lost killing

Chapter 91 Go to the Demon Clan

Three days later, Chen Feng felt that he had almost recovered and could walk like an ordinary person. Although the weapon on his back made him unable to breathe, he still insisted on carrying the weapon.

Three days ago, Chen Feng made it clear to everyone, and his situation was also clear. He decided to go to the demon clan to see if the demon clan might transform back what he had lost.

He learned from the book that his situation is not treatable, but to wash the marrow, thinking that the transformation method of the demon clan is the way to wash the marrow.

"This book is not generally powerful, but I don't understand why Wuzong disappeared on the mainland. Even if their book is spread to the mainland, I'm afraid that the mainland is not a one-sided situation now." Chen Feng had to sit down and rest as soon as he walked out of a hundred miles. He couldn't help lamenting that the strong man at the level of warriors suddenly fell to the current tragic situation. Su Xue insisted on following, but was directly rejected by Chen Feng.

The sound of horses' hoofs reached Chen Feng's ears. Chen Feng was not surprised to see a group of mercenaries walking west. The forces of the martial arts family went all the way to the southwest and could reach the territory of the demon clan.

"This friend, are you also going to the land of the demon clan?" A man found Chen Feng sitting in the shade of trees. Chen Feng had no breath of cultivation at all. If it hadn't been for the wrapped weapons behind him, no one would have paid attention to such a person.

"Yes, you are also going to the demon clan?" Chen Feng didn't expect that he could still be questioned.

"Yes, if you don't mind, let's go together."

Chen Feng thought about it and agreed. Along the way, he listened to these people discussing the war situation in the northwest.

"I heard that the demon clan participated in the competition for the trial land, and it seems that they are going to swallow it alone."

"Can those major forces be willing?"

"I definitely don't want to. It's getting hot over there now. I don't know how far it will develop."

"Land of trial? What's the place? Chen Feng couldn't help asking.

"Brother, don't you pay attention to the ruins? Some time ago, people found the ruins everywhere, and there will be more or less in it."

"I also went to look for the ruins some time ago, but unfortunately I was not strong enough, but I couldn't find it." Chen Feng's words were true. When he heard Su Xue talk about the sanctuary-level beast, he regretted it for a long time. He couldn't see the majestic posture of the beast in a coma.

"Think about us who have no attributes, there is no chance. Some time ago, the major forces blocked us people with no attributes in the city, and we people did not forcibly break through. If they can seal it for a while, it is rare that they can be sealed for a lifetime. Now it is unimpeded."

Chen Feng thought that the number of demons may have reached a considerable level now.

"Now, how is the development of the demon clan?"

"It is said that 16 demon kings have appeared, and there is an increasing trend. Now the cities of the demon clan have also reached six cities now, and it is said that 16 cities are planned to be built."

"Tut, the development speed of this demon clan is so fast that it is now nine major forces on the mainland. Some time ago, the seven powers found the place of trial and began to set rules. A force is only allowed to enter how many people every year and gives them a place in the mercenary temple. The demon clan has no response. The reaction of the demon clan is very large. Just ask for a quota, and other forces will certainly disagree. Nearly half of the mercenaries on the mainland have been pulled over by the demon clan, and this benefit will certainly not be given. Well, there's a fight."

"Yes, I heard that the mercenaries also built a mercenary hall in the demon clan and began to do tasks with the current mercenaries on the mainland."

"Who said no? The mercenaries of the demon clan are only a lot more than the mercenaries on the mainland, but their strength is not as good as those attribute mercenaries on the mainland."

"After we transform the attributes, we will also be people with attributes. At that time, it is not certain who is stronger and who is weak."

Chen Feng listened to these mercenaries complain all the way, and also understood the difficulties of these people. Even the college divided the attributes from those without attributes. These attributes, or rare attributes, will be looked down upon by those with attributes. Although they are all mercenaries, those with attributes can always receive tasks. Sex can only follow them, and over time, contradictions have formed.

However, the demon clan was born at this time. Only the first batch of people without attributes became attributes. Although they were dark attributes, at least they also had attributes, which triggered the previous *, and the mercenaries poured into the territory of the demon clan.

Now it has intensified this contradiction. It seems that the ambition of the demon clan is not small, as Chen Feng thought.

A group of people talked like this and walked for half a month, but saw a fight in front of them. The energy that came out from time to time showed the forces on both sides. On the one side, the gray-black attributes came out, while the other side was not so simple. Most of them were water and fire, as well as wind, earth and other attributes, which were inseparable.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A whole body was full of fiery energy, but Chen Feng and others were found.

"What are we here to do? You don't have to worry about it. You can fight slowly." Several powerful people in a group of people rode on horses, and the leading man said so.

"Friends, I hope to help kill these demon clans. They think that they can compete with us with attributes after washing the dark attributes."

"Well, I hate these self-righteous guys the most. Anyway, in the end, they are all dark attributes. Brothers will kill these guys with me."

As soon as the words fell, the mercenaries swarmed up. These people joined the battlefield, and suddenly those people couldn't stand it.

"Call reinforcements." As soon as a mercenary finished speaking, a signal was sent out.

"Quick battle." Those mercenaries with dark attributes shouted at those who had just joined the war.

Chen Feng could not join the war. Even if he could, he would not join. The situation in front of him was unexpected. Chen Feng, a half-dead body, still wanted to participate, and died faster than anyone else.

Seeing such a melee, Chen Feng planned to bypass it, but saw the dust turning up in the northwest.

"It seems that the reinforcements have arrived." Chen Feng accelerated the pace of moving away and left 500 meters in a short time, but he was still seen by sharp-eyed people.

"There is a mercenary there. Go and ask."

The two mercenaries moved to Chen Feng. When Chen Feng saw this, he sweated coldly on his forehead. In the past, with the strength of the warriors, the peak of the warlord was not afraid, and the Holy Land dared to fight. Now it is a little troublesome to deal with it at the soldier level.

"Which side are you from?" I saw the two mercenaries questioning from afar.

"I just passed by. When I saw the fight here, I came to see it."

"What attribute?"

Chen Feng was immediately speechless. If in the past, it was also a dark attribute, and now he goes to the territory of the demon clan. It seems that it is still a question whether he can escape today.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not answer, the other two mercenaries pulled out their weapons: "It seems that they are attributeless, or they are from the demon clan."

"Go up and test it, and you will know." Another mercenary, with green attributes surging up all over his body, is actually a wooden attribute, which is rare, but Chen Feng is not so idle at present to watch the attributes of the other party.

"It is attributeless." Seeing that Chen Feng did not release his attributes, he immediately roared.

Chen Feng looked at the warrior-level guy in front of him. Although he did not reach the point of externalization, his body was already faintly full of his own combat skills.

I couldn't help crying, but I was still ready to escape first. Chen Feng didn't expect that in just nearly a year, the hatred between the demon people and the mainland could reach so deep.

"It's good to say, but I don't know what is the deep hatred between this attributeless and your attribute?" Chen Feng retreated and asked.

"Knowingly, some time ago, you without attributes were arrogant. You thought that the continent could be rampant with dark attributes. Today, let me tell you that dark attributes are nothing."

As soon as the words fell, he stepped out and cut Chen Feng with a knife, and another mercenary also stabbed him with a sword.

With a "ding", Chen Feng quickly took off the weapon, and the handle blocked the other party's slash, but his arm trembled slightly. The meridians of the whole body trembled violently at the moment of contact, causing pain, which immediately made Chen Feng feel that his whole body was about to tear.

The body retreated a few steps in a row. Another mercenary saw that Chen Feng was repelled by a blow. His body suddenly came up, and a sword stabbed Chen Feng's wrist.

"Drink" Chen Feng just dodged the blow, but was kicked in the back by the other party. His whole body rushed forward a few steps, but did not look back. With this strength, he ran forward.

"Well, I still want to run, stop."

The battlefield over there was due to the addition of some mercenaries, and the battle suddenly turned over, while the demons and those without attributes retreated one after another.

"It's simply delusional that you kittens and puppies still want to sneak into the trial ground."

"Brothers, hold on. Let's move to the northwest. The place of trial is only a hundred miles away from here."

This battle was caused by this group of people who wanted to sneak into the trial land. Unexpectedly, when it was only a hundred miles away from the trial land, it was discovered by a team of mercenaries, which led to a fight, but Chen Feng was involved.

Chen Feng didn't know this. He was running desperately in front of him, followed by two fierce mercenaries, but Chen Feng sighed that he was chased by two warriors. It's really unbelievable. Now he is in this situation. No matter what his previous strength was, now he is like A useless man, it takes a little time to kill him at the warrior level.

Fortunately, he is physically strong, but after being moistened by the beast elixir, he can persist for a period of time. How did he know that the direction of his random escape is northwest.

"Good boy, if you want to sneak in like this, I can't keep you."

Later, when the two saw Chen Feng running to the trial place desperately, they immediately accelerated their pace.

The land of trial is like that holy place for all practitioners. The energy inside is not only three times that of the outside, but also one-third of the continent. It is said that the explorers say that there are countless treasures, and there are some beasts in it, which is simply another continent.