Exotic God

Chapter 148 Temporary Corner

At this time, their eyes slowly piled up everything at this time, with a silky feeling looking at the sad feeling at this time, and slowly flowing that sad feeling. I calmly felt that looking at everything slowly telling the smell of sadness at this time, everything was such an indifferent feeling that slowly flowed the trace of sadness at this time. Looking at the plain feeling at this time, the sadness in my heart slowly told a helpless taste at this time.

When their eyes looked at the ground at this moment, they looked at the plain feeling at this time. With a silky flat feeling, he nodded slowly at this time and felt helplessly at this time. When they looked at the nine palaces at this time, the sadness in their hearts felt a slight sad smell, and at this time they poured out a whole taste.

The sad feeling of the nine palace grid at this time looked at everything at this time, and helplessly felt that it was flowing slowly at this time. On the nine palace grid things at this time, their black water and Lingyun stood on such a ground at this time, with a silky flat feeling that they were slowly telling a decryption at this time. However, at this time, the black water stood in the second grid in the east, and Ling Yun stood in the first grid in the west at this time. Ling Yun looked at the black water at this time and said slowly with a silky smell:

"I saw a square slowly moving the right palace three or four."

When he looked at the plain feeling at this time and slowly described a whole feeling at this time, the black water at this time looked at Ling Yun at this time and said slowly:

"I know that you are going three left and one right at this time"

At this time, when they are constantly exploring the problem at this time, they always feel that the sadness at this time slowly pours a whole faint taste at this time. Plainly felt that there was a whole taste in the sadness at this time. At this time, they looked at everything at this time and said slowly:

"Lord of Black Water, I think you have forgotten a question now?"

At this time, the black water turned to the head at this time, looking at the sadness at this time and slowly telling a whole faint taste, and plainly felt that it slowly telling a whole sad feeling at this time. Everything was so plain and helpless, looking at it with a trace of emotion. At this time, I don't know whether the feelings at this time are slowly telling a whole sad feeling at this time. Looking at everything at this moment with that silky feeling at this time, I slowly described what kind of helpless taste was hurt at this time, and everything was such a sad feeling.

"Just tell me what you have?"

At this time, Ling Yun looked at everything at this moment with a silky look of helplessness and fear, and said slowly:

"We seem to be on the dead man, and he will still move"

With a silky feeling at this time, looking at the plain taste at this time, slowly telling a whole feeling, slowly describing a whole sad feeling at this time, and the plain taste slowly describing the sad taste in all this time. Everything is so plain that it can't take away any superficial injuries. Looking at everything at this time, I feel helplessly telling a whole taste at this time. At this time, the mouth of the black water said slowly:

"Dead people who can flow, dead people who can flow"

Suddenly, a sharp color flashed in the black water eyes at this time, and I looked at everything under my feet at this time and felt helplessly telling a whole smell at this time. The sad smell flows slowly in the mouth.

"I'm really stupid. I didn't expect such a situation?"

Looking at this feeling at this time, I feel helplessly that I was slowly describing a whole faint problem at this time. At this time, the black water looked at Ling Yun and said slowly with a smile:

"Give me a drop of your blood"

Ling Yun looked at everything at this time with a trace of doubt and slowly told a whole story, and plainly felt that looking at everything at this time was slowly telling a whole light wound at this time, and slowly told the part of Ling Yun's heart from then on. The sad feelings passed down, and everything felt so plain that there was a whole helpless breath slowly flowing in such a helpless feeling at this time. A drop of blood slowly squeezed out of Ling Yun's hand at this time, feeling it with a trace of feeling, looking at the sad feelings at this time. Helplessly, with a trace of disgust. I don't know what the whole thing is like at this time. Blood drops kept flowing in the air, watching everything slowly pass by a whole faint smell at this time. I feel plainly telling a whole story at this time, ordinary and sad.

At this time, the trace of blood in Ling Yun's hand was rendered with a silky heavy breath at this time, an old breath. Looking at everything at this time slowly telling a whole story, he felt that it was flowing at this time. The vicissitudes of emotion, everything was like this. At this time, the sad color slowly poured out the sad taste and silky sadness. The blood left in the air slowly described the taste of vicissitudes in such sadness at this time. When such a drop of blood slowly flowed down on the plane at this time, when the black water at this time suddenly picked up the ground, it seemed that such a drop of blood at this time fell down by gravity. Looking at everything at this time, he slowly described the whole light at this time with a trace of sadness. I feel that everything is slowly spreading at this time.

At this time, they opened their eyes and watched such a drop of blood slowly fall to the ground at this time, and the sad feeling slowly told the whole faint smell at this time. I plainly felt looking at everything at this time, and slowly described the whole plain taste at this time.

"What the matter. Why can't I catch such a drop of blood?"

Looking at the sad feeling at this time with a trace of doubt, I slowly narrationed a sad feeling at this time. I don't know that the feeling at this time slowly narrationed a whole faint shallow wound here. Everything is such a plain feeling without taking away any faint taste. Looking at At this time, the sad feeling, the black water at this time suddenly felt a strong breath flowing out at this time. The earth-shaking atmosphere filled the smell of gunpowder smoke at this time, and everything was so plain.

At this time, they looked at everything like this and felt that it was slowly flowing at this time, the helpless smell. What kind of feeling is this situation? I don't know what kind of feeling the sadness at this time is telling what kind of taste it is. At this time, I felt a demon's breath slowly waking up at this time, and with that feeling at this time, I slowly described a helpless smell in everything.

The powerful demon's breath slowly flowed out at this time, and they felt the faint sadness at this time. At this time, they felt helplessly in their hearts. At this time, he slowly narrationed a sad feeling, and everything was the sad breath slowly narration of the sad smell at this time. The feeling in my heart at this time doesn't know what the helpless bitterness is telling a whole taste at this time.

At this time, Ling Yun felt that when the powerful demon breath below slowly woke up at this time, he suddenly felt that everything was hurt like this. At this time, he slowly talked about the whole faint taste, and everything was so plain that the sad breath flowed at this time. The powerful breath overturned them at this time.

All the chess games have just begun!!!

One update.....