lost killing

Chapter 165 Escape from the Northern Region

"Ha ha, I didn't expect the city owner to think so highly of me." The weapon used by Jin Ao is a golden pen, and the golden spirit on it forms a ten-inch long light.

"I don't know how Jin Ao's Jin Rui is practicing. Today, I'll come for a while."

The big knife was thrown violently at Jin Ao, and then the whole figure followed. Just as Jin Ao blocked the opponent's attack, a pair of big hands suddenly grasped the handle of the knife. At the roar, the vegetation trembled and the body sank down.

I saw Jin Ao's body sink suddenly, and his feet fell to the ground.

"Drink." Jin Ao slapped the other party, and the other party quickly blocked it with a knife surface. He saw that the pen in Jin Ao's hand was like a butterfly piercing flowers, counting on the continuous points on the other party's knife surface.

"Kka." A slight sound came into people's ears.


With a crisp sound, a small hole was poked in the knife face. Jin Ao's pen tip passed through and did not stop. He immediately closed the pen. As soon as the pen turned, he wrote in the air. Each pen accurately clicked on the knife surface of the tiger battle. The tiger battle defense was bitten by Jin Ao and did not give the other party a trace. A chance to breathe.


In the past, there was a dragon and tiger roaring that this tiger battle was formed by a fierce tiger. At this roar, Jin Ao, who was the first to hit, felt a flower in front of him, his mind was dizzy, and the brushwork in his hand was no longer smooth and a little stiff. At this time, the tiger battle was able to leave the battlefield.

"Okay, this Jin Rui's spirit can actually penetrate my knife. Jin Ao, your strength is serious, but it's not over yet."

"Hear me up." The fierce superposition of the knife shadow split down on Jin Ao. In this blow, there was a faint sound of tiger roar in the knife wind, which made Jin Ao's brushwork not smooth, but under the embarrassing block, Jin Ao retreated more than five feet in a row under this blow.

"Okay, the body of the demon clan is really strong." Seeing that the other party only relied on the strength of the first-level war king, Jin Ao forced himself back a few steps and couldn't help shouting.

"You human race are not the opponent of our demon clan, you'd better belong to us."

"Ha ha, you pick me up again to 'point the country'."

I saw that the pen was flying in the air, but it was not as light as a butterfly. Instead, it had a heavy feeling.

"Ding Ding." After several consecutive sounds, the other party couldn't help stepping back half a step to remove the force from the knife surface.

Just when the tiger battle thought it was over, Jin Ao fell the last stroke on his knife face fiercely. He saw the knife. The thin hair-like lines on the knife surface were cracked and spread from time to time. Without a cup of tea, the knife was like snow falling, turning into fragments, and only a knife handle was still held in his hand. .

"Okay, okay, okay." Yi Feng saw the golden spirit exhaled on the tip of the pen, which was the real culprit. If it was Jin Ao's strength, it was impossible to smash a knife, but Jin Ao was a coincidence on it. The golden spirit was at the tip of the pen, as if it were ink, and every stroke fell on the knife surface and shook the most. The place has formed a benefit like spider silk.

The last stroke is the finishing touch. On this stroke, all the places that were pointed at the beginning vibrate together, which is the so-called pulling a hair and moving the whole body.

"Jin Ao, you destroyed my weapon. Go to hell."

No matter where they are, weapons can simply be placed in the same position as life for the demon clan. You know, the demon clan itself will not be cast, and the weapons obtained are either created by the human race or killed the opponent to obtain them. This golden pride destroyed its weapons. If you are unlucky, I'm afraid there will be no weapons in the future. Use.

"Roar." With a roar, he rushed up with his bare hands.

A pair of sharp claws attacked Jin Ao with the sound of wind. Jin Ao just clicked the center of the other party's claws. The tiger battle quickly closed its claws. How could Jin Ao make him withdraw.

As soon as the pen turned, it curved in the air and hit the back of the opponent's claws.


With a sound, I saw the tip of the pen pierced in. This golden sharpness is really one of the sharpness between heaven and earth.

"Roar." A blood line appeared in the air. Jin Ao counted the points in the air, and a big killing word appeared in the air, but it was formed by the power of the soul. As soon as this word came out, the corners of Jin Ao's mouth rose and slapped on the killing words.

saw the killing word flying fiercely to the tiger battle, allowing the other party to dodge, and the word seemed to catch up like long eyes.

"Puff." Just when the word was printed on the other party, it caused the other party to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Ha ha, give me a blow." The tip of the pen pointed to the other party's forehead. If this blow is hit, I'm afraid it will open a hole in the head. Once the golden spirit on the tip of the pen enters the brain, it will be killed on the spot.

As soon as Hu Zhan saw it, he immediately turned around and dodged, but the tip of the pen still wiped his ear, and the golden spirit on the tip of the pen drew a cut out of his ear.

As soon as the pen front turned, it was a trick to draw mountains and rivers. Finally, the stroke sketched and scratched a scar on the other party's shoulder.

On this side, the tiger battle can only dodge. Xiong Ping was beaten all over his body, but Chen Feng became more and more comfortable. The flames in his body were jumping happily, and he didn't know when he would jump out.

"Hmm?" Chen Feng suddenly felt the abnormality of the flame in his body. He couldn't help but be shocked, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead. If the flame was uncontrollab, he was afraid that more than ten feet would suffer immediately.

I can't continue to play. Thinking of this, Chen Feng flashed by and punched the other party.

When Xiong Ping saw Chen Feng punching, his whole body's strength surged to his right fist at this moment and punched out fiercely.


Seeing that Chen Feng was blown far away like a meteor chasing the moon, Xiong Ping saw that he made a move and did not stop. He rushed to Chen Feng and punched him down fiercely.


Chen Feng was punched to the ground like a ball, and a deep pit appeared in front of Xiong Ping.

"Cough." Chen Feng slowly got up from the deep pit.

"How can it be that even if you are the third-level war king, this blow will require you to lie down for at least a while, unless you are a strong man in the Holy Land, but the strong man in the Holy Land can fly, and you won't. Could it be that you have reached the strength of the semi-saint?"

"I didn't expect that you know a lot about this bear."

Chen Feng also felt his physical advantage. As his strength grew, his opponents became stronger and smaller.

In the past, if the physical strength of the warriors and the battle with the warriors, even if they stood there to fight against each other, it was just the result of poor qi and blood.

This blow almost injured himself. Looking at Chen Feng, there was only a trace of blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, but the energy in his body was everywhere, and it took him to recover for a long time.

"To enter the Holy Land, you must get the energy of heaven and earth. You must reach the strength of the God of War before you can walk across the Holy Land." Thinking of this wind, he immediately pulled a chain to the other party.

As soon as he moved, he rushed out, his fist wrapped in a black flame.

Xiong Ping completely felt the trembling from his soul, and his body began to shake involuntarily. He was frightened, but he didn't understand what was wrong with Chen Feng's seemingly ordinary punch. Just as the fist was approaching, he felt the chill brought by his fist, and couldn't help shivering and hurriedly dod away.

"The shadow of flowers appears." When Chen Feng saw that the other party was about to avoid, he attacked the other party with one move.

A black flower slowly rotated, floating half a step away from the other party without any power, and suddenly bloomed. At this moment, the energy wrapped in it suddenly vented out, and a strong airflow directly blew out. Chen Feng stepped in and grabbed the other party's neck.

"Ha ha ha." His face was slightly ferocious, and Chen Feng did not know what had changed, but the people nearby suddenly felt that the breath of Chen Feng's whole body seemed to have changed as a person.

"Let you accept the baptism of death." The flame on the palm suddenly rushed out, and there was no sound when Xiong Ping struggled in Chen Feng's hand for a moment. An extremely pure soul force floated out. Chen Feng sucked hard, which was extremely wonderful.

"Wow, I am." Suddenly, Chen Feng woke up like a nightmare. It was not him who had just fought. Looking at the ashes in front of him, he thought that the other party was burned to death by himself, but he was confused.

Is it caused by the flames? Chen Feng suddenly realized a problem and quickly looked at the flame, but found that it was quietly on the inner elixir of Dantian, and there was nothing abnormal.

"Puff." A drop on the forehead of the tiger war, a drop of red blood slowly fell with the tip of the pen, and the tiger war fell to the ground.

A soul floated out, and everyone looked at this phenomenon in surprise. Except for Chen Feng and Shangguan Waner, the rest of them had never seen it. Even the tiger battle looked at the body lying on the ground confusedly and didn't know what had happened.

"What's wrong with this? Jin Ao, what did you do?

The soul of the tiger battle is about to pounce on Jin Ao. Chen Feng knows that the result of this soul entering the body, if the power of Jin Ao's soul does not enter the other party, he is afraid that he will be immediately occupied by the other party.

Chen Feng flicked his fingers, and a black flame fell into his soul. The face of the soul was distorted and immediately faded and disappeared, leaving only pure soul power between heaven and earth.

Everyone felt a burst of comfort. Chen Feng had just absorbed the soul power of a third-level war king, which would be energetic.

"Brother Chen, what is this?"