After a poison

Chapter 110 A Moment of Life and Death

In the following days, it will be particularly calm and sweet.

Zhuge Aoshuang is also pregnant with her lover, Qin Qingxuan's child.

She will talk to the unborn baby in her belly in Qin Qingxuan's arms almost every day, and Qin Qingxuan, a kind-hearted man, will also hold Zhuge Aoshuang in the quiet bedroom when there is no one, and then gently hum the lullaby.

"Queen, I have paved everything for this child, just waiting for the child to be born." Qin Qingxuan gently stroked Zhuge Aoshuang's slightly raised lower abdomen and said with a smile, "Even if the emperor is gone, he can still grow up safely and healthily."

His words were very light, but they made Zhuge Aoshuang have a deep fear.

What does it mean that he is no longer?

Zhu Ge Aoshuang raised her head, put her hands around his neck, and muttered in fear in his ear: "Without you, the child would have no father. How can you not be there?"

Zhuge Aoshuang's eyes were almost covered with tears. She looked at him and asked worriedly, "Have you found anything? Is there something dangerous to get you away from? We are husband and wife, why didn't you tell me?

The sun was shining brightly. On the first day of spring, everyone gathered in Zhuge Aoshuang's Fengluan Palace.

In the palace, from the door of the palace to the outside of the palace are full of guards and maids.

One by one, their faces are pale and their foreheads are sweating.

On the phoenix bed, Zhuge Aoshuang's face was flushed, and the sweat on her forehead and neck was wiped for her at every moment. Her whole body was so hot that it was terrible, and her lower abdomen was painful. Next to the phoenix collapse, Wang Cuining sat on the edge in brocade clothes and held Zhuge Aoshuang's hand tightly. Tears rolled down in his eyes. He didn't know whether he was happy or worried, or both.

Zhuge Aoshuang raised her head and looked out. Every minute and second, she was looking for the thin but straight back, but it was almost half an hour. He had already gone to the morning, but why didn't she come?

He told her before that he would accompany her when she gave birth. this moment...why didn't he come?

Zhuge Aoshuang's heart was full of mixed flavors, sour, sweet, bitter and salty in this half hour.

"Mother, work hard!"

"Mother! You work hard"


The stable woman's voice beside her was very loud, but Zhuge Aoshuang felt vague, and even felt farther and farther away from her, and her consciousness gradually began to blur.

"It's not good! The mother is bleeding! No way! Tai doctor! Call the doctor!"

"Mother! Queen! Wake up...!!"

Zhuge Aoshuang only felt weak, his eyes were dark, and his eyelids were scary. He wanted to open it, but he couldn't open it.

Outside the bedroom, a basin of bright red blood was taken out, and in the corner of the bedroom, a blue figure flashed by and rushed to the blood held by the two maids.

When Zhuge Aoshuang opened her eyes again because of the severe pain, she saw a big glowing blue ball, and there was a deep suction on the ball that was devouring her body. She felt that her whole body was about to be sucked into it.

Zhuge Aoshuang wanted to leave, but her body could not move, and she didn't know why. She raised her eyelids weakly and looked around, instinctively went to look for Qin Qingxuan, but saw a figure that had not seen again for half a year.

Next to the blue photosphere stands a girl with long blue hair, and her long hair almost wraps her back and drags it to her blue fish tail. However, the originally dense people did not know when they would disappear, as if the maids and others who knelt on the ground in the bedroom were not ordinary.

"Qin...heart...?" The hoarse voice came out of Zhuge Aoshuang's mouth. Her red lips were a little dry, her body had no strength at all, and the words she said were also light and scary. Zhuge Aoshuang reached out and touched his stomach. The originally high bulging abdomen was only soft meat at this moment, and there was still a little more meat...

Zhuge Aoshuang's psychology thumped: "Child..."

Qinxin raised a big smile and laughed: "Hahahaha... At this moment, I've been waiting for too long... Today, I can finally let you go, Lord, you will always be mine."

"You..." Zhuge Aoshuang still wanted to say something, but the strength in his body seemed to be drained. Even if he said a word, it was delusional.

The suction was getting stronger and stronger, and Zhuge Aoshuang felt that her whole body had been sucked into it. She closed her eyes in despair and figured out a lot in an instant.

Perhaps, those who knelt on the ground in the bedroom are all arranged by the heart of the piano, and this light ball should be the shuttle ball mentioned by Qin Qingxuan before.

The pots of blood she produced gave Qin Xin a chance to put the blood into the shuttle ball.

Zhuge Aoshuang wanted to laugh in his heart. He must have known that her father was killed by himself, otherwise how could a originally kind mermaid design himself in such a way?

Well, let's report it again. Unfortunately, I don't know whether my child has been born or not, and I don't know where it is now.

Zhuge Aoshuang closed her eyes in despair and let the shuttle ball suck her into it.

"Little Frost!" A cold and angry cry came, and Qin Xin only felt a hurricane blowing over and almost hit her body on the pillar beside her.

When Qin Xin stabilized and looked at Zhuge Aoshuang again, he only saw a thin and straight back. Suddenly, his pupils suddenly shrank and fell to the ground. His voice seemed to cry like a ghost: "Lord... Lord, don't go... Lord..."

Qin Qingxuan grabbed Zhuge Aoshuang before she was sucked in, then hugged Zhuge Aoshuang tightly, and then she was sucked into the shuttle ball with Zhuge Aoshuang.

The blue light dissipated, and the shuttle ball stopped running, turned back into a fist-sized ball, rolled twice on the ground, and there was no movement.

Qin Xin knelt on the ground, held the shuttle ball tightly, and cried like a tearful person: "Master, in order not to let you save her, Qin Xin has done so much and made so many arrangements... But you...but why did you come back to save her at this time?"

"Lord, what's the point of Qin Xin's life if you're not there?" The blue fish tail rolled and jumped, and the heart of the piano hit the paint red pillar next to it fiercely.

Lord, even if the piano heart traps you with thousands of locks. Even if the method of breaking free will consume all your internal strength and every drop of blood in your body, but you come out desperately for her and for Zhuge Aoshuang... Lord... You will die... In this case... Let Qin Xin accompany you... Accompany you!

The bright red ** flows down the head of the heart of the piano and has been winding down to her neck and chest...


Ten years later, Jinluan Hall.

"Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"My minister, see Your Highness, the princess is thousands of years old!"

On the throne of the Golden Dragon, a seven- or eight-year-old boy was dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, with long and dense eyelashes slightly curled, covering a pair of bright and deep eyes. His calm eyes were unpredictable, adding a mysterious feeling, and his childish but handsome posture showed his king's demeanor.

The little boy's deep eyes swept down, and after a moment, he said, "You are flat."

And beside the little boy, there is a phoenix chair. There is a little girl on the phoenix chair. The little girl is about the same age as the little boy. Her big eyes are like black pearls, and there is a crystal cake in her red lips, chewing, directly ignoring the eyes of the ministers below.

The ministers under him seemed to be used to her like this. They lowered their heads and stood up and began to report on national events in various places.

"Your Majesty, the witch has repeatedly invaded our heavenly dynasty since the beginning of spring. I beg Your Majesty to send troops to the witch clan, calm down the witch clan, and promote the prestige of our heavenly dynasty!"

"I'm seconded!"

"I'm seconded!"

"I'm seconded!"


After the minister finished speaking, there was a burst of nod and seconded comments.

A group of old ministers who were about to be over 100 years old nodded their heads faster. For a moment, the group was passionate, and their determination to flatten the blood of the witches spread throughout the Jinluan Hall.

The little emperor raised his hand slightly, and the chaotic voice below disappeared in an instant.

The little emperor's deep eyes swept down. At a young age, his eyes were sharp: "I...zhun zhu qing played, where is General Sima?"

As soon as the voice fell, a man with a tiger's back and bear waist and painted black armor came forward, knelt on one knee, held his fist and lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I'm there!" The sound is sonorous, like an out-of-body sword.

The little emperor nodded: "I have appointed you as the left deputy general and ordered you to lead 300,000 troops in the southern Qiuling, meet with Marshal Mu Yutang, and assist Marshal Mu to attack the witch clan together!"

"I obey the order!"

The little emperor looked down: "Where is General Yan?"

"I'm there!"

"I made you a right general and ordered you to lead 300,000 troops in Qiuling in the south, meet with Marshal Mu Yutang, and assist Marshal Mu to attack the witches together!"

"I obey the order!"

The ministers stood up and saluted together: "Hang live my emperor! Thousands of years, thousands of years, thousands of years!"

The little emperor stood up: "Retired..."

"Wait a minute!" However, before the little emperor finished saying the word "retiring from the court", an old voice came in from outside the palace.

"The Empress Dowager arrived~~~~~~~~" Then came the sharp and long voice of the eunuch, which spread across the whole Jinluan Hall, which seemed abrupt and heavy.

Everyone turned around and saw a white-haired old man who was staggering on the phoenix shelf and was hugged to the Jinluan Hall by many palace eunuchs.

Ministers: "I...see the Empress Dowager... Empress Dowager Jin An... Fu Shou Eternity..."

The little emperor lowered his eyes and said, "My son, see the emperor's grandmother!"

The little princess quickly hid the crystal cake in her hand behind her: "Son... The little princess didn't expect her grandmother to come at this time and choked directly.

The phoenix frame was placed on the ground, and Wang Cuining, with white hair, was dressed in brocade clothes and was helped by the palace maids to get off the phoenix frame. She looked at the little emperor and the little princess and shook her head slightly: "If it were your father or mother, you would not have made such a decree."

The little emperor raised his head, frowned deeply, and muttered gently: "Father...mother..."

The little princess flattened her mouth, "Wow~~~" and began to cry: "The queen of father and mother... The minister wants to see the queen of father and mother... Whoo wow..."