and the people who watched it exclaimed together.

Mu Yutang quickly stepped forward and lifted the curtain of the carriage and drilled in without thinking. When he got in, he saw a black feather arrow inserted in Zhuge Aoshuang's shoulder stained with blood. He breathed a sigh of relief and clenched his fist painfully.

Zhuge Aoshuang looked at the wooden hall that came in and shook his head slightly. Then he spit out two words in Mu Yutang's surprised eyes. Take it down."

The cold sound came from the carriage at this time, which was very light, but made the air stagnate.

As her words fell, about 2,000 elite soldiers in black armor appeared around. As soon as these elite soldiers appeared, they fought with the masked black people around them.

For a moment, the crisp sound of the sharp swordsman collision and the muffled sound of the body being pierced converged in one place, and the scene was bloody and violent.

About half an hour later, most of the masked people in black surrounded by beasts were killed.

"I want to live." A cold and faint voice came from the carriage, making the remaining half of the people in black look fierce, and then everyone bit their tongues and committed suicide.

Mu Yutang's eyes were quick-sighted, and one of the man in black who was about to bite his tongue to kill himself was a knife on the back of his neck, making the man in black faint.

Except for the men in black controlled by Mu Yutang, all the masked men in black have no life.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Aoshuang frowned slightly and muttered, "Three hundred dead men."

Muyutang handed over the fainted masked man in black and knelt down in front of Zhuge Aoshuang's carriage in three steps: "Your Majesty, how to deal with this person?"

"Dead man, kill it." Zhuge Aoshuang's cold and faint words made Mu Yutang's back stiff.

Why? She just didn't die and still shouted to live? Does it seem to be sure for a long time?

Is it just to not hurt your own people?

The sentence of Zhuge Aoshuang in the secret room flashed in his mind: "It's to let everyone know."

In a trance, he knew the meaning of her words.

She traveled like this just to give these assassins a chance to get close to her and assassinate.

What on earth did she take such a big risk?

You know, the arrow at the beginning shot almost half of her shoulder!

Why don't people sit in the sedan chair instead? What exactly does she want?

No matter what Mu Yutang thinks, he can't guess Zhuge Aoshuang's idea, which makes him feel more powerless.

Suddenly, he actually had such an idea: if it weren't for him, but Qin Qingxuan, he would have guessed her thoughts at this moment, right?

At night, it was as dark as ink, and only a pale full moon hung in the sky.

In the silk shop of the Su family, located in the east of Kyoto, the shopkeeper is courteous to serve tea to his owner. Host, this is the national account book of the previous year. Please have a look.

The shopkeeper secretly wiped his sweat. Today, the owner came later than usual, and he arrived at his own store. I don't know if his store has the worst performance?

At the trembling mouth of the shopkeeper, I saw the owner's eyebrows raised, and the table in front of him was a heavy pat.

Under the slap of the table, a hole with a diameter of one foot appeared, and the pieces of wood were scattered and shot away.