lost killing

Chapter 173 Level 7 Beast

"I didn't expect to encounter this creature when I entered this 'billion mountain' this time." Jin Ao thought of the blood vine, and his heart was still a little numb. He thought that the tip of his pen poked on the surface of the blood vine, and the golden spirit could not break through the toughness of its skin. This situation was really unimaginable. Even if he met the level of the Holy Land, the golden spirit would have to avoid its edge, but the blood vine was not at all. Hu.

"Brother Yi, in the end, if you want to stay there and learn some swordsmanship, this guy really deserves the title of 'reless swordsman'." Cao Lingyu remembered Yi Feng's firm eyes and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. This may be the most serious pursuit of practitioners.

Along the way, everyone also saw some beasts, some third-level and fourth-level beasts, and sometimes fifth-level beasts.

"Oh, no, did the demon clan summon more than the fourth-order beast? There are still so many beasts here, either not obeying or not receiving the call of the demon clan. Chen Feng looked at the beasts in the mountain forest. At this time, he looked like a mountain forest. There were almost no beasts in the hundreds of millions of mountains. The fourth level were summoned by the demons, turned into human form and joined the battle. Where can you see the scene of beasts wandering in the mountain forest?

"The most powerful beast in this mountain forest is said to be the seventh-order. I don't know if there are any in this mountain forest?" Jin Ao looked at the lush mountain forest. Unexpectedly, it took three months to see the end of the mountain forest, and even Chen Feng did not know when he could get out of this billion-dollar mountain.

"I don't know about this. The most powerful beast I have seen so far is the sixth-order beast, and the seventh-order beast has only heard of it, but I haven't seen it." Chen Feng remembered that the energy that the two sanctuary-level beasts in the trial land fought with each other and burst out was only the energy of qi and blood, but the energy contained in it was probably more mellow than the qi and blood of human beings at the god of war level.

Three months have passed unconsciously after entering hundreds of millions of mountains. Except for half a month with the barbarians, the rest of the time was on the road and fought with some beasts in the middle.

Along the way, some people who are not strong have gradually improved. I'm afraid that there will be general qualitative changes when they go out of this mountain forest. Now the number of people is less than 20. This billion-dollar mountain is really not so easy to enter. If you enter the Holy Land, you may be damaged. The one with the highest strength of these people is a semi-saint. He also fought trembling all the way.

Suddenly, there was an empty lake in front of me, and a blue lake appeared in people's eyes. The breeze blew the fallen leaves on the lake, stirring up a wave. The lake seemed to have dug a hole in the mountain forest. Some beasts could be seen drinking water by the lake. Unexpectedly, everyone in this mountain forest, from summer, In autumn, looking at the fallen leaves that began to be ancient trees, and the fallen leaves accumulated on the ground for many years, people walked up and stepped on them with creaking.

Holding a handful of lake water and drinking it into their mouths, everyone couldn't help exclaiming that the taste of water was very sweet, with a trace of energy mixed with heaven and earth.

"This is simply the water of heaven and earth that practitioners dream of." Jin Ao took out all the water on his body and poured into the lake from time to time. The clarity of the lake can even be seen by fish and shrimp two or three feet away, and these fish and shrimp also got the benefits of the lake. Looking at these phosphorous fish and shrimps all over, people don't know whether they can eat it or not, but when they take the first bite After going down, the delicious food made people linger and beautiful, and they couldn't wait to catch the fish and shrimp in the lake.

"Wow." Chen Feng couldn't help breathing the breath of the lake, and the meridians all over his body felt a weak energy walking in his body. It was weak for Chen Feng, but it was a good place for those warriors and even Jin Ao.

"Here, you can build a house and live here. I'm afraid you will get twice the result with half the effort." Cao Lingyu felt that the speed of energy in his body also accelerated a lot.

Just as everyone was discussing the lake, the center of the lake began to boil, purring bubbles in the eyes of everyone's surprise.


With a loud noise, a dark shadow broke through the water and appeared in front of everyone. The sound of water came to everyone's ears. There seemed to be a heavy rain near the sky lake, and everyone was drenched in water.

The water mist dissipated, and a python-like creature half stood on the lake, with scales on its body, which was completely a giant python with scales. Its appearance was somewhat similar to the cloud dragon formed by Cao Lingyu.

"This is a dragonfly." Chen Feng couldn't help shouting out. The form was almost the same as the description in "martial arts". Originally, he thought that these were all fabricated by people. Although Chen Feng believed in the combination of martial arts and combat skills in the book "Martial Arts", for the dragon, phoenix, unicorn, rosefinch and Xuanwu recorded in it, Even this snake is skeptical. These beasts are all beasts at the level of God of War, or even higher.

Today, seeing the real existence of the snake, Chen Feng's heart can't help but be shocked. I'm afraid that there are really beasts in the world that surpass the God of War, and they are born.

A pair of lantern-sized eyes looked at the people by the lake, with a trace of pressure in their eyes. Chen Feng felt that he did not dare to exist in front of him.

Facing the level of the Holy Land, Chen Feng only felt that the other party could kill himself and threaten him, but he could also have the idea of fighting to the death. However, when facing this snake, he had no idea, only the silky of majesty was entangled in his heart.

"This is the breath of the God of War. The breath alone is enough to make the Holy Land lose confidence." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

The Holy Land is to open the meridians and air holes in the body, attract the energy of heaven and earth into the body, and reach the point of integration into heaven and earth, so that you can achieve the Holy Land. However, you need to be determined, great wisdom, and courage to achieve it. Many people dare not take that step. They think that it is simple to achieve the Holy Land, but it is actually difficult to go step by step. Wrong, it will be swallowed up by the energy of heaven and earth and turned into the pure energy between heaven and earth.

The level of God of War is to enter the void. Once you can enter the void, the God of War level will have an ability to form the prototype of a small world in the body. Once the world can put things other than the energy of heaven and earth, then it will become its own world, step out of the void, and achieve supreme Shinto, that is, become God.

And the breath of the snake that appears in the eyes of everyone is far higher than that of the sanctuary level.

"Humans, you have disturbed my tranquility, just stay."

This mouth spit out people's words. As soon as the words fell, a mouthful of water spewed out. The flood in the air soon turned into the ice edges and shot at everyone like arrows.

"Dududu." After a few times, after seeing everyone dodging, the tree behind it was stabbed by the ice edges. Then, in the stunned eyes of the crowd, the hit tree immediately froze into an ice sculpture.

"Kka, Kaka."

I saw that the trees were frozen in the icicle, and the coldness emitted by the icicle made the energy in everyone's body unable to move.

The dragonfly suddenly spit out a mouthful of water again, and the water droplets dripping in the air, and then shot at the crowd quickly.


A scream roared out of an unavoidable population, and his whole body was like a sieve, and the water was passed through many small holes by the water.

"I'm afraid the penetration of this water drop is the strong man of the Holy Land, and it hurts when it hits the body." Chen Feng saw that the fighter level was shot through, and the water drop returned to the ground, not knowing how deep it was.


With this roar, everyone only felt that the qi and blood of their whole body was uncontrollably rushing out, and that power could affect the power of qi and blood in people's bodies.

"Legend has it that in ancient times, when those wild mythical beasts roared, the strong people in the Holy Land would die of disordered meridians. It seems that even if it is not so exaggerated, it is almost the same." Chen Feng felt that the blood in his body was about to gushe out, and the skin could not wrap the meridians on his body, and the meridians were about to expand.

The snake sucked violently and saw that the lake immediately fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then it sprayed out. The ice-like water vapor fell to the ground and froze out crystal-like ice crystals. When it fell on the human body, it would freeze part of the position, which was a little difficult to avoid, and that Some trees turned into ice sculptures. Without making any sound, they froze into the icicles and had no breath.

"I don't know the power of this icicle." Chen Feng's palm was placed on the icicle and felt the chill that the blood was about to be frozen, slowly transmitted from the surface of the skin into the body.

The flame in the body burned fiercely for a while before the chill brought by it can be expelled.

"This chill is really terrible. If the energy in the body is not high, it will be frozen in an instant." Chen Feng thought for a moment. This dragonfly is a seventh-order beast, that is, the god of war level. I'm afraid that the gas it spits out can only be ignored at the god of war level. The level of the holy land will be frozen by the cold air it spits out, but the time of resistance is relatively longer. These are also related to strength. The lower the strength, the time of resistance will be The shorter.

"Let's go." The crowd quickly retreated, but the dragonfly did not leave the lake, but only dealt with the cold air and the ice edges. For a moment, the trees were frozen into the ice sculpture in the cold air, and the ice edges that followed hit it and broke into countless ice blocks of different sizes.

The ice flew out with a roar, and this blow was so powerful that even the water vapor in the air was frozen.