Exotic God

Chapter 158 Resurrected God

The plain taste at this time slowly flowed out in my heart and looked at everything at this time. I felt helplessly looking at everything at this time, and the sadness in my heart felt that it was telling what kind of plain taste and sad breath it was at this time. Everything is that sad smell slowly telling the whole thing here. Looking at all this at this moment, the silky sadness slowly stayed at this time. At this time, Ye Chen slowly looked at the lord and said slowly:

"Have you seen the witch at this time?"

Looking at everything at this moment with a silky feeling, I helplessly feel that I am telling a whole story and a peaceful breath in such sadness at this time. Looking at everything like this with the silky feeling at this time, I helplessly feel that the whole plain taste slowly flowing at this time. The plain breath looked at this moment and felt helplessly talking about a whole plain taste at this time. Shangshui looked at Ye Chen slowly and innocently with a trace of doubt and said slowly:

"Do you understand that nine-tailed fox?"

With that trace of helplessness, looking at everything at this time, he slowly described the whole plain taste and gratitude. Everything is the sadness that slowly tells a feeling of sadness and helplessness at this time. Lord Shangshui looked at all this at this time, and the faint sadness in his heart told a whole plain taste at this time.

"Oh, it seems that the girl who came with Ling Yun went out from that direction."

At this time, Ling Yun pointed outside and looked at everything at this moment, and helplessly felt that the sad smell was slowly spreading at this time. Everything was so sad and slowly flowing at this time. At this time, Ye Chen frowned and looked at everything helplessly at this time and felt that he was slowly telling a whole plain taste at this time. Looking at such a plain thing at this time, I feel helplessly telling the whole sad smell at this time.

At this time, the countless gods and demons in the sarcophagus slowly burst out, and with a silky feeling of looking at all this time, the breath was helplessly telling a whole sad smell at this time. At this time, the smell of gods and demons coming out of the cemetery looked at all this time with a trace of horror, and helplessly felt the whole smell that was being told at this time. The world is constantly changing at this time because the sad breath at this time slowly describes a whole sad emotion at this time, with a silky feeling of looking at such plainness at this time. Helplessly, his breath slowly told a whole sad story at this time.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Chen looked at everything at this time and slowly described the whole sad taste and faint feeling at this time. Looking at all this helpless breath at this time, he slowly said it in his heart at this time. I felt that with a trace of emotion was telling a whole sad story at this time, and everything was spreading with that sad breath at this time. Ye Chen looked at the lord of Shangshui at this time and said slowly, looking at the spreading smell of the sky at this time:

"There is a very strange acupuncture point in the human network. As long as you stab it here, you can fake death and put your body in a deep sleep state. What we need to do now is..."

At this time, Ye Chen clicked the lord of Shangshui at this time and felt with a trace of helplessness at this time and felt that he was slowly describing a whole thing and a calm feeling at this time. Lord Shangshui slowly looked at everything at this time and nodded slowly with a slight breath. Suddenly, Ye Chen's body and Lord Shangshui's body at this time seemed to be as if they couldn't stand the heaviness, and slowly looked at all this time and told a whole sad story. I felt that the plain taste was slowly flowing in my heart. Everything is so sad without any trace. An old voice slowly spit out from then on Ling Yun's body, looking at everything at this time with a trace of sadness and said slowly:

"You two little guys can't turn over any big waves, and you feel like looking at everything at this moment."

The plain feeling is slowly transmitted from the body. At this time, Ye Chen and the Lord Shangshui's body fell into a deep sleep, looking at everything at this time with a silky feeling, describing the ordinary taste in the ordinary feeling. Looking at all this at this moment with a silky feeling, the breath helplessly described a whole taste and sad sadness at this time.

At the moment when they fell into that crack, looking at everything at this time, they felt the plain feeling that they were slowly telling the whole feeling at this time, and gently saying the whole sad taste at this time. Everything is like looking at the sadness at this time and saying a whole sad feeling. When their bodies slowly fell at this time, they felt that their bodies were about to fall to the ground at this time, with a trace of sadness. Looking at everything at this time, they felt a whole plain taste and sad breath in their hearts at this time.


Constantly making that kind of position sound at this time, looking at everything at this time with the silky feeling at this time, I don't know what kind of light feeling it is at this time, and the plain breath slowly passes by the smell of gunpowder smoke at this time, and it feels it. At this time, I don't know what everything is saying at this time. When their bodies slowly fell down at this time. He made a heavy sound, looked at everything at this moment with a silky feeling, and felt helplessly telling a whole story at this time with a trace of sadness. With the continuous spread of time, the faint breath slowly stayed at this time with a whole faint taste and sad breath slowly circulated the sad breath at this time. Everything is so helpless that it can't take away any shallow wounds and light breath.

I feel plainly looking at everything at this time, and helplessly feeling that I am slowly telling a whole plain taste and sad breath at this time. As time passed, the gas from the stone tomb was constantly seemed to be a forerunner of thousands of troops and horses. With the silk feeling of looking at everything at this time, I helplessly felt that it was slowly telling a whole thing at this time and was constantly rendering at this time. Everything is the shallow wound that keeps telling a whole plain feeling at this time.

An ancient god resurrected and came out of the stone tomb and looked at Ling Yun and said slowly:

"Seeing the master, I don't know what the master has to order now?"

At this time, Ling Yun looked at the resurrected god with a trace of majesty, and the old voice slowly came out, and with a trace of sadness at this time, saying a whole faint taste and that sad breath passed at this time:

"How many gods and demons are there?"

The voice at this time looked at everything with a trace of sadness and said slowly:

"At least tens of millions of demon souls."

Ling Yun looked at everything at this moment with a satisfied smile and said in a vicissitudes tone:

"Should these guardian spirits be enough?"

Unfortunately, Ye Chen can't know what kind of problems they will face next. To be continued...

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