lost killing

Chapter 209 Separation

At the end of the battle on Chen Feng's side, the battle on Xiao Qianshang's side was also coming to an end, but Xiao Qianshang and Yi Feng fell behind. At the beginning, the two still pressed each other, but they did not expect that the strength of the divine envoy was really not simple. Under this fight, they not only couldn't take the other party, but also let the other party slow down. Qi.

"This guy, this kind of soul power, is obviously borrowed, but he can persist for so long, and he is also a simple character."

When Chen Feng saw that the divine envoy was still persisting, he immediately rushed over, but suddenly found that the flames and flowers in his body were dim and were about to go out the next moment.

Chen Feng couldn't help smiling bitterly and had to fall to the ground and recover.

"I'll go and have a meeting."

Yu Fei stepped away in one step, and the long knife in his hand was wrapped around the lightning arc, and he hit the god with a knife.

"It's not good."

As soon as the god saw that the dragons were killed, he already had the idea of running away. Now when he saw Yu Fei came with a knife, he immediately emitted light and fled.

"Well, let him escape." Xiao Qianshang looked at the distant back and rolled his eyes helplessly. The god came very fast and ran away very quickly.

"It's really inexplicable. This guy came to play a game and ran away." Cao Lingyu was stunned when he saw the divine envoy fleeing the road. Originally, he thought that the other party would come to the bottom of the kettle and have a fierce confrontation with everyone, but he didn't expect that the other party directly turned around and fled.

"I can't run away. I'll meet him tonight." Chen Feng, who sat cross-legged there, suddenly opened his eyes, and the flame flowed in his eyes.

"Brother Chenfeng." Su Xue didn't care about the wound on her body and threw herself on it when Shangguan Waner helped her.

"Don't leave Cher anymore, okay?"

"Okay, I won't leave you again." Chen Feng looked at Shangguan Wan'er and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the latter had no objection.

"Brother Chen, you have been here for a long time."

"Brother Cao, I haven't seen you for a while, and you have reached the strength of the third-level war king. At this speed, tut."

"You have been sealed here for two years."

"Sister Wan'er is still laughing at Brother Chen Feng. Haven't you been in a coma for a year and a half?"

"I don't know who shed tears every day."

"Is Sister Wan'er also sad every day?"


Chen Feng looked at the two beauties snuggling beside him. There, you said a word and I said something about each other. Chen Feng felt that his mind was big. Fortunately, the two did not really quarrel. If they quarreled, I'm afraid that Chen Feng really didn't know how to end.

"Okay, you two, why don't you take them away quickly?" Ye Xiaolan looked at the three people and couldn't help laughing.

"Wait a minute, these chains must be put on. What a good material." Chen Feng stroked the chain in his hand, felt the remaining power on it, and felt the strength of the dragon clan.

"The dragon clan is really a mysterious race." I can't help sighing.

"They just have some blood of the dragon clan, not the real dragon clan." When Yu Fei landed, he heard Chen Feng's words and couldn't help saying.

"Oh, what's wrong with the bloodline?"

"Originally, they were all human beings. Finally, their patriarch obtained the blood of a dragon in an incident, and then changed their physique. They also waited in the east as people of the dragon clan. Legend has it that they can lead to the divine world."

"Is the passage to the divine world true or false?" Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help thinking of what the mysterious figure said, waiting for himself in the divine world. When his heart was hot, he thought about when to go to the land of the dragon clan to have a look.

"I'm not very clear about it. That's what the elder told me."

"Let's go back to Yecheng first. It has been sealed for two years." Chen Feng couldn't help sighing and stayed in the black sea of fire for two years.

"It's not called Huoye City now." Ye Xiaolan looked at Chen Feng's surprised face and smiled at the corners of her mouth.

"What's going on?"

"Now it's called Yanshang City, and Hongluan is the owner of the city, but the city is guarded by the Yanshang Mercenary Regiment."

"That's right, Qianshang, I didn't expect this city to finally fall into your hands."

"If it hadn't been for the friendship between Brother Chen Feng and the city owner, I'm afraid the other party would not have been so easy to talk to."

"This god of light has always wanted to get rid of me. Does this really have anything to do with my son of doom?"

When everyone came into the city, Hongluan came out to greet him in person. This fight seemed to be fast, but in fact there were three or five days.

"Brother Chen Feng, are you all right?"

"It's okay. I don't know how the owner of Hongye is. Why don't he become the owner of the city?"

"My mother said that she was tired and wanted to rest, and didn't want to worry about these things anymore."

When Chen Feng heard this, he understood that Hongye was tired. From the birth of the demon clan, she destroyed the Hongye City, which she ran. Finally, she was forced to move the whole city here. Although the city is stronger and the area is much larger than the previous one, there is always a feeling of being under the shelter, plus This time, she was captured by the incarnation of the God of Light, and her heart was completely tired and didn't want to go on like this.

"I see. Now she's relaxed. Let's go in. I have something else to tell you."

Chen Feng not only absorbed the soul power of the flame, but also got some secrets from it. These are the facts that have been covered up and lost on the mainland.

"I hope you don't say it." In the secret room, Chen Feng looked at these people he trusted most and said solemnly.

"Next, I'll tell you something, the real thing."

Chen Feng paused for a moment and began to play his true character as a storyteller.

"Ha ha, good boy, this method of mobilizing the atmosphere is good." Xiao Mu sat next to Xiao Qianshang and saw that his breath had the strength of the King of War.

"There used to be a battle of gods on this continent, and I don't know why it happened, but I know something about what happened after that. It's only been more than a hundred years since the war."

"How can it be? Isn't it a thousand years?"

"In fact, only a hundred years have passed, but we have spent a thousand years, which is the result of the disturbance of time by the god of time. The 'Wuzong' has only perished for a hundred years. In our time, it has perished for a thousand years. I'm afraid the purpose of doing this is to find Those gods asked a question.

"This continent is the land of Zhongzhou, including Xizhou, Beizhou and four continents, all of which are the land of Zhongzhou. It should not be said that it is the land of Zhongzhou."

"What?" Everyone couldn't help saying.

"This is what I got from a senior. It's absolutely true. These continents were bombarded and fragmented in that battle, forming this strange continent, and seals have been set. With the passage of time, those seals have begun to gradually disappear, and we will soon be on this continent. It's a good swim."

"These gods are real. They are another realm after the God of War. The battle also made some cultivation methods pass, making it impossible for people on the mainland to explore the realm of the God of War. However, I found some cultivation methods in the book 'Martial Arts'. Everyone practiced before entering the Holy Land. It's not too late."

"Brother Chen Feng, is it the cultivation of that soul?"

After Xiao Qianshang was also the soul power of cultivation, he knew that there was such a magical thing in this practice method.

"Yes, from now on, we will start from Yejia Village, because Yejia Village is also a village attached to the former 'Wuzong', starting from there, and then slowly infiltrating into the mainland. I'm afraid it's not easy for people to accept it now."

"It seems so. We almost couldn't accept what you said." Jin Ao drank tea and felt the energy of heaven and earth in Zhongzhou. He was also glad that he came to this land of Zhongzhou with Chen Feng. I don't know how the lives of those people in the northern continent are. Those demons are not easy to deal with.

"Well, I won't hide this book. You can read it together. Now, I'll go and see the god."

"Brother Chen Feng, I'll go with you." Xiao Qianshang immediately stood up and wanted to go with Chen Feng.

"This time, you are waiting outside the city with a stick of incense. If I don't come out, you can enter again."

"That's the decision." Xiao Qianshang knew Chen Feng, so he did not oppose Chen Feng's proposal.