Love in Time and Space: My husband is a dragon

Chapter 118 Thrilling Morning

Chapter 118: A Thrilling Morning

The body of the silver dragon skillfully teased by the blue peony seemed to be filled with a fire. In the fierce burning, the silver dragon strongly controlled himself, and his voice was very hoarse: "Fengmei, this is you looking for me. I can't help it."

After saying that, the silver dragon broke out desperately on the blue peony. The blue peony happily accepted everything the silver dragon put on her, and his heart was indescribable happiness. Even if his brother Rilong can't be with her, then let brother Long belong to her alone tonight?

Feng Yun and Lan Yu didn't wake up until noon the next day. Feng Yun held her faintly painful head uncomfortablely and looked at Lan Yu sadly and said, "Although this wine is delicious, it is extremely painful after that."

Lan Yu took a look at the charm, went to the charm and massaged the headache part of the charm and said, "Mase for a while. I'm going to ask the owner of Jinling for some honey water."

Feng Yun nodded and said, "You must ask for more. Sister Feng must also be in pain."

Lan Yu sighed helplessly, "You should change your words now, right? It should be the third sister-in-law. How long have we been married? You can't even change this habit.

Feng Yun naturally stared at Lan Yu and said, "How nice Sister Feng is. I like to call Sister Feng."

"Okay, okay, just do what you like, so you at least care more about me, okay? I think you care more about the third sister-in-law than I do. Lan Yu said dissatisfiedly.

"Yo, is it true that my fourth prince is jealous?" He said strangely.

When Lan Yu was angry and wanted to refute a few words, the maid sent by Jin Ling came in with a few cups of honey water. Feng Yun asked doubtfully, "Excuse me, girl, this is..."

The little maid said kindly, "This is the honey water specially prepared by the city owner for several people. Take two cups first, and the rest of the maidservants will be sent to Mr. Long and Miss Feng."

Feng Yun said movedly, "This city owner is really careful. Well, you put these honey water here first. I'll take the honey water to drink with Sister Feng and others."

The little maid thought for a moment and said, "In that case, I will leave first."

After the little maid retreated, Feng Yun looked at Lan Yu and said, "Why don't you take these honey water? Do you want me to do it?

Lan Yu quickly reluctantly took up the honey water and went to find Yinlong and others with the charm. Fengyun jumped out of Yinlong's room and shouted, "Brother Long, Sister Feng, have you got up? We brought you honey water.

Yinlong and Fengmei, who were sleeping in the room, heard the sound of charm and opened their eyes at the same time. Fengmei rubbed her heavy eyelids, sat up with a painful head in her arms, and found herself lying on the ground. She looked up at Yinlong in surprise. Yinlong just turned his head and looked at Fengmei. Yinlong puzzledly recalled that it seemed to have happened last night. What's the matter? Why did Fengmei lie on the ground?

Suddenly, a terrible feeling scared all the shocks and confusion of the silver dragon. He slowly shifted his eyes to his waist, and a pair of delicate jade hands suddenly broke into his pupils. He immediately looked at Fengmei, who slowly stood up from the ground in panic. He suddenly turned his head and saw the blue peony leaning against him. Shoulder, sleep deeply, this...

Yinlong brushed and sat up from **, and there was still a charming voice outside the door: "Brother Long, Sister Feng, have you got up?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." As Fengmei said, she turned her head and looked at the silver dragon. She suddenly found the blue peony lying next to the silver dragon. They... They... Last night... Fengmei couldn't help holding her mouth and staring in surprise.

"Ah..." Blue Peony pretended to scream in panic, quickly sat up from **, and looked innocently at Yinlong and Fengmei.

"How can there be the sound of blue peony?" He looked at Lan Yu puzzledly: "Has something happened?"

Fengyun no longer cares about knocking on the door. She pushed the door hard and walked in, involuntarily widening her eyes. This... What's the situation?

Feng Yun ran to Fengmei in surprise and asked, "Sister Feng, how can the blue peony be in Brother Long's **? What happened last night?

Fengmei seemed to have been shot and had no reaction. She just stared at the bare silver dragon and blue peony in a daze. Last night, she slept on the ground and they did such a thing in her **? Feng Mei felt extremely ironic in an instant. Dou Da's tears fell from Feng Mei's eyes without warning. How could they do such a ridiculous thing in front of her?

The silver dragon had no choice but to pick up the clothes that fell on the ground and quickly put them back. Feng Mei turned around unbearably. She ran out of the room without asking a word, and ran out in horror.

Lan Yu looked at his third brother and Blue Peony in disbelif. They actually...