Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 02 Strange things

Chapter 02 Everything Strange

The man's hand of Fengmei constantly shuttled through the clouds. As the clouds retreated, Fengmei's breathing became more and more difficult, almost to the extent of suffocation. Her brain became blank in an instant. She didn't know who he was, and she didn't know where he was going to take her, and in this short time. In the meantime, why did such an outratic thing happen? But her intuition told her that all this might have been doomed for a long time, and she didn't even have the ability to resist.

Because of lack of oxygen, Fengmei didn't have the strength to ask him for the answer she wanted. Her head became heavier and heavier. Just as Fengmei was about to faint, perhaps the man holding Fengmei felt her situation. She saw the man frowning and looking at her. Her silver eyes were as calm as water, and her long silver hair floated backwards. He seemed to notice her strangeness. She frowned when she saw him and was a little confused. His eyes were lighted with a faint green light. Later, Feng Mei knew that the green light was a sign of his worry. The deeper the green light, the more worried he was.

At the moment when Fengmei fainted, the man pulled her into his arms, holding Fengmei in one hand and raising it in the other. A silver light overflowed from his fingertips and shot into Fengmei's heart. Fengmei felt that her breathing was much smoother, so she fell asleep in his arms.

Fengmei doesn't know how she got to this alien world. When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw a large and spacious room decorated with white crystal. Those crystal clear light spurs made her eyes sore. She sat up in a panic and didn't know where she was at the moment. Everything strange here made her feel very flustered and scared. She lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Two things fell from her body one after another. She bent down and picked them up. It was her P3 and mobile phone. It was originally in the pocket of her school uniform, but the mobile phone had no signal, so she threw them in **.

She went to the round table and sat down and found that the table was made of white agate, and the tea set on the table was also crystal clear. She poured herself a glass of water and drank it in one breath. As soon as she put down the cup, she saw two women coming in. One woman was full of red hair and the other with green hair. Oh, my God, she didn't I know what kind of world I have come to.

They held the fruit in their hands. When they saw Fengmei, they were stunned at first, and then calmly walked to Fengmei and put down the fruit plate. ,

The red-haired woman opened her mouth first: "Is the girl awake?"

Fengmei nodded and looked at them on guard. The green-haired woman seemed to see her mind and said with a smile, "Girl, don't be afraid. I'm Xiao Lv. She is Xiao Hong. We are specially sent by the third prince to serve you."

"The Third Prince?" Feng Mei looked at them puzzledly and asked, "Who is the third prince?"

When it comes to the third prince, the two women immediately worshipped each other. Xiao Green said, "The third prince is the coolest prince of our immortal empire." Little Green said proudly.

"Where is the Immortal Empire?" Fengmei asked again.

"This is the place where you are staying now." Xiao Hong is a little puzzled.

"Then can you tell me why I'm here?" Fengmei continued to ask.

Feng Mei walked over doubtfully and saw the "food" on the table. Her only reaction was the fierce tumps from her stomach. She covered her mouth and turned her head. Feng Mei had no longer had the courage to look at it.

She really can't imagine that what people eat is equivalent to the kind of food that caught a bird and pulled out its hair and put it on the table. The plate of meat of unknown animals next to it lay on the plate bloody. How can this kind of food be eaten? It was the third prince who specially ordered to prepare it. Fengmei couldn't help thinking that the third prince deliberately wanted to make her sick.

"Girl, don't these foods suit your appetite?" Xiao Hong looked at Feng Mei strangely and frowned.

"Do you eat these every day?" If this is the case, are these people the legendary ogre or something? Feng Mei was so scared that she almost stopped beating her heart.

"Yes, these things are used to entertain distinguished guests or royals. We waiters are not qualified to eat these." Little Green explained.

After listening to their words, Fengmei had nothing to say at all. At this moment, she has only one idea, that is, to find a way to go back, but how to find a way to go back in this unfamiliar place? Thinking of this, my heart couldn't help falling to the bottom.

"You go out first. I want to be alone for a while." Now she is not in the mood to inquire about anything. For all this strange, she must think calmly. After the two girls went out, Feng Mei walked to the window, raised her buttocks and sat on the window sill. Looking at the darkening sky outside the window, she was upset.

I don't know how long it took, the quiet moonlight sprinkled into the window, and a big night pearl illuminated the whole room, like daylight. Although Fengmei was curious, she was not in the mood to study the night pearl that had only been heard in the novel. She just stared blankly at the place where the night pearl was placed on the beam. Fang.

"I heard that you can't eat the dinner prepared for you?" Unconsciously, a cold male voice came to her ears. She turned her head and saw that the third prince, the owner of the voice, was close in front of her. She was so scared that she almost fell out of the window.

"How did you get in and when did you get in?" When the third prince heard Fengmei's question, he frowned. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with her answer. He pulled up Fengmei, and Fengmei fell into his arms without warning. She was very backboneless. Her heart unexpectedly skipped several beats. She kept struggling in his arms, just like a little sheep strayed into the mouth of the big gray wolf. No matter how you struggle, it's useless.