lost killing

Chapter 318 The Rebirth of the Continent

"Tell me what happened these days when I was away."

After seeing Mu Su's departure, Chen Feng looked at Xiao Qianshang and Wu Lao beside him and said lightly.

At this time, the seed buried in Chen Feng's body began to germinate and grow. After accepting Chen Tianyou's memory, Chen Feng's personality also changed slightly. However, because Chen Feng's character had been formed and his mind was firm and could not be changed at will, Chen Feng did not form the king of Chen Tianyou. Ego.

"This is going to start with our migration•••••"

Xiao Qianshang walked along the road and talked to Chen Feng about the establishment of Yanshang City.

"How dare you choose the place of Wuzong before?"

"Wu Lao said that there is the aura that Wuzong has gathered for a long time, and where to build a city is the best choice. Moreover, the south is watery, the climate is adaptable, and it is the best place to live."

"The south is close to the sea, and its geographical location is very similar to the territory of the Oriental Dragon clan. It is a good place. In those years, Wuzong's choice was also well thought out."

"Wu Lao, that's not what I mean. The place Wu Zong chose will certainly not be bad. However, the land of Nanze has many swamps, which is very inconvenient to walk, which is a little difficult for the development of the city in the future."

"What is practice for?"

"Eternity." Chen Feng said it without thinking about it. He has come into contact with too many such problems, and even such a powerful god as the God of Light can't escape this reason.

"Yes, if you want to win immortality, then the first step of immortality is to enter the fairyland. Do you know that the fairyland existed a long time ago. At that time, it was the peak of the witch clan, and the fairyland was born in that period."

"I also know more or less about this." Chen Feng got all the memories of the god of time and Chen Tianyou, and he still knew the history mentioned by Wu Lao.

"At that time, Wuzong had not yet appeared. There were many sects practicing on the mainland, and even some families showed a prosperous scene of hundreds of families. Later, I don't know why there was a war. The mainland experienced a war of lichs, followed by a war between the gods, and the melee made the whole continent The cultivation sect is disorderly.

Wulao said and sighed slightly, "At this time, our Wuzong appeared on the mainland and jumped from an unknown small sect to the peak of the mainland. At that time, there were only more than 100 people in Wuzong, but they could be enemies of the world. What kind of momentum and strength ."

"Finally, in the Second Battle of the Gods, Wuzong was destroyed. Maybe the light was so dazzling that all the gods fell in love with Wuzong at first sight."

Looking at Wu Lao's indignant history, Chen Feng knew that this was a history handed down by mouth on the mainland, but the real history is not like this. Now only Chen Feng and Mu Su know about the divine world and the fairy world, as well as the destruction of Wuzong and the chaos of the continent. These are all caused by the god of light.

"We are almost there. In front of us is the city of Blood Tomb, but after Brother Chen Feng was injured in the void by Niu Wu, I went to question the crime with Mu Chengzhu and Yun Zongzhu and others. Finally, Niu Wu knew that he was invincible and chose to enter the void."

"You may not die in the void. Niu Wu is much stronger than me. I don't know where Niu Wu is now?" Chen Feng thought for a while and didn't say anything about it.

After the city of Blood Tomb was occupied by the Wu family, the Wu family left the center of the mainland. Now, there is only one Thunder City in the mainland, and the original major forces have also been destroyed. In the end, there are few left. Coupled with such a disaster, the situation of forces on the mainland is not optimistic.

"The city of Blood Tomb has been renamed Wucheng. Now it seems that the whole continent has not escaped from that disaster."

Several people looked at the dilapidated city in front of them, and there were some busy crowds. Because a large number of falling rocks were concentrated on both sides of the northwest, the damage on the southeast was relatively much better.

"The damage to the south is not very serious, and the city still exists."

Thinking of the endgame where even the peaks of Luoyun Peak were destroyed, and even the city in the south could be preserved, I knew that the south side was not seriously damaged.

"It seems that there should be no big problem in Yanshang City."

The further south you go, there are fewer and fewer potholes on the ground. If you go further south, you will see the falling rocks.

"It seems that the other party chosen by Yan Shangcheng is right and should not have been greatly impacted." Mr. Wu looked at the swamp in front of him. If it had become a mountain in the west, how could he have such peace?

The whole land of Nanze has hardly been damaged. Along the way, I saw a group of frightened beasts fleeing around.

"Not far ahead is Yanshang City."

From afar, you can see the mountains in Nanze. Nanze is originally sparse, and Wuzong was built in the mountains, and the goal is very obvious.

When stepping on the broken ruins of the Ye family, Chen Feng stood for a while before moving forward slowly. It was here that Chen Feng's meridians were blocked by the three elders of the Ye family, leading to the last series of things.

"Is it a blessing or a curse? I really can't see through it. I can't explain it clearly."

Chen Feng felt as if he was walking along a set road, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"The son of fate?" Chen Feng thought about what Wu Lao once said, "No, we are all pawns of heaven and earth. With the guy who doesn't even have the strength of the gods now, he can disturb everything of the god of light. This is a fateful arrangement. In those years, the destruction of Emperor Wuzong should also be different from their ability to explore the heavenly path."

Looking at the clouds floating in the air, Chen Feng suddenly had a feeling in his heart, which seemed to have been hidden in his mind.

There is the memory of the god of time and Chen Tianyou in Chen Feng's mind, but there is no such perception involved in it.

"Is it?" Chen Feng suddenly thought of a possibility, but he quickly searched in his mind for a long time and couldn't find it.

"We have arrived, Brother Chen Feng, this is the city we built on the ruins of Wuzong."

Chen Feng was thinking about the problem and was awakened by Xiao Qianshang.

Yingshang City is located on the ruins of Wuzong. The whole city wall is built around the mountains. The city was originally built halfway up the mountain. In addition to the wall, from the foot of the mountain, the wall towered into the clouds.

"Yes, the ruins of Wuzong are very large. In this way, although it is not as majestic as Thunder, it also has a different momentum."

The newly built Yanshang City is mixed with the far-reaching atmosphere left by Wuzong before, which is not vicissitudes, but it is also far-reaching.

"I want to have a good visit to this city."

When several people turned to the front of the mountain, they saw a group of ragged people rushing to Yanshang City.

"It seems that this disaster has destroyed most of the cities and villages on the mainland."

Because it was a disaster period, there were many patrolling personnel outside Yanshang City. Seeing the cold light flashing on those people, you can know that the equipment of these people is superior even if they are not sophisticated.

"The mercenaries of Yanshang City, of course, have become guards, but, in addition to guards, the strength of each city is different. I can say that the guards in Yanshang City are in the top three on the mainland."

"Of course, who made you the king of mercenaries on the mainland?"

As soon as Xiao Qianshang's words fell, a voice came, and the three people followed the sound.

A ragged man stood there with a big sword on his back. His breath was no different from that of ordinary people nearby, but he knew from his star-like eyes that this person was not weak.

"Hahahaha, Brother Yi Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time."

This person is Yi Feng, and his dress is no different from those poor people.

"Why are you so depressed?" When Chen Feng saw Yi Feng's costume, he was like defeating a general with abandoned armor.

"Brother Chen, you are still alive. I thought you were in the void. Come on, come with me into the city."

When Yi Feng saw Chen Feng, the smiles on his face immediately piled up. He stepped in front of Chen Feng, grabbed Chen Feng's wrist, took Chen Feng and ran to the city.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the two sisters-in-law."

When Xiao Qianshang saw Yi Feng's move, he guessed probably and hurried to catch up.

"Brother Yi Feng, what happened? He hurriedly brought me in. I haven't had time to watch this city."

"Miss Su Xue has an accident."

"What?" How did Chen Feng know that he got such news from Yi Feng? When he suddenly heard Yi Feng say it, Chen Feng's heart suddenly tightened.

"This also needs to talk about the fire and rain in the sky. Then both places in the northwest were covered by fire and rain. The demons began to find a place to live. The dragons and dragons in the east disappeared collectively. The demons and demons were there, but they didn't expect that they still thought of the treasures of Wuzong and came to Nanze. In conflict with us, Luoyunzong and the Temple of War were destroyed in the disaster, and the Wu family and Thunder were also very damaged. They couldn't get out of it, so we fought with the demon clan.

"Is Su Xue injured?"

"Miss Su Xue is not the only one who was injured. The strength of the people here is generally weaker than that of demons and demons. If it hadn't been for the fire and rain, the two clans would have fought over long ago.

"Became to see Su Xue."

Chen Feng did not expect that the disaster would directly destroy the residence of several major forces on the mainland.

"Monsters and demons are also looking for a place to live, but this is not appropriate." Chen Feng accepted that he was Chen Tianyou's child, which was equivalent to accepting his identity as a demon clan. Chen Feng also deeply sympathized with the miserable history of the demon clan.