Exotic God

Chapter 221 Who else?

When the mysterious notes were slowly spit out at this time, a silky low voice in the sky slowly poured out a whole gentle taste and silky feeling at this time. The crack in the sky looked at the undead leader at this time with a silky and gentle smell and gently spit out:

"You don't have such a qualification yet. Let's say hello to your black wind and say that he hasn't been qualified to move yet."

The silky note beats slowly at this time, and everything flows slowly, looking at this feeling at this time with a strong note, and helplessly telling the whole plain taste and silky feeling at this time. With a silky gentle taste, tapping the faint notes made the leader of the undead frown at this time, and helplessly felt that it spread with silky thoughts in his heart at this time. With the sad feeling at this time, he looked at everything at this time and said slowly:

"Good-looking, I will bring such a sentence"

At the moment when the sky closed, such a sound floated out, and the leader of the dead looked at Ye Chen with silky eyes and said with silky majesty at this time:

"Kid, you're lucky this time. I'll meet you well next time."

Everything gently spread at this time with a silky road flowing at this time, helplessly feeling looking at everything like this time, and the plain taste tells a whole faint sadness and helpless feeling at this time. Suddenly, the figure in the sky flowed faint traces with a silky and gentle smell at this time. The two figures did not enter the empty passage at this time. At this time, Ye Chen looked at the figure with a silky gloomy face. At this time, with a silky smell, a whole plain and silky feeling passed away at this time.

The weakness in his body made Ye Chen's eyes dark at this time, so he suddenly fell down at this time. The plain taste looked at the taste at this time and told a whole faint sadness and helpless feeling at this time. The sounds in the sky were constantly undulating and gently smelling at this time:

"Young master, what are you doing?"

"Ye Chen, what on earth are you doing?"


"My grandson, you are happy that you still won Grandpa after all"

"Playing the ball, what are you doing?"

When watching the figure in the sky fall to the ground at this time, a helpless feeling spread a whole gentle taste and silky feeling at this time. Everything was so gentle and helpless feeling permeated with a whole sadness and helplessness at this time.

"Boom.... Boom"

Ye Chen's body fell to the ground fiercely at this time. At this time, he kept tapping on a whole gentle taste and silky feeling. Everything was so gentle. For a day, he cried with a trace of the vigilance of the whole city at this time. At this time, everything was because Ye Chen is seriously ill. I haven't woken up yet. At this time, everything is flowing gently at this time, and I helplessly feel that looking at this time is a whole plain and helpless feeling.

Time does not have any waves between the fingers and continues to permeate at this time. Everything is so helpless and sad, looking at the whole plain taste and silky feeling of everything at this time. Silky feeling, this is how time is constantly permeating the sad smell with the traces of years. One day... Ye Chen showed no sign of waking up. The little dragons in front of the bed looked at Ye Chen at this time and said with a gentle smell at this time:

"Why don't you wake up playing ball?"

At this time, Lord Shangshui walked to the side of the little dragon at this time and looked at Ye Chen's relatives around at this time and said slowly:

"Ye Chen's breath is very stable now, and there is no problem. Let's wait more at this time."

The permeating smell in the sky keeps flowing a whole kind of sadness and helpless sadness at this time, when everything is over. At this time, Yulan came out to host such a scene. Time was constantly filled with traces of years. Unconsciously, a month of time slowly poured out beside Ye Chen at this time. At this time, the breath of the sky was full of plainness and helplessness at this time. Everything is constantly going on at this time. A month can do a lot of things. Each of them comes to see Ye Chen every day, but Ye Chen's grandfather actually tells a small story and a small story in such a time.


Once upon a time, there lived four little guys in a distant place. In order to fill their stomachs and have fun, they run around a wonderful maze not far away, looking for a yellow orange and fragrant food called cheese.

There are two little guys who are mice, one is called "sniffing" and the other is called "hurry". The other two guys are dwarfs, about the size of mice, but they look the same as humans, and their behavior is similar to that of human beings today. Their names, one is "hum" and the other is "ji ji".

Because the four of them are too small, what they are doing will certainly not attract the attention of others. But if you come closer and observe carefully, you will find many amazing things!

Two mice and two dwarfs spend every day in the maze, looking for their favorite cheese. Sniffing and rushing brains are almost as simple as other rodents, but they have good intuition. Like other mice, they like the kind of cheese that is suitable for chewing.

And the two dwarfs, humming and chirning, act on their heads, and their heads are full of various beliefs and emotions. They are looking for a cheese with the letter "C". They believe that such cheese will bring them happiness and make them succeed.

Although mice and dwarfs have different goals, they do similar things. Every morning, they put on their sportswear and jogging shoes, leave their small house, and run into the maze to find their favorite cheese.

There are many winding corridors and beehive-like rooms in the maze, some of which contain delicious cheese, but more are dark corners and hidden dead alleys, and it is easy for anyone to get lost.

At the same time, this maze also has a magical power that can enable those who find a way out to enjoy a better life.

Two mice, sniffing and in a hurry, always use simple and inefficient repeated attempts to find cheese. They ran into a corridor, and if the rooms in the corridor were empty, they returned and searched in another corridor. They will remember the corridor without cheese. In this way, they quickly found another place from one place. Smell can smell the general direction of the cheese with his amazing nose, and hurriedly run ahead to open the way. However, the maze is too big and complicated. As you might expect, they often get lost, leave the right path and go in the wrong direction, and sometimes even hit the wall.

And the two dwarfs, humming and chirp, use their ability to think and learn from past experience. With their complex brains, they have come up with a complex set of ways to find cheese.

The methods of humming and chirping are more efficient than their mouse friends, so they walk into dead end and hit walls less than mice. They are also often complacent and proud of this, and even look down on some low IQ mouse friends. However, sometimes, the complex emotions brought by the complex human mind will defeat their rational thinking and darken their vision of the problem. This also makes their life in the maze more complicated and challenging.

But no matter what, these four guys - sniffing and hurrying, humming and chirping, are constantly pursuing what they want in their own ways. Finally, one day, at the end of a corridor, at Cheese Station C, they all found the cheese they wanted.

This is really a paradise. The four little guys were stunned by the scene in front of them, and countless kinds of cheese piled up like mountains, shining with seductive light. The four little guys stayed for a long time, then rushed into the cheese pile crazily and began to revel.


Chapter jumps, and this book is inserted into this chapter because Ye Chen's grandfather came from an ancient place. It will come out later!! Chapter Jump


When exploring the way, he was a little worried. At first, he hesitated at Cheese Station C for so long, because he hadn't eaten cheese for a long time, and he was a little weak. Now, it is more difficult and takes longer to walk through the maze than before. He made up his mind that once there is another chance, he must get out of the comfortable environment as soon as possible to adapt to the changes in things. He felt that taking immediate measures would make things easier.

Thinking of this, he smiled weakly and sighed, "It's better to be late than not."

In the next few days, I can occasionally find a little cheese around, but it won't last long. He had hoped to find enough cheese and bring it back to hum, encouraging him to leave the place and go into the maze.

However, he still feels a little lack of confidence. He had to admit that he was very confused in the maze. Many places in it are completely different from before.

He wanted to walk forward like this. He felt that he had gone a long way, but he seemed to be lost in the winding corridor. It's like taking two steps back, which is really a challenge for him. However, he still has to admit that going back to the maze to look for cheese is not as terrible as he thought.

As time went by, he began to doubt whether the hope of finding new cheese would become a reality. There was an illusion that sometimes he doubted whether there was too much cheese in his mouth to chew. At this time, he couldn't help laughing when he thought that he had nothing to chew.

Whenever he starts to feel discouraged, he reminds himself of what he is doing. Although it's hard now, it's more practical than staying in a place without cheese. He is in control, instead of being at his disposal and helpless.

He also reminded himself that if he can keep moving forward in a hurry, then he can do it!

Later, recalling the past, he finally understood that the cheese at Cheese C Station did not suddenly disappear overnight as he once believed. The amount of cheese gradually decreases until it disappears completely. Moreover, the rest has become obsolete and the delicious food has been lost.

There may have been mold on those old cheeses, but he didn't notice it. He has to admit that he should be able to pay attention to it as long as he wants. Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to these changes.

He also realized that if he had been able to detect these changes and foresee them, then these changes would not surprise him. Maybe that's what sniffing and rushing have always been.

He made up his mind to be vigilant from now on. He has to look forward to change and pursue it. He should trust his intuition, be able to realize when to change, and be ready to adapt to these changes.

He stopped for a while and wrote on the wall of the maze:

smell your cheese often,

You will know,

When did it start to deteriorate?

A while later, it seems that I haven't found cheese for a long time. That day, I met a big cheese station, which seemed to be full of cheese. After he walked in, he found that it was empty, and he was extremely disappointed.

"This feeling of emptiness is too common for me." He sighed, feeling that he was about to give up.

The physical strength is slowly being lost. He knew that he was lost, and now he was a little worried about whether he could survive. He wants to turn around and go back to Cheese Station C. After going back, at least hum is still there, and you won't be alone. At this time, he asked himself the same question: "What would I do if I was fearless?"

He felt that he was overcoming and surpassing his fear, but he became more and more afraid that he could not even admit it to himself. It is often difficult for him to determine what he is afraid of, but in such a weak situation, he knows that he is just afraid to move forward alone. In fact, he didn't know this. He was just following this feeling, because he had been oppressed by these fears.

I want to know whether Hum has left Station C and set out to look for new cheese, or whether he is still frightened by his fear and still remains unmoving. At this time, he remembered the time he had spent in the maze. Those were the best times he once thought were actually the time when he walked through the maze alone to find cheese.

He wrote another sentence on the wall to remind himself. At the same time, this sentence is also a mark, leaving his friend humming, hoping that humming will follow.

Forward in a new direction,

You will find new cheese.

Looking into the dark passage, another burst of fear came. What's ahead? Is there nothing? Or worse, there is danger hidden inside? He began to imagine all kinds of terrible things that might happen to him. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

Suddenly, he felt that he was really ridiculous. He realized that his fear would only make things worse. So he took the action he would take when he was fearless. He ran in a new direction.

He laughed when he ran to the dark corridor. He hasn't realized this yet, but he feels that his soul has been enriched. He is letting go of himself and is full of confidence in the future, although he can't know exactly what's ahead.

Unexpectedly, he began to feel more and more satisfied with himself. Why do I feel so good?" He didn't understand: "I didn't find the cheese, and I don't know where to go."

Soon, he understood why he felt so good.

He stopped and wrote on the wall:

When you go beyond your fears,

You will feel at ease.

He realized that he was controlled by his fear. Now he is moving in a new direction, giving him freedom.

At this time, the cool breeze blowing from the maze made people feel refreshed. He took a deep breath and unconsciously cheered up. Once he overcame his fear, he felt that everything was much better than he had imagined.

I haven't felt this way for a long time. He almost forgot how comfortable this feeling was.

In order to make things go more smoothly, he began to paint a scene in his mind again. Imagine that he is sitting in a great real environment, sitting among all kinds of cheeses he likes - cheddar cheese and brie cheese! He saw himself eating a lot of his favorite cheese. Such a scene gave him a kind of enjoyment, and he imagined how beautiful the cheese would be!

The more he saw this scene of enjoying new cheese, the more he believed that it would become a reality. Now, he has a feeling that he is about to find cheese.

He wrote on the wall again:

Before I found cheese,

Imagine I'm enjoying cheese,

This will help me find new cheese.

He has been thinking about what he will get, not what he will lose.

He didn't understand why he used to think that change would make things worse. And now he realizes that change will make things better.

"Why didn't I understand this before?" He asked himself.

So, he walked through the maze quickly and sensitively with greater courage and strength. Soon he found a cheese station. He became excited when he found some crumbs of new cheese at the entrance of the maze.

This is some cheese he has never seen before, but it looks good. He tasted it and it was really delicious! He ate most of the small pieces of cheese he could find and put the rest in his pocket, which he might share with Hem in the future. His physical strength also began to recover.

He walked in with excitement. However, what surprised him was that it was empty inside. Someone has been here, leaving only a few sporadic pieces of cheese.

He realized that if he had acted earlier, he would probably have found a lot of new cheese here.


Chapter jumps, and this book is inserted into this chapter because Ye Chen's grandfather came from an ancient place. It will come out later!! Chapter Jump


When he recalled what he had learned, he couldn't help thinking of his friend humming. He didn't know if he had read his messages on the walls of Cheese Station C and the maze, and he didn't know if he had walked out of the maze.

Have you decided to let go of the lost past and start to act? Has he returned to the maze and found something that can make his life better?

Or is he still hesitating because he refuses to change?

I'm thinking about going back to Cheese Station C to see if I can find humming - but first I'm sure I can find the way back. If he finds hum, he will tell him what he has learned to help him get out of trouble. But he remembered that he had tried to change his failed experience.

Hum must find a path that suits you, get rid of comfort and transcend fear. No one can do this for him or tell him what to do. He must take the first step, otherwise he will never see the benefits of changing himself.

Wang knows that he has left enough marks for Hem. As long as he can take the first step and read the handwriting on the wall, he will find a way out.

So he gave up the idea of going back to Station C. He stood up and walked to the largest wall of Station N and wrote down the points of his experience along the way. He picked up a large piece of cheese, which was the largest piece of cheese he had ever seen. He tasted fresh cheese and looked at the experience he wrote, with a smile on his face:

Cheese wall

Changes are always happening

They always keep taking away your cheese.

Predict changes

Prepare for cheese to be taken away at any time

Track changes

smell your cheese often,

to know when they begin to deteriorate.

Adapt to changes as soon as possible

The sooner you give up the old cheese,

The sooner you will enjoy the new cheese.


It changes with the change of cheese.

Enjoy the changes!

Try to take risks and enjoy the delicious new cheese!

Prepare for rapid changes

Continuously enjoy the change

Remember: they will still keep taking away your cheese.

He is thinking about how long it has been since he parted ways with Hem at Cheese C Station. He knew that he had taken a big step forward, but he also knew very well that if he indulged too much in the comfortable life in Area N, he would quickly slip into his original predicament. Therefore, he carefully checks the situation of Cheese Station N every day. He is doing everything he can to avoid being caught off guard by unexpected changes.

When he still had a lot of cheese storage, he began to often go to the maze outside and explore new territories so that he could keep in touch with the changes around him. Now he knows very well that it is much safer to understand various practical choices than to isolate himself in a comfortable environment.

"The rustle", he heard something and listened to it. He felt the sound of walking from the maze. The sound gradually became louder, and he knew that someone was running this way.

Will it be humming? Will he turn around along that corner?

He read a few prayers, and he really hoped - as he had hoped many times before - maybe his friend could finally...

Change with the change of cheese,

and enjoy the changes!


Or a new beginning?

At this time, there was a blush in Ye's eyes, but after Ye Chen went down at that time, when he woke up, he suddenly found himself smashing a strange place. A dark space was constantly confused. Everything was so plain and eroded his will at this time. At the moment when he was confused, he heard such a sound constantly invaded his heart at this time. When his heart received such everything at this time, he was suddenly shocked. . With strong doubt, he walked out with such a sound. The voice in my heart slowly infected a deep feeling at this time:

"Is anyone else watching "Waiting for the Predestined Man"? Who else is there?"

Handsome men and beautiful women, when you see this, do you feel more and more confused at this time? Let's continue to follow me to uncover the biggest conspiracy and past memories of this person in the world. God needs you - children's boots!!!