lost killing

Chapter 36 Uninhabited Village

When Chen Feng was looking for a better place to rest, he heard the sound of horses' hoofs and people whispering not far away.

Someone, Chen Feng ran out and saw a team of caravans moving in the direction of Thunder.

The path is around this village. Chen Feng couldn't help but be curious and looked up at the sky. Now it's dusk. Why don't you live in this village? And it seems that he doesn't live here. It's natural.

Chen Feng went to the caravan. The people of the caravan obviously found Chen Feng. If a person appears in the wilderness, it will attract attention.

"Who are you?" Several have pulled out their weapons with a look of vigilance.

"I'm a warrior who travels around. I just found a village in front of me and was planning to stay overnight, but I didn't know why your caravan didn't stop?"

When the other party heard the village, their bodies couldn't help but stiffen, and some people still had timid expressions on their faces.

Chen Feng recalled that he didn't find anything wrong. Why did the people in front of him have a ghostly expression?

"This friend, don't go to that village and spend the night with our caravan."

"I don't know what happened in that village? It seems that no one has passed there for many years.

"It's better not to ask this, just think you don't know anything." The leader of the caravan said.

This reminds Chen Feng of the disappearing incident he solved, is this the same as that?

Chen Feng made up his mind and thanked the caravan. Regardless of the obstruction of the caravan, he turned back to the village.

"I'd like to see what's funny." Chen Feng couldn't help touching the weapon behind him, and his heart was full of confidence.

I found the best-looking house in the village and went in to inspect it, but I didn't find anything wrong.

"That boy is going to die. We can't hold him. Let him go."

A group of people couldn't help remembering the rumors about this village.

In the past, this village was also a large village, located in the middle of the avenue, and there were many merchants. At that time, the seven major forces had not been divided. Because the village was far away, it was put at the end, but I didn't expect that overnight, all the people and caravans in the village disappeared. During this period, some People still enter the investigation, and the results will not return. More and more people are missing, and the village has become an uninhabited place. Anyone who runs a business will understand this story and bypass the village.

Chen Feng is also a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and has some strength, so he stepped into this uninhabited village.

"I don't know what will happen tonight. Looking at those people's expressions, they don't seem to be fake, and I don't know what's going on. Is it those monsters? But where did they come from?" Chen Feng was thinking about the problem, but he didn't find an obvious observation of him at all.

It was late at night, and the bonfire reflected the people in the caravan, talking more or less about the wind.

Chen Feng gradually fell asleep, and the small fire shook. Suddenly a gust of wind blew in, and the fire went out, and there was darkness nearby.

Chen Feng quietly opened a gap. It was dark in front of him, as if there was something standing, but Chen Feng still pretended to be asleep.

"Here comes an outsider."

A sound came into Chen Feng's ear. What kind of sound was it, as if the collision of metal and the stone was very harsh.

"Kill it." Another sound is like the sound of wooden sticks hitting each other.

Chen Feng couldn't help but be surprised that someone's voice felt like this.

Just as the other party was about to do it, Chen Feng moved. A hurry turned over, put his right hand on his back, grabbed the handle, and a left-to-right half arc was waved by Chen Feng. With a "poof", a man in front of him was passed through by a sickle. Chen Feng didn't care about the other party's life or death. He pulled back and used the sickle as a wooden stick to sweep the other person out.

The other party didn't say anything, but saw the man take out an object from his arms and blow it up.

Chen Feng has also heard that there will be some women in some restaurants who play, sing or play instrumental music, which is similar to the form of storytelling. The man in the dark in front of him was obviously playing the music, but the music was very unpleasant and out of tune, as if it had been played randomly.

Just when Chen Feng didn't know what he was going to do next, he heard a hiss sound from outside.

Chen Feng feels a little dangerous and doesn't know how to face it. People will be full of fear of the unknown.

The breathing slowed down significantly, and the other one quickly took out a bottle from his arms, poured out an unknown pill, and fed it to the person lying on the ground. After a while, the breath calmed down.

"I didn't expect that you were still a little bit of yourself, but it surprised me." The man who spoke like a wooden stick knocking on each other couldn't help saying angrily.

But in a blink of an eye, he laughed sharply: "Haha, today, let you taste the feeling of ten thousand snakes."

"Who the hell are you? Is the person who disappeared in the village in the past related to you?

"Come on, nosy again, boy, not to mention you, even if the king of war level comes, don't think about going out."

Chen Feng was shocked and was about to ask back, but he felt that there was something in the room. Thinking of what the man had just said, the hissing voice also showed that there was nothing else coming from the room, but a snake.

"War is raging" Chen Feng quickly used a move, but his move did not have a sense of fire at all, but he had a sense of coldness.

After Chen Feng's move, he broke out of the window. It was originally a house that had been uninhabited for many years, and the result was that half of the house collapsed.

With the help of the moonlight, Chen Feng found all kinds of colorful snakes on the ground.

"This is the combat skill of our group. What do you think?"

Chen Feng couldn't believe that all this in front of him was a combat skill.

"This is impossible. How can the combat skills be like this?" Chen Feng didn't understand what happened in front of him.

"Anyway, you will die here today. Don't worry about these things."

Chen Feng watched the poisonous snake surround him. A remnant of the water passed thousands of miles and ran forward. The blade of the sickle drew towards the snakes in front of him. The snake's nature was stimulated, and they all rushed up and bit Chen Feng. However, they were harvested by the sickle in mid-air and fell in half.

As soon as the man saw it, he immediately picked up the instrumental music and was ready to play.

Chen Feng has just seen the strangeness of the music, and there is no way for that person to play the music.

"Running Thunder" Chen Feng made a move, and the man saw a flower in front of him, and there was a pain in his neck. Chen Feng was already behind him.

It seemed that a red line circled around his neck, and then the man's head separated, and his head rolled out far away before stopping.

Chen Feng looked at the group of snakes again, and no one played the music, so he slowly retreated.

Then he turned his eyes to the person who was seriously injured and did not die. It was strange that these people's physical fitness was a little higher than that of ordinary people, just like the physical strength of apprentices, but Chen Feng couldn't figure out those strange combat skills for a moment.

"How dare you kill us." The man lying on the ground said fiercely to Chen Feng.

"You are allowed to kill me, but I am not allowed to kill you." Chen Feng looked at each other disdainfully, which was obviously the same as Ma Shao's thoughts.

"Let me ask you, what kind of force are you?"

Chen Feng will not think that these two people practiced by themselves.

"You have offended our Hidden Soul Hall, and you won't have a good result." As soon as the man's words fell, the sickle had been waved in front of him, and his life was harvested, but Chen Feng became more and more convenient. Originally, he planned to change a weapon, but these killings made him fall in love with this sickle.

"Hidden Soul Hall, I haven't heard of it. There have been a lot of strange things in the mainland recently."

Chen Feng looted all the valuables on both of them. Chen Feng will not let go of the things that can be sold for money.

Chen Feng couldn't help sighing the diversity of the attributes of the mainland, but thought that his attributes had not been found. What was it? Not only the City of Thunder, it seems that all colleges can only detect fire, water, wood, earth, gold and wind. These six attributes.

Well, those other attributes are classified as non-attributes. Today, the attributes of these two people are not the six, but can they be practiced by blowing music? Chen Feng has more and more questions in his heart. He feels that the secrets of this continent are more than that.

"It seems that this uninhabited village was caused by them, but why did they do this?"

Chen Feng was not sleepy. He held a torch and checked all the houses in the village, but found nothing abnormal.

But I can't help wondering where those two people came from and why did they kill all the people who appeared in the village?

At sunrise in the east, the sky was rendered slightly red, and the caravan began to set off. At this time, a sharp-eyed figure found a figure coming out of the village.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts." The team followed the man's direction.

"Go, go." The caravan was just slow, and now it's speeding up.

Chen Feng couldn't help but be curious. Is it abnormal to come out of the village alive? I didn't explain, but found that those people only did something to enter the village, but so many people outside were safe and sound.

Is there anything? Chen Feng was aroused by curiosity and decided to explore it again. When he went back, the body had been buried by Chen Feng. Chen Feng looked carefully to see if there was anything unusual.

I found it and found nothing like at night, and I was angry.

"Since no one dares to come, it has been so many years, and it is also a disaster to keep it."

Chen Feng started to set fire. Walking around the village, a village became a sea of fire.

Because the house has been unoccupied for many years, there is no need to talk about maintenance. When the fire comes together, the original village will turn into ashes. Chen Feng is smoked with a big face and a black face. Except for laughing, you can see the snow-white teeth, and the rest are like black charcoal.

"Ha ha, this fire is set off, and I feel comfortable." Chen Feng released all the resentment in his heart, which would be of great help to him in the future.