Exotic God

Chapter 190 Test 1

When such words were reflected here at this time, Ye Chen's heart slowly looked at the floating words in the water at this time, and did not expect that anyone would see the situation in his body at this time. The plain taste and silky feelings passed by the whole taste and silky feelings at this time. Everything was the sadness, and I felt the whole thing and the faint feeling of looking at the ordinary things at this time.

The breath in the sky looked at the sadness of the sky at this time, and felt the shallow wound in the heart at this time, which made Ye Chen frown at this time. I don't know why they experimented with themselves at this time. Ye Chen is really annoying, but there is nothing he can do. Now he has to complete this. After the mission, I will quickly leave such a place and feel plainly looking at everything at this time. The feeling in my heart is flowing with a gentle forehead at this time. Everything is so sad and helpless, and I feel a whole taste and feeling at this time.

As time keeps drifting at this time, everything is so sad to look at everything at this time, and there is a slight heart in my heart. I don't know what everything is for at this time. I feel like this at this moment, and helplessly feel that it is passing in my heart at this time. With a whole taste and silky feeling, everything is so sad and helplessly sad. But time did not let his efforts go to waste. He didn't expect that he would also walk to such an entrance at this time. The feeling in his heart slowly relaxed his breath at this time, and he felt plainly looking at everything like this at this time, and talking about a whole gentle breath and That helpless feeling. I felt that there was a whole sense of helplessness at this time.

The sad breath in life, with a silky flat breath, passed a whole feeling at this time. When Ye Chen stood here and looked at everything at this time, he muttered:

"hehe.... Ha ha... I didn't expect me to come here."

With the feeling in the heart at this time, the plain breath is slowly passing away at this time. Everything is the helpless feeling, slowly passing away with a whole taste and silky feeling. The gentle taste looks at all the faint sounds at this time will break the sky at this time.

"I will definitely complete your task?"

Ye Chen slowly jumped with the blessing in his heart at this time. With an ordinary feeling, he felt a whole taste and a silky feeling at this time. Everything slowly fell down at this time. Everything was such a plain feeling with a silky ordinary taste. What are you talking about at this time?

At the entrance at this time, I didn't expect that Ye Chen's voice at this time would still stay slowly at this time. I don't know what kind of plainness and sad feelings can be told at this time. Everything was so helpless and sad that when Ye Chen entered at this time, he actually found what kind of thing was slowly revealing at this time. When Ye Chen slowly opened his eyes at this time, he found that a book at this time was placed in front of this place at this time. He felt a faint wound and curiously picked up such a book, but at this time, he actually felt an incomparable pressure and didn't know everything at this time. What on earth was it for? He vaguely saw the egg of such a scene in it. What surprised Ye Chen at this time was that there was only one stone pillar in such a small movement. There was a book called "Waiting for the Predestined Man" on the stone pillar, and the golden egg was here. Shi constantly emits that dazzling light. I don't know what everything at this time is telling a whole thing and that light thing.

When Ye Chen came to his senses at this time, he actually found that he had become a mortal. At this time, the helplessness in his heart felt that everything was slowly floating at this time. At this time, he felt that everything was flowing faintly at this time, and the plain taste was flowing. There is a whole taste and silky feeling. Everything is so sad, everything is so sad, and everything is smooth with a whole taste and a silky feeling at this time.

At this time, Ye Chen slowly walked into such a way with that kind of shy pace. At this time, when Ye Chen touched that thing, but a sound slowly sounded in Ye Chen's mind at this time.

"Are you the predestined person I'm waiting for?"

At this time, Ye Chen nodded slowly with a silky feeling and said slowly with a silky sourness:

"I may be"

At this time, such a cave restored the short calm. At this time, Ye Chen looked at the book with a silky smell and passed it on with his consciousness. At this time, Ye Chen slowly received such a message:

"You are the only one who came here alive. I don't know if you are? If you don't fall directly, you will wait for the arrival of the predestined person"

"Your Choice"

At this time, Ye Chen looked at everything slowly and said with a silky smile:

"I will definitely choose yes, which is also the answer in my heart."

When the gentle and delicate voice at this time was told at this time, it slowly sounded in my heart.

"Well, next, let's take a look at such a level, the simplest one, tell me what you can see?"

When such a sound falls slowly at this time, all the fairy tales slowly begin at this time.


Once upon a time, there lived four little guys in a distant place. In order to fill their stomachs and have fun, they run around a wonderful maze not far away, looking for a yellow orange and fragrant food called cheese.

There are two little guys who are mice, one is called "sniffing" and the other is called "hurry". The other two guys are dwarfs, about the size of mice, but they look the same as humans, and their behavior is similar to that of human beings today. Their names, one is "hum" and the other is "ji ji".

Because the four of them are too small, what they are doing will certainly not attract the attention of others. But if you come closer and observe carefully, you will find many amazing things!

Two mice and two dwarfs spend every day in the maze, looking for their favorite cheese. Sniffing and rushing brains are almost as simple as other rodents, but they have good intuition. Like other mice, they like the kind of cheese that is suitable for chewing.

And the two dwarfs, humming and chirning, act on their heads, and their heads are full of various beliefs and emotions. They are looking for a cheese with the letter "C". They believe that such cheese will bring them happiness and make them succeed.

Although the little mice and the dwarfs have different goals, they do similar things. Every morning, they put on their sportswear and jogging shoes, leave their small house, and run into the maze to find their favorite cheese.

There are many winding corridors and beehive-like rooms in the maze, some of which contain delicious cheese, but more are dark corners and hidden dead end alleys, and it is easy for anyone to get lost.

At the same time, this maze also has a magical power that can enable those who find a way out to enjoy a better life.

Two mice, sniffing and in a hurry, always use simple and inefficient repeated attempts to find cheese. They ran into a corridor, and if the rooms in the corridor were empty, they returned and searched in another corridor. They will remember the corridor without cheese. In this way, they quickly found another place from one place. Smell can smell the general direction of the cheese with his amazing nose, and hurriedly run ahead to open the way. However, the maze is too big and complicated. As you might expect, they often get lost, leave the right path and go in the wrong direction, and sometimes even hit the wall.

And the two dwarfs, humming and chirp, use their ability to think and learn from past experience. With their complex brains, they have come up with a complex set of ways to find cheese.

The methods of humming and chirping are more efficient than their mouse friends, so they walk into dead end and hit walls less than mice. They are also often complacent and proud of this, and even look down on some low IQ mouse friends. However, sometimes, the complex emotions brought by the complex human mind will defeat their rational thinking and darken their vision of the problem. This also makes their life in the maze more complicated and challenging.

But no matter what, these four guys - sniffing and hurrying, humming and chirping, are constantly pursuing what they want in their own ways. Finally, one day, at the end of a corridor, at Cheese Station C, they all found the cheese they wanted.

This is really a paradise. The four little guys were stunned by the scene in front of them, and countless kinds of cheese piled up like mountains, shining with seductive light. The four little guys stayed for a long time, then rushed into the cheese pile crazily and began to revel.

Since then, these four guys, mice and dwarfs, put on their running equipment every morning and went straight to Cheese Station C without hesitation. Soon, they all established familiar routes and formed their own living habits.

Sniff and hurry still get up early every day, and then run into the maze along the same route.

When the mice arrived at their destination, they took off their running shoes, tied the two shoes together in an orderly manner, and hung them around their necks - so that they could put them on quickly when needed. Then, they began to enjoy the cheese to their heart's content.

At the beginning, hum and chirp did the same. Every morning, they rushed to Cheese Station C, hung their shoes around their neck and enjoyed the delicious food waiting for them there.

However, soon after, the dwarfs changed their routine.

Hum and chirp get up later than the mice every day, lazily put on sportswear, and then walk to Cheese Station C. Anyway, the cheese has been found anyway.

They never thought about where the cheese came from and who put them there. They just take it for granted that Milk Cool will always be there.

Every day, after Heng and Chiu arrived at Cheese Station C, they stayed there comfortably as if they had returned to their home. They took off their sportswear, hung them up, shook off their shoes and put on slippers. They found the cheese and felt so comfortable.

"That's great!" Hem said, "There is so much cheese here that we can enjoy for a lifetime." The dwarfs are full of happiness and success and feel that they can be carefree from now on.

Soon, Hem and Yanqi took it for granted that the cheese they found at Cheese Station C was "their own" cheese. The cheese stock here is so rich that they decided to move their home closer to Cheese Station C and carry out their social activities around them.

In order to make it feel more like home, Hem and Haw decorated the wall, wrote some mottos on the wall, and carefully drew some very delicious cheese patterns. They looked at these pictures and mottos and smiled knowingly. The content of one of the pictures is:

If you have cheese, you will have happiness.

Sometimes, they bring their friends to visit their piles of cheeses in Cheese Station C and proudly point to these cheeses and say, "What a wonderful and delicious cheese, isn't it?" Sometimes, they share the cheese with their friends, and sometimes they enjoy it alone.

"We should have these cheeses," Humph said. "We have made long and hard work to find them. Of course, we are qualified to have them." As he spoke, he picked up a delicious piece of cheese and put it in his mouth and enjoyed it, with a happy glow on his face.

Then, as usual, he fell asleep after enjoying the cheese, and smiled contentedly and pleasantly in his dream.

Every night, the dwarfs swaying home after eating cheese, and the next morning they will confidently walk into Cheese Station C to enjoy more cheese.

This situation has lasted for quite a long time.

Gradually, humming and chirp self-confidence began to expand. In the face of success, they began to become arrogant. In this comfortable life, they are not aware of the changes that are taking place.

With the passage of time, they sniff and hurriedly repeat their lives day after day. I rushed to Cheese Station C early every day, smelled and scratched around to see how this area was different from the previous day. They will sit down and savor the cheese and enjoy it until they are sure that there is nothing abnormal.

One morning, when I arrived at Cheese Station C, I found that there was no cheese here.

They were not surprised by this. Because they have already noticed that something strange seems to be happening in Cheese Station C recently, because the cheese here is getting smaller and smaller and less day by day. They are psychologically prepared for this inevitable situation and intuitively know what to do.

They looked at each other, took off the running shoes hanging around their necks without hesitation, put on their feet and tied their shoelaces.

The two mice did not make a comprehensive and detailed analysis of this. In fact, there are not enough complex brain cells to support their thinking.

For mice, the questions and answers are equally simple. The situation at Cheese Station C has changed, so they also decided to change accordingly.

They looked into the depths of the maze at the same time. Sniff raised his nose, nodded hurriedly, and immediately ran to the depths of the maze, followed closely by sniffing.

They began to act quickly and went elsewhere to find new cheese without even looking back.

Later on the same day, humming and chirp also came to Cheese Station C as usual, humming a little song along the way. They have never noticed the small changes that are happening here every day, and take it for granted that their cheese is still there.

They are unprepared in the face of the new situation.

"What! Unexpectedly, there is no cheese?" He hummed, and then he began to keep shouting, "No cheese? How can there be no cheese? It seems that if he shouted loud enough, someone would send the cheese back.

"Who moved my cheese?" He shouted as hard as he can.

Finally, he put his hand on his buttocks, his face turned red, and shouted in his biggest voice, "It's not fair!"

He stood there and shook his head, not believing the changes that had taken place here. He was also unprepared for this, and he thought that he could still find cheese here. He stood there for a long time and couldn't move for a long time. He was completely stunned by the accident.

Hum was still shouting something crazily, but he didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to face the reality in front of him. He desperately told himself that it was just a nightmare and he just wanted to avoid all this.

Their behavior is undesirable and does not help, but we can always understand it.

You should know that it is not easy to find cheese. What's more, for these two dwarfs, milk cool is more than just something to fill their stomachs, it means their leisurely life, their honor, their social relationships and more important things.

For them, finding cheese is the only way to achieve happiness. According to different preferences, they have their own views on the meaning of cheese.

For some people, cheese represents a material enjoyment, while for others, cheese means a healthy life or a peaceful and prosperous spiritual world.

For chirp, cheese means stability, which means that one day you can have a lovely family and live in a comfortable villa in a celebrity community.

For Hem, having cheese can make him a big man, lead a lot of people, and can have a gorgeous palace on Mount Kamibert.

Because cheese is so important to them, the two dwarfs spent a long time trying to decide what to do. But all they can think of is to look in Cheese Station C to see if the cheese really doesn't exist.

When sniffing and hurry are already moving quickly, humming and chirping are still there, humming and hesitating.

They shouted emotionally at the unfairness of the world and cursed the black-hearted thief who took away their cheese with all kinds of vicious words. Then the chirtle began to become depressed. Without cheese, what will happen tomorrow? His plan for the future is completely based on these cheeses!

These two dwarfs just can't accept all this. How could all this happen? No one has warned them that this is wrong and that things should not be like this. They have never been able to believe the facts in front of them.

That night, he hummed and went home hungry and depressed. Before leaving, he wrote a sentence on the wall:

The more important the cheese is to you, the more you want to catch it.

To be continued... Next is more exciting... The third update.....