Exotic God

Chapter 17 Behind the Scene

In front of the palace, a rainbow bridge could be faintly seen spreading like their feet. When the three gods saw this kind of thing, they began to wonder who did it. There was a doubt on their faces, and they could not tell whether this kind of thing was good or bad. Xue Luo looked at their confused eyes, right The god here said lightly, "Do you see? This is their choice." He turned his eyes and said, "You will know how wise your choice is."

The people in the hall hurriedly said, "I am willing to follow my master all over the world and unify the world."

Xue Luo worshipped and said, "Do you know that the son of Chaos has entered another dimension space. Which of you is willing to take that dimension space as well?" For a short time, the sound of the hall became noisy. They knew about this matter, but they didn't know that the snow fell. The owner actually knew the location of the dimension space. All of them wanted to perform well in front of the master. In a short time, there were six people who were willing to go and seize the world.

Xue Luo glanced at them. He knew that they had not really belonged to himself. The murderous spirit in his heart came out, and Xue Luo walked to the supreme throne of the hall in a noble posture.

Xue Luo was excited and said, "Finally, I can sit on this throne. Xueyi, my master, how will you feel when you know your subordinates have obtained your position?" Xue Xia slowly walked to the throne step by step. He was experiencing that feeling, that feeling of contempt for the world.

Slowly walk to the front of the throne and constantly touch the supreme throne with your hands, giving people a full feeling. The gods of the hall suddenly knelt down together and looked at Xue Luo devoutly and said, "I hope the master will ascend to the throne and lead us to fight all over the world." Xue Luo turned around and saw their devout attitude and said, "Then I will take you around the world." After saying that, he sat down slowly. When he was still a few feet from the throne, he suddenly felt a strong resistance coming out from under his body when the snow fell and was about to sit down. An old voice came to his ears.

"You are not qualified to be mine. Come back when you are qualified."

Xue Luo was angry when he heard this sentence. He thought that I was the second largest existence in the world. I was not qualified. He sneered in his heart. Anyway, he wanted to sit down today, which was a kind of dignity.

When Xue Luo forcibly sat down, he found that there was something more in his body, but he felt that he could not have any discomfort. Sitting on the throne, he felt how wonderful it was. When he was experiencing the strange feeling, suddenly a bodyguard rushed in and said: "Master, the three of them have walked up the ladder."

Xue Luo looked at the bodyguard's report, nodded and waved to the people below: "The death game has begun. You can enjoy the most unique performance they bring to us." The people below with a smile were afraid, and the hearts of the smiling people were impatient and afraid. Seeing Xue Luo's expression, they turned helplessly to look at a mirror made of Xue Luo's magic power.

The three people on the ladder walked up slowly. The blessings of the three gods on the ladder kept blowing their progress. The three looked at each other that they knew that it was difficult to escape this time, so they shook hands and said, "Let's see if we can win in danger this time, no Thinking of the absence of Xueyi, but we were forced to this point. I believe that we will not sacrifice in vain. The master will avenge us." The three of them are the three closest generals under Xue Yi, who are the three heavenly generals, Luo, Bing, Fu, and Luo looked at the other two brothers and said, "Brother, we will return to the afterlife. It's a good brother."

After saying that, Luo accelerated and ran forward. Bing and the two brothers looked at each other and said at the same time, "We will always be brothers." After saying that, I saw the figures of the first two backs constantly running. Everyone looked at their feelings like this. Some gods under Xue Yi couldn't help but remember what they were doing and couldn't help but blush, and the corners of their eyes were wet, full of a sad atmosphere spreading.

Xue Luo looked at them and couldn't help laughing in their hearts: "Sure enough, there are still some people who are dishonest, hey... You all go and stay with them."

Xue Luo coughed and cleared his throat and said, "Have you thought about it? Who wants to go to the dimensional space? You are all the hegemons here, and I believe you will be able to fulfill our common wishes. Which of you would like to go? After saying that, I looked at the complicated eyes of everyone and waited for their answers.

A great god came forward and said, "Master, I am willing to go, and I hope the master can do it." The snow fell and looked at the other people and said, "Is there anything else?" Feng He's eyes inside were constantly hesitant. After a while, Xue Luo saw that they had not responded and opened a very attractive condition: "As long as anyone can complete that task, he can stay there for a long time." This sentence aroused a great wave and had a great impact on Feng Heru's heart. Under this big **, they could no longer resist it. He bowed quickly and said, "I'm willing to go."

Xue Luo looked at them and sighed in his heart, "I have sent you what my master wanted. The five gods should be able to get him out of trouble." Come back to your senses and look at the three of them:

"Okay, just the three of you, I am looking forward to you completing this task. I will have a big reward when I come back. I hope you will live up to my expectations."

"Master, I will definitely complete the task next time," the three generals said in unison. Xue Luo nodded with satisfaction, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corners of his mouth and looked at the people on the stairs: "Ha ha... Are you not sure why it's not dangerous to finish walking the Rainbow Bridge so quickly? Soon you will understand that it takes five people to drive. It's time for you to breathe. You can experience that wonderful feeling immediately. Hey hey..." Then he looked at the three people who sat down: "Since you have contributed so much to this seat, in order to show that this seat rewards you. I have decided to give you a special reward." After saying that, Xue Luo wrapped them with divine power and flew like the bridge. Suddenly, the two gods in the air mask immediately screamed: "Master begged for mercy. I know it's wrong."

Xue Luo's mouth hung a faint smile and said, "I helped you. Who will help me?" Slowly enjoy the gentle time."

Everyone looked at Xue Luo like a demon, and there was a very dangerous end in their hearts.

A huge thunder shocked me when I was afraid. At the same time, I saw the rainbow slowly leaning against each other and connected. Suddenly, a breath of fate began to spread, and an old breath that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly came out: "Who woke me up?" The rainbow keeps spinning to give people an irresistible majesty.

Xueluo floated out and looked at the huge gear of fate and said, "It's me. I'm here in exchange for wishes." A vicissitudes of voice said, "Just these people can't hold on for a few minutes. Tell me your wishes."

Suddenly caught the words of the fate gear, Xue Luo looked at the person who gradually came out of the snow, and his eyes shrank slightly and said gloomily, "I didn't expect that you are not dead yet!!"

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