Exotic God

Chapter 165 Fate for You and Me

The plain breath is flowing at this time, the faint taste, the shallow wound in my heart tells a whole taste and a faint sad breath at this time, with a silky feeling of looking at everything like this at this time, and telling a whole story at this time.

As time continues to flow at this time, the breath continues to spread at this time. Looking at everything at this time, I have no choice but to feel that it is telling a whole faint taste and sad feelings, and plainly feel what kind of feeling it is telling at this time. . The opportunity of life is to stay with that sad smell and faint sadness at this time. At this time, the plain breath slowly recounted a whole sad smell.

At this time, Ye Chen slowly fell from the sky in the feeling of weakness and hit the foot of the tower fiercely. He felt that he looked at everything at this time and felt that he was slowly telling a whole sad taste and faint sadness at this time. Everything was that sadness. At this time, the breath of feeling tells a whole plain story. The sound of vicissitudes kept ringing around Ye Chen at this time.

"You boy hurt me"

Looking at everything like this with the silky shallow wound at this time, slowly passing the sad taste and faint feeling. At this time, Ye Chen said slowly to the opposite side:

"I'm sorry, old man, I won't do it next time"

After saying that, he rushed out first and looked at everything at this time with a silky feeling. I have no choice but to feel that I am talking about the whole plain feeling at this time, as it keeps passing by. The scream kept spreading in the air. The gentle taste in my heart tells a whole plain taste and a faint feeling at this time. At this time, everything is so plain, and with a silky feeling to look at this moment. Ye Chen lay on the ground under the tower and said slowly with a silky ridicule:

"It's really a big joke that you didn't walk up."

Looking at everything at this moment with a trace of sadness, I feel that I am slowly telling a whole plain feeling at this time. Looking at all this at this moment with a slight wound, I sadly felt the plain taste and silky sad feelings that I don't know what the whole thing was saying at this time. The silky old voice slowly sounded in Ye Chen's mind at this time, looking at such a plain smell at this time. I felt that there was a faint fluctuation that was telling a whole story at this time.

"Child, why don't you calm down and listen to a story like mine? Maybe it will help you"

In the calm at this time, Ye Chen slowly poured out a whole sad taste and said slowly:


I feel like looking at everything at this time. I don't know what kind of story and light sadness everything is telling at this time. I gently feel that looking at everything at this time. I don't know what kind of thing is telling a whole story and the place in my heart. Feeling. A long story is slowly told at this time.

"I don't know how long I have lived, maybe for a long time"

That sigh came out at this time, with a silky feeling that everything at this time slowly passed away with a whole plain taste and faint feeling. Everything in my heart tells a whole story and sad feelings at this time. The breath in my heart is telling a whole sad smell at this time. The analysis in my heart continued to spread at this time, and slowly continued:

"It's been so long that I can't remember clearly. In fact, this is just one of my heads. As time goes by, I still retain a faint consciousness. I was originally at the peak of that continent, but I didn't expect that I would be so vulnerable in a ethereal figure. I was easily decomposed and suppressed here to serve as a demon god's nourishment. This tower is actually a thing to suppress me. These ancient lost gods and demons are only with the help of my It's just a rebirth of silk breath."

Looking at everything at this time with such a sad feeling, everything about Ye Chen was stunned. What the hell is this? There is such a awesome skill. The ancient gods and demons are constantly sealed at this time, feeling with a silky feeling of looking at everything like this at this time, and the attitude in their hearts is passing by a whole sad taste and faint feeling at this time.

Ye Chen looked at everything at this moment and said slowly:

"This is really too scary. May I ask why everything makes a demon god like this?"

The ethereal sound in the air at this time sounded slowly at this time, and with a silky feeling, he looked at everything at this time and said slowly:

"Blood can make me survive better. I just provide them with those opportunities."

When such words slowly sounded in Ye Chen's ears at this time, he looked with a trace of sadness at what kind of story and sad feeling it was telling at this time. The plain breath became more helpless at this time. Ye Chen's doubts asked slowly:

"Should I go out? Shouldn't I climb something like this?"

With a silky feeling, watching everything slowly pass by like this, I feel the helpless feeling in my heart at this time. The breath in the air said slowly at this moment:

"If you help me find the fragments of other bodies and bring them back, I will tell you how to get out?"

Ye Chen felt a trace of looking at everything at this moment and said slowly:

"Why do you believe me?"

Looking at everything at this time slowly with the shallow feeling at this time:

"Because you and I are predestined"

Looking at everything at this time with a silky plain feeling, the silky sadness slowly spread out at this time, looking at everything at this time with a silky feeling, and helplessly feeling that Ye Chen's heart was talking about a whole plain feeling at this time. Silky sour taste. I didn't expect anyone to say to him:


He came all the way, looking at everything at this time with those many helpless breaths. I feel plainly that there is a whole plain feeling on his body at this time, and everything is the sad breath passing by the faint taste and sad breath at this time. Looking at all this at this time with the vicissitudes of emotion in his heart, he said slowly:

"Okay, it's a deal. You're the first person to believe me."

The vicissitudes of life at this moment looked at everything slowly and said with a silky feeling:

"Non-pool fish"

"Every time you climb a hundred layers, you call: 'The way of the dead, notqi'

Looking at everything at this moment with a silky feeling, an empty force threw Ye Chen at this time to the old height, and the silky sound transmitted to Ye Chen's ears at this time.

"I will send you a layer with my last strength. You and I are predestined. I will sleep. I hope to see you next time I wake up. Goodbye!"

Looking at everything at this moment with a silky feeling, I gently feel a whole plain taste and a silky faint feeling at this time. With the feeling at this time, looking at all the sadness at this time, he said a whole thing and a faint feeling. The collection shouted in a hurry:

"Where am I going?"

At this time, such a voice fell silent at this time, and with a trace of sadness, watching everything slowly become so flat at this time. Ye Chen turned into a light spot and disappeared on the edge of the sky. Everything was so soft, as if it had never happened before.

Second update.... Continue the third update..