Master of Flowers

Chapter 42 So-called Interrogation

When I arrived at the Chaoyang District Bureau, a message came to Qin Wu's mobile phone. Although his hands were handcuffed, this did not affect the movement of his hands. He moved slightly, put one hand into his pocket, and then took out a mobile phone.

The text message was sent by Lolo. Since we are already friends, it's not too much to ask each other for mobile phone numbers.

Where are you? Why didn't you come to school today? You don't know that your hardcore fans are about to turn Yan upside down. This is the content of the text message.

"I'm at the Chaoyang District Police Station." Qin Wu simply replied. Although they are not good at showing their emotions on the surface, the people around them who have always cared about them still keep in mind.

"Hee hee, what crime have you committed? Do you want your sister to help you?" There is a cute smiling face behind the text message.

"Will you save me? Do I have to call my sister or do I owe you a favor?

"How smart! If you want both, just reward you with a kiss! First kiss! Bo~"

Qin Wu decisively didn't reply, relying on women? That's funny. Is he such a person? Naturally, he is not with his arrogant personality.

The female criminal policeman Yan Ming came over and said, "Let's go. This criminal policeman will interrogate you in person."

Qin Wu said he had no objection. However, there are flies shouting for opinions. Li Hong, the deputy captain of the criminal police, seemed to say jokingly, "Obviously, you have robbed Uncle Li of your job." After saying that, Qin Wu stared at him with hatred, which made people feel very unfriendly. At first glance, it was the treacherous villain arranged by the superior.

"Uncle Li, just give him to me. I promise to interrogate all his crimes one by one. Yan Mingming was unwilling to give in. Not long after taking office, she finally seized the opportunity. If she had something to do, she would not give things to others.

"However, he is not an ordinary suspect." Li Hong said with some embarrassment.

"Isn't it ordinary?" Yan Mingming was stunned and then smiled more happily. "That's good. If it's too ordinary, it's definitely not challenging for me."

Is this girl willing to do it right with herself? Li Hong's face changed. This time, the director was telling him to detain him after random interrogation. If things go wrong, won't he be able to afford it?

At this time, Yan Zhengzhong approached with a Chinese face and a serious expression.

"Strict team." Li Hong said hello.

Yan Zhengzhong just nodded slightly, as if he didn't like him very much. Then he asked Yan Mingming, "Ming, don't fool around here. Leave the matter to you, Uncle Li."

"But..." Yan Ming frowned beautifully and seemed to want to say more. It's not easy to get in touch with things in the criminal police industry, but I don't have a chance. To put it bluntly, it's because I'm a rookie. She thought to herself.

"Well, there's no need to say more. You go down first." Yan Zhengzhong interrupted the way.

Yan Mingming kicked his legs, with a little girl's tone, and left reluctantly. The swinging arm was very wide, and the pair of powder balls on his chest trembled, as if he were about to fall down.

In this way, Qin Wu took him to the interrogation room. In his opinion, so many actions were nothing more than superfluous, just to cover people's ears and eyes. There are only two people in the room. In addition to Qin Wu, another person is naturally Li Hong, the deputy captain of the criminal police.


"Qin Wu."





"Okay, sign this agreement." Li Hong took out something like a contract and threw it on the table and said.

Qin Wu smiled and laughed sarcastically: "You didn't say that I had done anything, so you let me sign the agreement for no reason? Well, the Huang family asked you to do this. Suspected that I killed Huang Kai? But what about the evidence?

Hearing this, Li Hong's face changed greatly and he said gloom, "I don't know what you're talking about. If you sign the agreement, we will naturally investigate it well. At that time, if you are wronged, we will naturally let you go back.

"Well, it's really a good policeman. Should the state issue you an honorary certificate? But can you guarantee that I will be alive after you investigate it? Qin Wu looked at him with a sympathetic and disdainful look.

"What are you talking about? Sign the agreement quickly." Li Hong shouted impatiently.

"If this agreement is for me to bear all crimes, wouldn't I be fooled by you? And he will definitely die." Qin Wu said slowly. Looking at the ugly face opposite, he suddenly had an impulse to expose it to the world.

"Whung be signed or not." Li Hong suddenly stood up. Obviously, he was angry.

"It's impossible to sign." Qin Wu said lightly.

"Okay, okay, don't sign, right? You have to think about it. If you don't sign it, there are many ways for you to sign it. As soon as the words fell, two small policemen came in from outside the door, holding a black electric baton in their hands.

"Let him sign!" The two police officers looked at each other and jokingly approached Qin Wu, trying to capture his arm and force him to sign.

Unfortunately, such low-level means can only be used on ordinary people. When the policeman touched his arm, he found that he could not move the other half with the strength of the two of them. The other party seemed to be inlaid, extremely strong and unshakable.

"What are you two doing? Why don't you do it quickly?" Li Hong frowned and urged.

The two little policemen turned red and gasped, evaporated their strength to breastfeed. But I want to cry without tears in my heart.

"They have been doing it all the time. However, as long as I don't do it, they will never do it." Qin Wu stinged.

Li Hong was stunned and seemed to be guessing the meaning of this sentence. Looking at the two police officers, their faces were a little strange. Is it possible that this boy has practiced any evil skills? He shouted, "Get out of the way, I'll do it!"

The two little policemen quickly retreated excitedly, as if they had been released from a major crime, and their look was much more relaxed. When his eyes fell on Qin Wu, he quickly turned his head. The situation just now made them still have a lingering heart.

A sneer appeared at the corners of Qin Wu's mouth, and he wanted to make him ugly. This so-called scum in the police must not be tolerated. As soon as Li Hong's hand touched his arm, he inexplicably felt a huge force attacking him before he could react. His body has tilted back to 60 degrees. Peng fell to the ground one meter away. The head just hit the floor. Suddenly, he felt a hot pain and dizziness on the back of his head.

Now, the two little police officers are dumbfounded. The tall and thin police officer who reacted first shouted, "How dare you attack the police!"

"Please open your dog's eyes and see clearly. Did I do it?" Qin Wu's tone was bland, but inexplicably gave an unbearable pressure.

The two police officers looked at each other in con's face. Indeed, he didn't do it. However, how should this scene be explained? Is it possible that Team Li accidentally fell down? When did Team Li become so stupid...

"You two idiots, he is scolding you. Call me until he signs it softly. Li Hong looked embarrassed, got up from the ground with difficulty and embarrassment, straightened it*, and gently stroked the wound a few times. The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. I thought about when the deputy captain of his criminal police brigade had such a grievance.

The two police officers were so anxious that they almost forgot that they were still holding an electric baton in their hands. Damn, I can't move you. Is it possible that the electricity won't kill you? He picked up the electric baton and didn't look at any part of the other party, and hurried forward.

Since someone is cruel to himself. Naturally, Qin Wu has no possibility to stay. Huo Ranjian stretched out his palms, and his arms were quickly released with light power, and the two palms that instilled internal strength were directly against the two electric batons.

"Wo, sw!"

The action is very fast, and there is no left. Although the electric shock stick is charged, it is not very harmful to Qin Wu's iron-walled body, which produces a slight numbness at most.

The first thought in the hearts of the two police officers was that this guy was determined to die and wanted to take the electric baton with the palm of his hand. The electricity generated by the electric shock stick is not a joke, which is enough to make people suffer. However, the next moment, they did not have such an idea and changed from their original disdain to endless fear. Because they found that they could not suppress the other party at all, a force suddenly soared, devouring the electricity of the electric baton.