lost killing

Chapter 329 Thunder Robbery has nowhere to hide

"Brother Chen Feng, please do everything below."

Xiao Qianshang looked at the group of brothers behind him who were born and died, and the woman he loved most. A few days later, with Xiao Qianshang's promotion, they would be separated from each other.

"I don't know if they can be promoted."

For the strength and talent of those mercenaries, Xiao Qianshang really can't think of any good ideas in his heart.

"I don't know when I will see you this time."

After Xiao Qianshang survived the thunder disaster, the invisible party in the world began to distort and constantly restore calmness. The pattern of the whole continent was basically settled. No one knew it. When they thought of the fairyland, they could only be led by the door of the fairyland.

The void on the continent and the void in the fairyland are separated by a pair of invisible hands. No matter how powerful the continent is, the torn void can only shuttle over the continent and cannot reach the fairyland.

"Brother Chen Feng, please do everything." Standing under the clouds, his whole body is shrouded in the light sprinkled in the air. The open door of the fairyland behind him is mysterious, vast and immeasurable in people's eyes.

"Everything is at ease."

Xiao Qianshang stepped into the door of the fairyland step by step, and the door slowly closed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Let's all go."

After a period of time, Chen Feng will also cross the thunderstorm. All the following must be arranged so that he can safely cross the thunderstorm.

"I don't know, what is the last heart disaster I'm going to overcome?"

With the vigorous construction of the city of Yanshang, the whole city is magnificent, and a momentum of reigning in the world is revealed from the city.

"Sister Xiaolan, these books are all previous cultivation books of Wuzong. I want to try them at the Ye family first."

"Okay, our Ye family used to be a subordinate village of Wuzong."

"Su Xue's body has recovered. I think she can guide you."

Chen Feng arranged all the things he could think of, and the touch in his heart became clearer and clearer. Chen Feng knew in his heart that the thunder disaster was coming.

"The time is running out."

Chen Feng sighed in his heart. In the past, when Chen Feng was a child, he wanted to stand at the peak of the mainland and look down on the mainland. In Chen Feng's eyes, Mu Su, Yun Shang and others at that time were out of reach.

With the growth of strength, everything is just a thing of the past. What we really want to pursue is the way of eternal life and the way to become a god.

After Chen Feng arranged everything, he began to pay attention to the small world in his body.

"I'll try to put in a plant first."

After Chen Feng put the plant into the small world, something tragic happened.

As soon as the plant was put into the body, it immediately attracted a large number of flames. It burned into ashes and turned into dust without waiting for the wind to put down.

"It seems that there is a way to open up a place to live in the small world."

Chen Feng thought of the birth of the divine world, which is the fusion of many small worlds. The small world in his own body should also be able to become such a world. Even if the area and level are not as good as the divine world, it should be the same as the "land of trials" and "Danyu".

"The flame in the body is really a headache. It would be nice to open up a place to live in the flame."

Chen Feng thinks of the flame in his body. Among the things known to Chen Feng, the only thing that can compete with the flame is the power of thunderstorm on that day.

"Just in time, when I cross the disaster, I will try it with the power of thunderstorm."

During the days when Chen Feng waited to cross the disaster, he either inspected the establishment of Yanshang City with his two wives, or went to Yejia Village first to watch the promotion of Wuzong's cultivation methods.

After the mainland experienced the disaster, the City of Thunder occupied the whole central continent and became an unshakable country. Thunder's big city owner, Lei Xiao, also reached the period of crossing the disaster.

"A few months ago, there were thunder clouds rolling in the land of Nanze from time to time. It seems that someone has survived the disaster. Who is it?" Lei Xiao didn't know that Mu Su and Xiao Qianshang survived the disaster again.

When everything on the continent is on the right track, the mercenaries gradually begin to have tasks, and the whole continent has taken on a new look. In the face of that catastrophe, life is so weak and vulnerable that the number of deaths can no longer be clearly counted by the number of people. The only thing that can be counted is destruction. Number of villages and cities.

Dark clouds are dense, and the whole land of Nanze is full of suppressed breath, and many strong people feel the trembling in their hearts.

"This doesn't seem to be the same."

Chen Feng looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and the power of thunder and lightning did not lead, as if something was brewing.


Just as a trace of doubt rose in everyone's hearts, a white thunderbolt broke through the clouds and suddenly hit the wind.

"Can I try to avoid this thunderstorm?"

There was no fear in Chen Feng's heart. He stepped out and quickly ran far away.

"What is Elder Chen going to do?"

The mercenary looked at Chen Feng's figure and quickly ran away. The white thunder in the sky seemed to be provoked. He chased Chen Feng behind him and never stopped.

"Can't you get rid of it?" Chen Feng looked at the white thunder in the air in surprise and kept chasing behind his back.

"I don't believe it. I can't get rid of you."

Chen Feng was full of strength and ran fast. In the land of Nanze, he saw a white thunder in the middle of the sky chasing a figure on the ground.

"Brother Chen Feng is really good. It's good to get through the thunderstorm. He has to stir people up panic. Originally, he was still worried about him."

Su Xue carried a big sword with white snowflakes on his back, reflecting the light of the thunder from time to time. The surface of the whole sword seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, white, and from time to time starlight flashed on the surface of the sword.

This sword was rebuilt by Chen Feng. I don't know how much better it is than the previous one. The materials used are almost the same, but the methods and proficiency of the construction are different, resulting in the difference in the quality of the two swords.

"When I saw Brother Xiao crossing the disaster, the atmosphere was very tense. This crossing was turned into this by Brother Chen."

Shiyan looked at the place where Chenfeng crossed the disaster from afar above the wall of Yanshang. There can be no one in the city. There are no more than 100 people who really go to the scene to see Chenfeng crossing the disaster. There is no scene where tens of thousands of people watching when Xiao Qianshang crossed the disaster.

The moment Xiao Qianshang stepped into the door of the fairyland, he called him the "god of mercenaries" among the mercenaries.

In the main city of Yanshang, there is also a statue under construction. When the statue is completed, it is the appearance of Xiao Qianshang.

"Wow, ow."

Chen Feng no longer knew how far he had run. Looking back, he could no longer see Yan Shangcheng, and even the people who came to watch the disaster. He wanted to stop and rest for a while. However, the thunder above his head maintained the momentum of falling at any time, making Chen Feng dare not stop.

"Forget it, I'd better run back. There is really nowhere to hide from this thunderstorm. If it doesn't fall on me, I won't stop."

Taking a breath helplessly, Chen Feng turned into a big circle, and the road flew away, and the dark cloud above the sky was constantly distorted.

The white thunder is like a fruit hanging in the sky without falling. People in the distance can see the bright white light hanging in the middle of the sky.

"Is it going to disappear?"

Chen Feng could only feel that the cloud was still covering him, but the oppression of the thunder at the beginning faded a lot.

"As long as you run a little longer, this thunder can't strike me, and the first thunderstorm will pass."

Chen Feng thought happily and ran back slowly. The clouds in the sky kept rolling and the momentum were huge, but a white thunderstorm came out under the clouds, which made people's fear of thunderstorm fade a lot.

"Look, Brother Chen Feng is back again."

When everyone was worried about the wind, they saw the wind coming from a distance.

"It seems that this thunderstorm can really be avoided."

Seeing the white thunder in the air and the occasional oppression at that time, the white thunder seemed to disperse.

Chen Feng stopped and was ready to resist. The atmosphere suddenly began to tense, waiting for the thunderstorm to fall.

Just as Chen Feng finished watching the thunderstorm and resisted it, terrible things happened. In everyone's eyes, above the gray sky, the disaster clouds kept rolling. The disaster clouds, which were only ten mu in size, quickly increased to dozens of mu, a full of several times the beginning of the disaster clouds.

All this was just the beginning. The whole sky of the cloud was no longer gray, and it began to be a little dark. Soon, the whole cloud became as dark as ink, and a trace of light was not transparent.

The repressing momentum that could not be felt just after the change of the cloud was suddenly released. Before this powerful momentum of heaven and earth, all people seemed extremely small.

At the moment when the weakness of the audience changes in the momentum of this world, they feel that their hearts seem to be gripped fiercely.


Several people who couldn't hold on spit out a mouthful of blood to disperse the feeling of oppression in their bodies.

"This, such momentum is really horrible."

Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help clencing Su Xue's palm. They looked at the figure standing under the cloud, and their hearts seemed to be beating for that person.

"Squeaky, creak."

Chen Feng felt the groans of the body bones under the pressure of the energy of heaven and earth, as if the joints were about to break.

"This kind of pressure is simply."

Chen Feng felt that the qi and blood of his whole body began to flow smoothly, and the ground under his feet began to break up because he could not withstand the pressure from the sky.

"This, this."

Feed the strong pressure from the air, and Chen Feng's muscles were like tight hemp ropes, making bursts of noises.

"Look." Just as Chen Feng was about to be oppressed, he heard what the people around him said and quickly looked up at the disaster cloud above his head.