lost killing

Chapter 125 The Death of the Ning Family

"Kid, you want to die." After the owner of the Ning family finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the family behind him flocked to him.

"I sent these people to want to take me down, Lord Ning, you underestimate me too much."

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing at the rushing family, and even the owner of the Ning family could not pose a threat to himself.

"Kid, with the strength of your third-level warrior, I think it is also improved by the elixir."

"The elixirs improve their strength, is it that there are many elixirs on this continent?" Chen Feng couldn't help thinking that he knew that the elixir on the previous continent was very rare.

The owner of the Ning family didn't know what Chen Feng was thinking. As soon as his figure moved, he ran to Chen Feng.

The sound of "lattering" came from Chen Feng's body, and a black shadow hit the other party, but the owner of the Ning family waved his sleeves.

As soon as I touched it, I felt a huge force coming out of the shadow, and my arm couldn't help tingling. Just when the other party was shocked, a figure appeared in front of him.

Chen Feng's fist fell on his body with a roar in the latter's frightened eyes.


A mouthful of blood gushed out of the latter's mouth. The owner of the Ning family landed awkwardly and found that the other party had killed all his family members like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

"You can't kill me." Seeing the light appearance of the other party, holding a black chain in his hand, he knew that the dark shadow was the chain just now, but he shouted to Chen Feng in horror.

"Oh, why can't I kill you?"

When Chen Feng saw that the other party suddenly seemed to be a different person, he lay on the ground and shouted at himself.

"Although my Ning family is only an insignificant city owner, I am the city owner under the fire saint. Do you know that the fire saint is one of the four holy areas?"

Chen Feng didn't expect that he would have contact with people in the Holy Land so soon.

"If I don't kill you, won't you talk to the Fire Saint?"

Chen Feng knows that people are sinister, and he is not the teenager who has just left home, but a guy who has been chased and killed many times.

"I don't believe you." With the sound of Chen Feng's words, the chain suddenly wrapped around the other party's neck. Under the deliberate suppression, it made the energy in the other party's body run around and prevent it from gaining strength. In this way, a third-level warrior and ordinary people were strangled to death in his yard.

"Let's go."

Chen Feng pulled Shangguan Waner, who was well dressed, and disappeared into the night.

The great joy of the Ning family suddenly turned into a great tragedy, and people on the street were talking about it.

"Have you heard that the Ning family has been destroyed, and the woman has disappeared."

"Yes, that night, the screams of the head of the Ning family came from the Ning family."

"It's terrible. I don't know which hermit family that woman is from."

Chen Feng pulled Shangguan Waner, who was dressed in disguise, and could walk out from another city gate.

"Wow, I thought I was going to be found out."

Shangguan Wan'er vomited a little tongue and saw Chen Feng staring at her for a while.

"What are you looking at, and what happened last night, I'm not going to let you go."

At the thought of being naked with Chen Feng, his face couldn't help but get hot. Chen Feng was also a little embarrassed by the other party's words. At that time, he jumped up somehow.

I pinched the other party's soft hand, but I couldn't help but be in a trance, and I have no regrets for this beauty in my life.

"Let's have a good stroll in Xizhou."

Chen Feng felt that Shangguan Wan'er's strength had also been improved by one level, but he reached the strength of the third-level warrior and couldn't help laughing.

"Wan'er, why do you think that kind of thing happened between men and women can improve their strength?"


Shangguan Wan'er was about to scold Chen Feng, but when she saw the other party's serious face, she pinched Chen Feng's waist fiercely, causing the latter to cry out in pain.

"I think it may have something to do with what's inside me."


Chen Feng didn't know what was in Shangguan Wan'er's body, so he heard the latter slowly tell his experience.

"Isn't that right? I gave you who should contribute to the demon god••••••"

Thinking of this, he stopped talking and secretly recalled something revealed by Shangguan Waner.

"It seems that the ambition of the demon clan is not Zhongzhou."

"What?" Seeing that the latter was worried, Shangguan Waner couldn't help asking.

"Do you know where we are?"

Chen Feng saw the other party's blank face, but smiled and said to the latter, "We are no longer in the original continent. We are in Xizhou."

"Xizhou?" Shangguan Wan'er looked at each other puzzledly.

"Our previous place was called Zhongzhou. This continent originally had five continents..." Chen Feng told the other party some things he knew, and gradually began to tell Shangguan Wan'er about things that happened on the mainland like a storyteller.

Gradually recalled his previous experience in front of a storyteller behind Xiao Mu, and also said it together.

It was also leisurely along the way, and the two began to slowly develop in a certain direction.

"The flower city is ahead."

Just as Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner passed a convoy, they heard those people talking about Huacheng again.

This flower city is ruled by a woman with the strength of a third-level warrior, and this woman is very beautiful, even the flowers of hundreds of miles outside the city are much inferior to it.

Chen Feng was listening with relish and felt that his waist was pinched fiercely.

She looked at Shangguan Waner beside her confusedly. Although Shangguan Wan's daughter dressed up as men, the expression clearly told the former that she was in a bad mood now.

"Do you want to see how beautiful that woman is?"

"Listen to them, I really want to have a look." As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, he saw that the other party looked wrong.

"What did you say wrong again?" Chen Feng said to himself that at this time, he began to feel the psychology under Xiao Qianshang's once helpless expression.

"Hehe." He had to laugh twice and followed the convoy in front of him to the flower city.

"Who is it?" The two guards roared at the motorcade in front of them, as if they were going to eat people.

"What's going on? I didn't come here before?" A man in the convoy stood up and asked the guards before he knew something had happened.

"The owner of Huacheng met the flower picker, but he was seriously injured and beat him away."

Chen Feng savored the news and heard that the owner of Huacheng was a third-level fighter and fought seriously injured before he beat him away. It seemed that even if the other party was not at the level of the king of war, he was also a person who stepped into the king of war with half a foot.

Chen Feng was thinking about it, and the guard shouted to Chen Feng.

After the other party confirmed, they let the two into the city. Seeing the architectural style of the city, it was as if all kinds of flower-like buildings stood in the city. The highest and largest flower in the middle was the city master's mansion.

"What a beautiful place." Shangguan Wan'er couldn't take her eyes off the city and couldn't wait to live here.

It took Chen Feng a long time to find the pub. He thought that it was made of hundreds of flowers, and he couldn't help drooling. Although Chen Feng did not reach the point of drinking, for things like wine, it was from the beginning * to the desire now, which shows that things like wine are good for men * *Equivalent to women.

"Xiao Er, take two pots of your best." Chen Feng took Shangguan Waner to find a relatively good pub and went in to order a table of dishes.

"Okay, guest officer, this is the most famous 'hundred flower wine' in the city. Please try it."

Chen Feng took the wine pot and poured a cup into the glass. The overflowing aroma made people feel as if they were in the flowers.

Smelling the fragrance, even Shangguan Waner couldn't help but want to taste it. Chen Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath and gently taking a sip, but the fragrance rolled in Chen Feng's mouth, and then entered his stomach with the smell of wine.

"Good wine." I can't help admiring.

"You are not a regular visitor, are you?" After saying that, he glanced at Shangguan Wan'er.

"Ha ha, my friend and I have been traveling around, but today we happened to walk to this flower city. I heard that the owner of this city is still a beauty."

Chen Feng saw Shangguan Wan'er's murderous eyes, but slightly shrank his head.

"Shh, I dare not say this nonsense. If it was okay before, it won't work now."

"What?" Chen Feng also guessed that it had something to do with the attack on the city owner.

"A few days ago, I didn't know that the guy had the courage to attack the owner of the flower city. Not to mention the beauty of the flower city owner, the strength was also the strength of the third-level warriors, and there were countless people who admired her. Well, as soon as they heard that the owner of the flower city was attacked, there were many practitioners in the city. I hope to find that man nearby. There have been a lot of fights in a short period of time, and people have died.

"Xiao Er."

"Oh, come on." Xiao Er was talking passionately, but was called by another table.

"I said, how strangely there are so many people in this city." Chen Feng looked at the sea of people on the street and couldn't help shaking his head.

Unexpectedly, the city owner of this flower city was so charming that so many people came to find the sneak attacker.

"Kid, I think it's sneaky. Did you attack the city owner?"

Just after eating with Shangguan Waner at Chen Feng, he found that there was a fight below, but one person thought the other person was the flower thief.

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. These people all hoped to fall into the eyes of the owner of the Flower City, so they put on a posture here to see that he was only at the level of a third-level soldier.