lost killing

Chapter 23 rob the next

"What can the poet do if he doesn't want to? This Lord Yan is a cruel man and especially spoils his son. If his son likes him, he will definitely fight for his son."

"What do you want to fight for? I think it's a robbery." One person doesn't agree with what the person just said.

"Whish the capture or strive for it, anyway, the poet's poem can't be avoided."

The two couldn't help but be nervous when they heard the news soon after entering the teahouse.

"Uncle, is the poet's daughter a single name with a yan?" Chen Feng quickly asked, this was a big deal about his brother.

"Yes, it's called Shiyan. I used to hear that she avoided Yan Heng and ran to the college to study, but I didn't know that Yan Heng also followed."

"Thank you, uncle." Chen Feng sat down again.

Yan Heng, Qianshang couldn't help thinking of a person. It turned out to be him, I said. Her eyes are faintly red. If Shiyan is willing, it will be fine, but it seems difficult to solve this matter.

With a "pop", Qian Shang woke up from his thoughts and looked up, but it was Chen Feng.

"Qian Shang, we need to confirm it. If not, it's the best, if it is."

"Brother Chen Feng, what are you going to do?"

"Ratch it back." Chen Feng looked at Qian Shang.

"Ah, but the city owner is also a warrior. It seems that he is still a second-level fighter, relying on us..."

"Even if he is the god of war, he should not rob people's women. Moreover, let me ask you, do you really like Shiyan?"

The light bursting out in Chen Feng's eyes made Qianshang on the opposite feel that he did not dare to look directly.

"I like it. I can die for her. I want to protect her for the rest of my life."

"That's good. Even if you die in battle, you have to do it. Even your beloved can't protect you. How can you become a strong man?"

When Chen Feng spoke, he couldn't help thinking of his tragic experience. He had no ability to resist. Now he has some ability. Don't he resist? At this time, some things buried in Chen Feng's bones slowly woke up.

"Brother Chen Feng, shall we go to Shiyan's house?"

"The Lord Yan may be looking at the poet. Let's find a place to live and discuss it first."

It seems that it needs to be discussed. One is a second-class warrior and the other is a third-class warrior, which can be regarded as the best of the same age, but this is not enough for the warriors, and the two have no combat experience.

"Brother Chen Feng, this is not easy to do."

"The warriors are also human beings, just the release of combat skills." Chen Feng couldn't help thinking of the release of combat skills, which is a hurdle for soldiers. If the two are another warrior, it will be easy to do.

There are still a few days left, and Qian Shang will not sleep and practice day and night in order to break through the warrior level.

"Oh, I didn't expect things to be so difficult." Chen Feng looked at Qian Shang sitting in ** and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

The wedding day is getting closer and closer day by day. Qianshang's cultivation has not made any progress at all. He couldn't help but feel anxious, but he almost went crazy. He was found out in time by Chen Feng and was not seriously injured. Generally speaking, there are only two situations, one is serious injury and the other is death. A better injury is to cultivate for a few days. The bad situation is that people are useless and lose all their strength, just like ordinary people, and your meridians can't be practiced, which is useless.

"Don't worry, it's useless to worry. How many people are stuck on this barrier." Chen Feng looked at the haggard Qianshang and sighed in his heart, but he said slowly.

"However, Xiaoyan will be forced to marry tomorrow, and I can't help anything here."

"I've also gone out these days and bought this with all my money."

"What is this?" Qianshang looked at the stone-like thing in Chen Feng's hand and couldn't help but be curious.

"I heard from the mercenary that this is used to smoke beasts, which will not only produce a lot of smoke, but also produce a pungent smell, which can make your eyes cry."

"What's the use of this?"

"With the two of us, we can't defeat the strict order, but our purpose is not to fight him, but to save people, and we should get rid of Shiyan's family and not lead us to death."

"I know, but how to do it?"

"I have seen the distance between the poet and the Yan family from afar. Among them, there will be a turn, and this place is a good place for us to do it. At that time, you will obey my order and rob Shiyan and run out of the city."

"Brother Chenfeng, what about you?"

"And I will disturb their sight so that I can give you time to run out of the city and go to the college. They are not old enough to dare to break through the college."

"But, Brother Chen Feng, aren't you very dangerous?"

"I'm not dangerous at all. Don't you know what they want to catch?" Chen Feng also knew that once they succeeded in robbing people, they did not catch up, and they would definitely have to vent their anger on themselves in the end. In this way, they didn't want Qianshang to have any psychological burden. Otherwise, at that time, more than one person would fall, but they had to think of a perfect solution to get out.

Seeing Qianshang's agreement, Chen Feng began to find a way for his back. It seems that the mountain forest is the best place to hide. I can't help thinking that I and the mountain forest are quite predestined. This time, I will go to see Brother Ergou when I am still alive.

In the morning, the welcoming team set out from the Yan family and went to the poet.

"Congratulations to Boss Shi. Today, I can't come here empty-handed to marry your daughter, little gift."

"Thank you, Boss Wang."

Shiyan's father is a businessman, and he knows many businessmen. The name of the scene is the boss.

"Boss Shi, I wish your daughter happiness in the future." Some good relationships understand the harm of this matter to Boss Shi. Those relationships are generally just looking at the excitement. Anyway, regardless of their affairs, those who have a bad relationship will send gifts. Obviously, they come to see jokes.

After a while, the sedan chair came. At the door of Shi's house, Shiyan was walking out with the help of her mother. Seeing that the makeup was obviously patched, both of them should have cried.

Looking at the arrogant Yan Heng riding on a tall horse, people can't help gritting his teeth. There are no good things, and bad things are endless. People in the city can only endure being scolded and beaten. How dare they fight back?

Shiyan was sent into the sedan chair, but tears were about to fall and she was fiercely resisted.

The "moving sedan chair" team went to Yan's house.

Little fool, I can't be with you anymore. You and Brother Chen Feng should wait for me at the gate of the college. Seeing that I didn't go, did you come here? I really want to see you again. You and Brother Chen Feng must not come.

Just as Shiyan was thinking nonsense, the two people hidden at the corner were ready. They also saw that some people would rob and mask their faces, and the two also covered their faces.

"It's ready. It's coming soon. Is it lit?" Chen Feng asked.

"I clicked, why do we borrow so many cylinders?" Qianshang didn't understand the pile of big cylinders in front of him.

"It's too late. I'll prepare these cylinders first. They are full of smoke, hehe, and then throw the lit ones out. Where are they going to find us?"

"Brother Chen Feng, you are so awesome that you can come up with this."

"Here, I saw the sedan chair and pushed the cylinder out."

Qianshang immediately pushed the cylinder out as soon as he heard it. As the cylinder rolled, the lid fell off, and the smoke quickly came out. At this time, some freshly lit fumes were thrown into the field.

"Go quickly, save Shiyan, and run to the college. Remember, don't look back."

"Ye." Qianshang swept the fallen leaves with a move, and his figure rushed straight to the sedan chair.

"What's wrong?" Shiyan felt that the sedan chair was unstable and a little shaking. Someone was shouting outside. Just as she was about to open the curtain and look out, suddenly a figure rushed in.

The "puff" weapon pierced the opponent's body. This dagger was prepared for himself. Even if he didn't kill Yan Heng, he couldn't get himself, but he used it at this time.

"Well," the other party snorted. Because the other party covered his face, he also came in with some smoke. Shiyan could not see who it was, but the voice was a little familiar.

"Xiaoyan, I'm Qian Shang. Come with me."

Shiyan heard the voice she missed from time to time, and tears flowed from her eyes uncontrollably.

"Little fool, go quickly. You can't solve this matter. I'm satisfied to see you. Is Brother Chen Feng also here?"

Shiyan suddenly remembered that these two people were together. Now it's troublesome. If it's a Qianshang, it can still be cheated away. Coupled with Chen Feng, it will be troublesome.

"Let's go, Brother Chen Feng will answer again." After saying that, he picked up Shiyan and rushed out.

"What, who is it? Today is my happy day. I want to know who skinned him." Yan Heng roared. He thought it was someone's prank, but he didn't expect that he came to rob the marriage.

"Someone robs you, chase me quickly." Because he rode a horse, the impact of the smoke was smaller than that of the people below, and he vaguely saw a figure running out with the bride that originally belonged to him. In the past, it was not his turn to rob others except for him. Now, if he hadn't sat on the horse, he would have jumped up.

It's okay if he didn't shout, but it was troublesome. Originally, people had a grudge against him. At this hearing this, they immediately made way for Qianshang, and then continued to block the road, which blocked all the family members of the Yan family.

Chen Feng didn't expect this effect. Looking at the direction of the two people's escape, he immediately created chaos in the direction.

"Here, grab him." However, the person who really holds the bride is almost at the gate.

When Shiyan saw that the matter was irreparable, she could only let Qianshang hold it like this, but her heart was sweet.

"Now, they should have arrived at the gate. I'm going to get out." Chen Feng calculated the time and began to evacuate, but his evacuation was not as easy as Qianshang. The effect of the smoke was dissipating, and he had sharp eyes to see Chen Feng running to the gate on the other side.

"People are here, chasing." Yan Heng chased the horse to Chen Feng.