A different world painting god

Chapter 54 Uninvited Guest The Devil Scorpion King

The next moment, Ye Tianer's charm had been launched, and six black and poisonous scorpions seemed to have lost consciousness and lay there motion blankly.

Lu Shuo knew that the time had come, so he suddenly waved six silver daggers carrying black light and shot at the mouths of six black and poisonous demon scorpions. Compared with the previous purple soul silver prison killing, Lu Shuo felt that this black soul silver prison killing was more powerful, and the mysterious and powerful black soul power was even himself. I also felt a burst of shock.

Of course, Black Soul Silver Prison Kill is his own name.

It is true. In an instant, with a strong wind, six silver daggers have shot fiercely into the mouths of six black poisonous scorpions. They did not struggle and **, because the daggers directly penetrated their bodies and hit their hearts, and the breath of life disappeared almost instantly.

Lu Shuo smiled, and his self-confidence suddenly rose to the highest point.

Ye Tianer did not stop attacking, because she knew that her soul power could not last long, so the real eye exerted again, the charming ability was launched, and six black poisonous scorpions fell into sluggishness.

Lu Shuo saw the situation and immediately concentrated. Six daggers appeared in an instant, locking the target, and the black soul silver prison killing was launched again.

There was no suspense. After a moment, six breaths of life disappeared again, and six black and poisonous scorpions died.

Next, it became a unilateral slaughter scene between Ye Tianer and Lu Shuo. As long as the black and poisonous scorpion began to attack, Ye Tianer would launch the ability of charm, and then Lu Shuo would kill with the black soul silver prison to give the enemy a fatal blow. The two cooperated extremely tacitly and did not leave any time for the enemy to breathe. But at the same time, the soul power is also extremely consumed, but the soul power of the four of them is almost gone.

"Lu Shuo, save me!"

At this time, Luo Yan suddenly sent a signal for help. Obviously, she could not resist the attack of the two black and poisonous scorpions.

At this time, Ye Tianer seemed extremely tired, but she still insisted on the ability to launch charm again, and six black poisonous scorpions, including two fighting with Luo Yan, fell into stagnation again, but this time it was obviously a little weaker.

Lu Shuo quickly mentioned the black soul power again, and the black soul silver prison killing was launched. The next moment, six black poisonous scorpions died again.

The black and poisonous scorpion who fought with her died, and Luo Yan suddenly fell to the ground and gasped. Obviously, her soul power had been exhausted.

In this way, there are still ten black and poisonous scorpions and a black and poisonous scorpion king.

Suddenly, Ye Tianer said, "Lu Shuo, get rid of the black and poisonous scorpions at one time!"

"God, don't force yourself!" Lu Shuo obviously felt that Ye Tianer's soul power was almost gone, and her spiritual power had also dropped to the lowest point.

Ye Tianer smiled, just like Lu Shuo's iconic smile, "I'm fine!"

After saying that, Ye Tianer released the remaining spiritual power, the real eyes unfolded, and the charm ability was launched again, but this time the target was locked to ten black poisonous scorpions.

Although Lu Shuo was worried about Ye Tianer, he had no choice but to launch the Black Soul Silver Prison Kill again.

Suddenly, when all the ten black and poisonous scorpions died in the end, Ye Tianer finally fainted on the ground. Excessive use of soul power, excessive use of spiritual power, and the injury on her body had made Ye Tianer exhausted.

Lu Shuo hurriedly grabbed Ye Tianer in front of the mountain, and then slowly put her on the ground. For Lu Shuo, the top priority at this time should be to help Yu Wenlin kill the Black Poison Scorpion King, so that they can be completely saved.

Although Yu Wenlin is at a downfall everywhere, he still stubbornly resists the Black Poison Demon Scorpion King. He has been injured and has little soul power left.

"Rin! Back up~!" Lu Shuo shouted, and there were already ten silver daggers in his hand.

"Black Soul Silver Prison Kill!"

With the departure of Yu Wenlin, Lu Shuo launched the black soul silver prison killing, and ten daggers quickly shot at the black poisonous demon Scorpion king with wisteria strips.

And the Black and Poison Demon Scorpion King seemed to care about Lu Shuo's attack at all and had no intention of resisting at all.

However, when Lu Shuo's dagger was about to attack the body of the Black and Poison Demon Scorpion King, as Lu Shuo waved hard, all ten daggers unexpectedly changed their tracks and shot at the mouth of the Black and Poison Scorpion King.

Of course, you understand your weaknesses when you are discovered. When he really felt the threat of life, the Black Devil Scorpion King was finally not calm. The pair of pliers and the scorpion hook wanted to block the flying dagger at the same time, but it was too late.

"Oh! Poo! Poo! ......

After ten sounds, the life of the Black Poison Scorpion King finally came to an end.

Almost at the same time, at the next moment of the death of the Black Demon Scorpion King, Lu Shuo and Yu Wenlin all fell to the ground, weak and gasped.

The two of them looked at each other at the same time, and then smiled at the same time, saying that friends who have experienced life and death are real friends. Perhaps at this moment, Lu Shuo and Yu Wenlin have admitted this friendship.

More than 40 black and poisonous scorpions all died at this moment. If they didn't see it with their own eyes, who would believe that Lu Shuo and the four of them did it?

However, Lu Shuo and the four were also injured to varying degrees, especially Ye Tianer, who was in a coma at this time.

However, of course, the effort is also rewarding. It is also thanks to Ye Tianer's ability to awaken his inheritance soul skills at this time. Otherwise, it is really difficult for Lu Shuo to defeat the black poison scorpion group. From this point of view, how important soul art is for a star soul master, especially powerful soul art.

Lu Shuo took a short break, immediately got up and ran to Ye Tianer's side, then took out a pill from his arms and put it in her mouth. This is what Ye Zheng gave them before they came. It is called the soul pill, which can quickly recover the soul power and physical injury. It is very expensive in the market.

At the same time, Lu Shuo and two others also ate one.

At this time, 40 black poisonous scorpions were killed at once, and their task can also be said to be overfulfilled. As long as the four people recover slightly and then put away the dead black poisonous scorpions, they are ready to return to the Sky Academy.

Yu Wenlin came to Lu Shuo's side, with an admiration in his eyes, "Lu Shuo, I have to admire you. Your strength really surprised me. I lost the challenge of the final assessment."

Lu Shuo smiled. He really liked Yu Wenlin, who was known as a cold genius, more and more.

"Don't say that, I'll be embarrassed!"

Yu Wenlin smiled, and his cold face actually had a rare smell of sunshine.

"The task has been completed. After a short break, we can go back to the college."

At this moment, the purple wing flower next to Lu Shuo kept swaying a few times. Then, Lu Shuo's expression suddenly became extremely ugly. He frowned, looked at the bushes in the distance, and then stammered, "No! I'm afraid... I'm afraid we can't leave for the time being."

Hearing Lu Shuo's words, Yu Wenlin had a bad feeling and stared at the bushes in the distance.

Then, a few rustling sounds kept ringing, as if the wind blew. An invisible and extremely huge soul force rushed to Lu Shuo again, but this soul power was different from the huge group of the black poisonous scorpion, which was completely a kind of strength and pressure on the level of soul power.

Yu Wenlin also felt this powerful soul beast. The star soul was immediately released, and the heavenly eyes unfolded. The purple-gold eyes emitted an invisible golden light, and there was a burst of surprise on his face.

"This, this is actually the middle-level soul beast of the Yellow Star, the Demon Scorpion King!"

Hearing the demon scorpion king in Yu Wenlin's mouth, Lu Shuo's color change again. He knows the heavenly demon scorpion king, the king of the middle-level soul beast of the yellow star, the king-level existence in the scorpion field, and the supreme of the scorpion soul beast. At the same level, the heavenly demon scorpion king is the supreme existence, which is also the origin of the Scorpio domain name.

The yellow star middle-level soul beast is completely higher than the green star low-level soul beast. There is a qualitative difference between the low-level soul beast and the middle-level soul beast, just like one in the sky and the other underground.

(The uninvited guest, the arrival of the Demon Scorpion King, how should Lu Shuo face it? Please look forward to the next chapter, the black vortex, the prelude to awakening! In the recommendation, if you think it's good, please collect and recommend it more fiercely. Yuanzhen guarantees that the following content will be more wonderful.)