lost killing

Chapter 132 Danhui

Chen Feng and Shangguan Wan'er walked to another city. On the way, Shangguan Wan'er walked on Chen Feng's back on the grounds of hurting her leg.

"Wind, if you carry it like this for a lifetime, you will be satisfied." He muttered.

Chen Feng did not answer, but secretly made up his mind.

"Dingcheng?" Chen Feng looked at a city in front of him in surprise. From a distance, it looked like a big tripod, with the name of the city in the middle of the tripod - Dingcheng.

There was no demon situation in the central continent, and the investigation was very lax. Just take a look at it and let it go.

Chen Feng touched the purse around his waist and couldn't help smiling bitterly. These days, he was going to spend all his money.

"Let's go, there is a registration in front."

A few people with a strong herbal smell walked to a building in Dingcheng.

"This guy, what's going on here?"

Chenfeng quickly pulled a person running in which direction.

"Dan will sign up. These days, pharmacists from all over Xizhou will come to Dingcheng to sign up. Are you not a local?"

"Not a local."

"Then you can visit this Danhui. How can those pharmacists usually be so easy to see? This is a five-year grand event, and all kinds of pharmacists will come."

Chen Feng didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It seems that he has to stay and watch it.

Thinking that Zhongzhou has only officially begun to rise in the art of refining medicine, but it can be seen that Xizhou has developed to such a point.

After listening to the man's introduction for a long time, Chen Feng took out a silver coin in his arms and gave it to the other party.

"A few days later, it will be the Dan meeting. Let's go and have a look."

Chen Feng doesn't know anything about the elixir. This time he went to see it for a long time.

Whether a place could not be found in the tavern, Chen Feng couldn't help smiling bitterly. These people came to watch the Danhui ceremony.

After looking for a long time, I found a dilapidated pub in a remote place. There were only a few people in it. Seeing that those people's clothes were mostly linen clothes, not rich owners.

"Does the boss still have a guest room?" Chen Feng looked at it and didn't even have a sophomore. This pub was really pitiful.

"There are also guest rooms. I don't know what room you two live in."

"What's the price?"

"The herringbone room is no longer available. There is still one in the ground font style, and no one lives in the sky font room."

"Why doesn't anyone live there?" Chen Feng thinks that the price is too high.

"There are people who don't have much money here. There are ten copper coins a day in the character room, 50 copper coins in the floor room, and one silver coin in the sky room."

Chen Feng didn't expect that the price here was cheaper than outside. After thinking about it, he wanted two heavenly rooms.

As the boss walked upstairs, the stairs made a creaking sound. I don't know how long it has been repaired.

"We have arrived. Two guests, do you want some wine and dishes?

Chen Feng looked at the room and smiled slightly: "Boss, let's have some wine and dishes. Let's go to the table by the window."

There are also some people on the second floor eating and discussing the situation of the Dan meeting. Looking at the clothes, they are richer than the people below.

Listening to the dialogue of those people, Chen Feng gradually understood the atmosphere of Xizhou. Unexpectedly, he mainly refined medicine. Although there were many practitioners, he did not have a high status as a pharmacist.

Moreover, the ability of the pharmacist's convening hands is far more powerful than that of ordinary practitioners. A pill that can quickly restore the energy of the third-level warrior is enough to make many third-level warriors become thugs.

Chen Feng couldn't help but find it interesting, but he thought that the Dan meeting would be full of people in a few days. He drank all the wine in the glass and looked at Shangguan Wan'er opposite him. She was always dressed as a man, but Chen Feng remembered from time to time that what happened that day, which was what made the relationship between the two develop rapidly. .

While the waiting time passed quietly, there were more and more people on the street, and even this inconspicuous pub would soon be full of people.

On this day, there was a sudden sound in the sky, and the flow of people on the street began to rush to a place in the city.

"Let's go, too." Chen Feng looked at the crowded flow of people and couldn't help but be shocked. This flow of people was really horrible, as if a long snake had directly occupied the city.

With their own strength, Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner are also a place where they can squeeze out two people to stand in the crowd.

"At the beginning of the Danhui Competition, please come to me to get the scroll. There are the herbs needed for this task. You will be sent out after ten days in Danyu. At that time, those who do not complete this first level will be kicked out of the game."

As soon as the voice fell, someone began to take the stage to pick up the scroll, and then stepped into a whirlpool.

"What?" Chen Feng looked at the whirlpool, but remembered the trial place. He didn't know what was going on in the trial place and how Zhongzhou was now.

In Chen Feng's eyes, I saw at least tens of thousands of people enter it. I couldn't help sighing in my heart that although this pharmacist is noble, if he wants to have the constitution of refining medicine, he is also one of the best in ten thousand. If he has a constitution, he must have talent.

"I heard that the Han family sent Han Lin, the most potential in the clan, and it is said that his refining level can practice third-order elixir."

"So young is a third-order pharmacist. This talent is really terrible."

Chen Feng has also learned in the past few days that the classification of pharmacists in Xizhou is from the first to ninth levels, which is far from as clearly divided in Zhongzhou.

The most powerful ninth-order, the most powerful pharmacist I have ever heard in other people's gossip, that is, the president of the Dan Association and the fifth-order pharmacist.

It seems that this person can refine third-order elixir at such a age, and his own talent cannot be underestimated.

Chen Feng didn't know how to improve his strength, but when he heard that they could refine the elixir that broke through the bottleneck, he couldn't help thinking that the elixir he had seen at the auction before was very popular and expensive.

When everyone saw that all the contestants had entered the whirlpool, they discussed who might be the winner this time, and then the crowd slowly dispersed.

"Is this over?" Chen Feng and Shangguan Wan'er looked at each other indifferently.

"Ten days will be the second exam. I don't know how many people will go down in this first exam."

A group of people walked past them like this.

"It seems that we won't come back until ten days later." Chen Feng doesn't know the rules of the Dan Club competition at all, and he doesn't need to know that he is not a pharmacist.

After staying in Xizhou for a period of time, he had to look for the place to go back to Zhongzhou with Shangguan Wan'er. Of course, Chen Feng decided to go back after breaking through the holy land.

"That's the two people." A group of people stared at Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner in the crowd and said.

"Well, dare to fight against my Hu family. When Dan is over, they will go out of the city to find a chance to kill them."

"Yes, the four elders."

"The two third-level warriors are not simple. I don't know if they are from the hermit family, but even if they are from the hermit family, my Hu family can kill them quietly." The so-called four elders looked at the figure of Chen Feng and Shangguan Wan'er gradually disappearing in the crowd and turned away.

"Hm?" Chen Feng felt a little and glanced back, but found nothing strange.

"What's the matter, Chen Feng?"


As the two walked to the pub, Chen Feng felt more and more monitored, but he couldn't find where this feeling came from.

I waited for ten days in such a boring way. On the tenth day, early in the morning, Chen Feng took Shangguan Wan'er to the venue, but he saw that there were more people than last time. Fortunately, it was not too late. The position was just enough to see the whole audience. There were many stone tables in the middle of the venue. Herbs and a scroll.

With the emergence of the whirlpool, some people came out with sad faces and some faces full of spring breeze.

Those who failed came down from the venue, but reached one-third of the total number of people. It seems that this elimination is also very cruel. In these ten days, one-third of them have been ruled out by finding an herbal medicine.

"The following is the second item, practicing elixir. Whoever practices elixir at a higher level will win. Of course, if there is an elixir of the same level, it depends on the color of the elixir to decide the victory."

Seeing that those pharmacists were rubbing their hands and ready to spread their fists, they slowly said, "All players choose your own positions."

Everyone has chosen a good position, and with a sound of "the game begins."

Each took off the medicine tripod from his back and began to make a fire and iron the tripod. When the tripod was slightly hot, he put the herbs into it and began to refine the medicine with the energy in his body.

Chen Feng can't see the situation in the medicine tripod. It's a little depressing. These people came here to see a group of people sitting there to control the flame baking the medicine tripod, which is so boring.

Just when Chen Feng was bored, a soft sound came from the pharmacist.

"It's blown up." The people below couldn't help exclaiming, and then saw a pharmacist standing up with a depressed face and bowing to the organizer of the conference. In the regretful eyes of everyone, he walked to the first losers and watched the game on the stage.

There was the first one to blow up the tripod, followed by the sound of blowing the tripod.

Chen Feng asked a person nearby to understand that there will be some situations in refining. At the beginning of alchemy, it is a problem of fire. Sometimes the medicinal properties in the herbs are burned out before they come out, and the second is the fusion of medicinal properties. The elixir is not refined by a kind of herbs. There are many kinds, and each of them has repulsiveness between them. If the fusion is not good, there will be a situation of blowing up the tripod, that is, the energy generated by the medicinal nature. Moreover, the more advanced the elixir, the greater the power of the explosive tripod. If the ninth-order elixir fails, a mountain will be destroyed in an instant. Finally, it is the stage of pregnancy elixir. At this stage, if the heat is large, the medicinal properties will be lost. If the fire temperature is small, the medicinal properties will not be brought into play.

This means that there will be different colors of elixir in the same order.