Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 84 Rebuilding Jinling Villa

Chapter 84: Rebuilding Jinling Villa

The reconstruction of Jinling Villa is a very huge project, and it is a very difficult thing for today's Jinling.

Jin Ling began to hurriedly arrange for his subordinates who survived the disaster to actively rebuild Jinling Villa.

At this time, in the magic palace, the spider girl and the snake demon are repaying the situation of the silver dragon and others to the demon.

The spider girl said, "Master, now Jin Ling is actively planning to rebuild Jinling Villa."

The demon sat on the throne for a long time and meditated. The spider girl and the snake demon looked at the silver dragon puzzledly. What was the master thinking?

After a long time, the demon master finally raised his head and looked deeply at the spider girl and the snake demon and said, "In this case, we can't let Jinling Shangzhuang be built so easily. Spider sister, snake demon obey."

The spider girl and the snake demon who came back from doubt immediately bowed their heads and obeyed: "Spider sister, the snake demon is here, master, please tell me."

The Demon Lord stood up from the throne. He looked out of the hall from a far-reaching way, and a mocking smile gradually appeared on his black and purple lips. He said, "No matter what method you use, I will prevent the reconstruction of Jinling Villa."

The spider girl and the snake demon looked at it doubtfully and said in unison, "Go back to the master, spider sister, the snake demon will live up to the master's order and go all out."

"Hahaha." The demon laughed loudly, then turned around indifferently, waved his sleeves and said, "Go ahead. In three days, I will see the result."

Spider Girl and Snake Demon No. 4 did not dare to neglect and said, "Master, don't worry, Spider Girl, the snake demon will definitely do it."

After saying that, the spider girl and the snake demon retreated. Just as they were about to step out of the door of the hall, the demon master suddenly shouted, "Wait, you two don't hurt Fengmei again. If you let her have a half damage, I will not forgive you."

How dare the spider girl and the snake demon hesitate? They quickly replied, "Master, don't worry, we will be careful."

The demon meditated for a long time before saying "um", and the spider girl and the snake demon immediately walked out of the magic palace.

The snake demon sighed and said to the spider sister, "I think our master is completely fascinated by the woman Fengmei. I have never seen the master care so much about which woman."

The spider girl said coldly, "Even if the master is infatuated with that woman, it won't help, because the two of them are destined to be opposite, and there will be no result."

The snake demon frowned and said, "I'm worried that the master will give up our great cause of unification for the sake of Fengmei."

The spider girl said, "No, how can the master be so confused? Well, let's not think about these. Let's discuss how to prevent those stupid people from rebuilding Jinling Villa."

All the people sent by Jin Ling to cut down trees in the suburbs returned without success. Jin Ling looked at them with doubts and asked doubtfully, "Why do you all look sad? Where's the tree?"

One of the subordinates said, "Those city residents are not allowed to cut down trees at all."

Jin Ling frowned and asked, "Is there such a thing? What's the situation? You can talk about it carefully.

It was not until the subordinate explained the context of the city people's prevention of cutting down trees that Jin Ling suddenly understood that those city people wanted to sell trees?

"What?" Fengmei was almost angry. She said, "How can those city people be so rude? Don't miss the city lord. How many good things have you done for them now? These ungrateful guys."

Feng Yun pulled an open-mouthed Feng Mei and said, "What's the use of saying these now? We can only think of ways and where to get the trees."

Fengmei then closed her mouth quietly, but soon, she shouted, "Yes, I have a way."

Jin Ling and others immediately looked at Fengmei doubtfully. Fengmei said, "We can make our own trees."

"Do you build your own tree?" Can this tree be made by itself? Everyone was dumbfounded in an instant.

Fengmei smiled and said, "In this matter, only Brother Long, Lei Jun, Lan Yu, Feng Yun, and the peony girl can do it. City lord, you can send more people to get the wood."

Yinlong and others looked at Fengmei in surprise. Shouldn't she let them turn out wood? Although it is easy for them to make wood, they can't easily interfere in the affairs of mortals.

"Oh, don't put on a bitter face. We have disturbed Jinling Villa for so many days. Now is the time for us to repay the city owner. How can you refuse? Let's go. I know an empty place one day. Shall we go there? Fengmei said and pulled the silver dragons to the open space she said. Although Jin Ling was still full of doubts about the "tree-building" mentioned by Fengmei, he still sent many people to follow Fengmei according to Fengmei's arrangement.

Fengmei knew that she was nosy and said, "Brother Long, I know you have your own difficulties, but in order to help the city owner, I think the Bodhisattva will forgive us. In order to thank you for your help to the city owner, today, I will personally make tea for you to ensure that you drink a sip of hot hibiscus after the change. Tea."

The charm laughed and said, "Sister Feng, do you count as a bribed now?"

Feng Mei shook her head and said, "It's not buying, but to thank you. Let's not talk about it. Hurry up and change it. I'll prepare hot tea."

So, everyone had no choice but to watch Fengmei run away in a hurry. One by one, they began to degenerate a tree. Each person had a hundred trunks. Those trunks seemed to appear out of thin air, and the subordinates who came to move the trees were stunned.

Before half an hour, the white wood had been piled up all over the empty yard. At this time, Feng Mei came over with her carefully brewed hibiscus tea and said as she walked, "Come on, the tea is ready. Come and have a taste."

Yinlong and others looked at each other, walked to a stone table and sat down. Fengmei put the tea in front of everyone and kept praising: "Thank you for your hard work."

With that, Feng Mei handed the last bowl of tea to the blue peony. The blue peony said gently, "Thank you."

However, just as Fengmei thought that the blue peony had catched the bowl of tea, the blue peony let go. Suddenly, a bowl of steaming tea poured all on the blue peony's lap. The blue peony exclaimed, "Ah..."

Feng Mei hurriedly wiped the tea on her thigh for the blue peony in panic and said anxiously, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Peony girl. I didn't mean to. I thought you had finished the bowl. I'm sorry."

Yinlong quickly put down the tea bowl in his hand and walked over several times. He looked worriedly at Fengmei's hurriedly wiping the tea on her thighs for the blue peony. Yinlong did not blame Fengmei as usual, but helped Fengmei up from the ground and whispered, "You stand aside first, I Come and have a look."

The blue peony clenched her teeth and looked at Fengmei with resentment. Unexpectedly, Brother Long was worried about Fengmei at this moment, not her who was scalded by tea? The blue peony suddenly felt like a basin of cold water in his heart.

Jin Ling asked with concern, "How is the peony girl? Do you want to find a man to have a look?

Blue peony reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said, "Don't bother the city owner. It will be fine in a while."

Fengmei stood aside like a child who made a mistake and looked at the silver dragon's magic to treat the scald for the blue peony. She felt that she was useless. No matter what she did, it was more than enough. Fengmei took a look at the silver dragon and the blue peony and turned away silently.

Feng Yun saw Fengmei's lost thoughts, sighed in a low voice, and then went out with Fengmei. Everyone watched Fengmei's lost departure sympathetically.