lost killing

Chapter 279 Coast of the East Sea

In the eyes of Chen Feng, the rule of the dragon clan is better than that of the demon clan. At least there has been no phenomenon of tearing up living people. However, those who live in the cities ruled by the dragon clan have lost their freedom and have been enslaved by the dragon clan, and the dragon clan has not allowed the human race to practice in the territory. Over time In the territory of the dragon clan, the gap between people and the dragon people is getting wider and wider, which also makes those dragon people look down on the strength of the human race more and more. In addition, those dragon people build cars behind closed doors. They only know one thing about things on the mainland and have a one-sided understanding of many things.

The two went all the way to the East China Sea and passed through many cities. The situation in all the cities was the same. There were not too many novelties, so that the two did not leave more visits for a while to the end. Except for staying in the village outside the city to regain their strength, they didn't even bother to enter the city.

"There are still two days away from the East China Sea."

Just outside a village, Yi Feng just asked a villager that it would take two days to get to the East China Sea.

"Sit down and rest for a while. We are also very tired of running these days. Today, we are looking for two mounts to walk. The closer we are to the East China Sea, the more I think there will be dragon people. We can't fly casually in the air. If it attracts the strong dragon clan, it will be troublesome."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, Yi Feng patted his thigh and said, "At the beginning, the mounts of those dragons were very good. If they could take two horses to ride, it would also be a good choice."

"At that time, I just entered the territory of the dragon clan and didn't find out anything. If you grab the mount, you can't talk about it here now."

"Hey, just to say, but that mount is really good. I have never seen such a beast."

Just as Yi Feng sighed, a team of caravans in the distance was coming to this village, which seemed to be replenished.

Chen Feng and Yi Feng stared at the caravan for a long time and found that it was a human caravan, and there was no dragon in the team.

"Let's ask these people where they are going."

Chen Feng stood up from the long blue stone, patted the clothes, and took the lead to the caravan.

"Hmm?" Just as Chen Feng got up, someone in the caravan saw Chen Feng's figure.

"Who is it?"

"I'm taking a break. I don't know where I plan to go when I see your caravan packing up?"

"You don't care about this. I think you'd better go back to the bluestone and rest."

"To tell you the truth, my friend and I are planning to go to the coast of the East China Sea. If we are on the way, we can have a companion."

As soon as Chen Feng said this, the leader of the caravan took a look at the strength of Chen Feng and Yi Feng. They couldn't see through them at all. In their eyes, Chen Feng and Yi Feng are stronger than ordinary people, and their temperament does not look like those ordinary people can have.

"I don't know what happened when you two went to the East China Sea?"

"My friend's home is in the East China Sea. He said that I haven't eaten anything there. Recently, he has nothing to do, so he went to the East China Sea for his friends to see the scenery of the East China Sea and taste the food of the East China Sea."

"Ha ha, your friend is right. There are definitely things in the East China Sea that you haven't eaten, and to mention that my home is in the East China Sea."

When Chen Feng heard this, he quickly talked to the other party when the supplies were over and they were about to leave.

The guy who led the team said to Chen Feng, "Friend, how about going together?"

Chen Feng wanted to rush to the East China Sea. Seeing the slow pace of the caravan, Chen Feng really didn't want to be with them.

"It's not far. The East China Sea is only about two days away from here. If you try your best, you can get there in a day and a half." Seeing that Chen Feng and the two had no intention of leaving, the man thought that maybe the two people disliked the long way and dispelled the idea of going with the team.

Chen Feng thought for a while and decided to follow the caravan without attracting the attention of others.

"Okay, thank you very much."

Seeing that Chen Feng agreed, the caravan freed two horses for Chen Feng to use.

"When you arrive at the East China Sea, you can see the endless blue sea. I'm sure you haven't eaten the things in the sea. If it hadn't been too far and the things in the water were not easy to transport, I would have taken a batch to the inland city to sell."

Along the way, Chen Feng and the two listened to the leader talking about something in the sea. Chen Feng stayed in Xizhou for a short period of time and still knew something about the things in the sea. Yi Feng also traveled everywhere in Beizhou, and there were also coastal cities in Beizhou. At the beginning, Chen Feng leaned to Beizhou by boat. The East and West team in the ocean are not strange to the two.

With the walking of these days, Chen Feng found that there is a harmonious scene in the territory of the dragon clan. People can stay at night without picking up their families. There is no bandits and robbers on the mainland, and even some Liang Shang gentlemen are rarely seen. Looking at people's lives, Chen Feng can't say whether this method is right or wrong. If the dragons are also like the mainland, they are governed and have a lot of power, which will lead to the struggle between some forces. There will be orphans in the struggle, there will be people who have left their hometowns, and there will be some people who can't eat and clothes. Finally, there will be Liang Shangjunzi and bandits and robbers. Some of these people are forced to be helpless, and some are purposeful and ambitious.

"Brother Yi, what do you think of the local customs of this dragon territory?"

In the evening, when passing by a village with rising smoke, Chen Feng couldn't help asking Yi Feng.

Yi Feng felt it, took a deep breath, and then said slowly, "It's a good place to nourish Tiannian."

"Haha, this friend is right. Except for the people of the dragon clan, the human race is alive like ordinary people and are not allowed to practice. With the passage of time, this place has become lazy. Of course, there are also rebellious guys who want to challenge the authority of the dragon clan, and finally they all die. In the end, the dragon clan You can't see the cultivated human race in the territory. I don't think you two are locals.

"Good eyesight."


"Ha ha, I have practiced a little for a period of time."

"I don't think it is. The weapons on your backs are not made by a weak person."

"Oh?" When Yi Feng heard this, he suddenly felt curious and could judge people's strength by a weapon.

"Ha ha, I haven't been a business for ten years or seven or eight years. I still know some about how many things the horses can carry. As soon as you two get on the horse, the horse takes a breath, proving that the weight of you two is not light, plus the weapons on your backs, I just speculate randomly."

"It is said that the merchant's eyes are poisonous, and it is not easy to see him today."

The leader really didn't talk nonsense. He arrived at the coast of the East China Sea in two days.

When a low wall appeared in the eyes of everyone, the team cheered.

"At this time, there is Linhai City in front of you."

Standing ten feet away from the city wall, you can see the roof in the city. Compared with the outside wall, the wall of this city cannot be described by the city wall at all. If compared with the wall of Thunder, this city is simply a larger village.

Before you reach the gate, you can smell the salty smell in the air. The setting sun shines on the gate. Chen Feng actually found that the gate was unguarded, which was not seen outside.

"If the demons and demons want to rule the mainland, the territory of the dragon clan will not be peaceful."

Chen Feng actually had an idea of living in the territory of the dragon clan. After feeling his own idea, he quickly strangled that idea in his heart.

After entering the city, I no longer saw the well-dressed residents, but some leather, and the best cloth was linen and so on.

"Is there no dragon in this city?"

After leaving the caravan, Chen Feng and the two walked around the city for a long time and did not find a restaurant with accommodation. They all got up and left the store after eating and drinking.

The two stood on the street with big eyes, seeing that night was coming, but they couldn't find a place to stay.