Exotic God

Chapter 248 Three Words of Reincarnation 2

The next day, they left home early and returned to Cheese Station C after sleeping all night. Anyway, they held a glimmer of hope. They kept deceiving themselves, assuming that they had gone to the wrong place yesterday, and they still wanted to find their cheese. The location of the cheese station has not changed, but the cheese has indeed ceased to exist. The two dwarfs were at a loss and didn't know what to do. Humph and chirped just stood there motionless, like two lifeless statues.

He closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears with his hand. He just wanted to plug everything out. He didn't want to believe that the cheese was getting less and less, and he would rather believe that the cheese was suddenly taken away.

Hum analyzed the current situation, and he used his complex brain to turn over all his creeds. Why did they do this?" After all, he couldn't find the answer, "What the hell is going on here?"

Finally, he opened his eyes and looked around and said, "By the way, where are the sniffing and hurry now? Do you think they know something we don't know yet?

"What can those two retards know?" The tone of humming is full of disdain.

He continued: "They are just simple-minded mice, and they will only react simply to what happens. And we are smart dwarfs, and we have more brains than mice. We should be able to speculate on the situation here."

"I know we are smarter," said "but we don't seem to be very smart now. The situation around us has changed. Humph, maybe we need to make some changes to do something different.

"Why should we change?" Humph asked, "We are dwarfs, we are different. Such a thing should not happen to us. Even if this happens, we should at least get some compensation from it.

"Why should we get some compensation?" Ask.

"Because we have such power." Humph and declare.

"What kind of power do you have?" I don't understand.

"We have the right to own our cheese."

"Why?" I still don't understand.

"Because this problem is not caused by us," Hum said, "it's some people with ulterior motives that created this situation, not us, so I insist that we should always get some compensation from it."

"Maybe we should stop this useless analysis," suggested, "to analyze the problem here. Before we starve to death, we should set out to find new cheese.

"Oh, no!" Hem objected and said, "I'm about to find the root cause of the problem. You know, we once had so much so much good cheese!"

While humming and chirp are still arguing and trying to decide what to do, sniffing and rushing are already doing their things smoothly. They went deeper into the maze, walked through one corridor after another, and carefully searched for cheese in each cheese station they encountered.

They don't think about anything other than trying their best to find new cheese.

For a long time, they worked hard to find but got nothing. Until they walked into a place in the maze that they had never been to: Cheese Station N.

They screamed with joy, and they finally found what they had been looking for: a lot of fresh cheese.

They can't believe their eyes. This is the largest cheese warehouse they have ever seen.

At the same time, Hem and Haw are still at Cheese Station C to figure out their current situation. They are suffering from the loss of cheese. Frustration, hunger and resulting anger surround them, tormenting them, and they even blame each other for falling into their immediate predicament.

I still think of his mouse friends from time to time, wondering if they have found cheese now. He believes that they may have a difficult time. When you walk through the maze, you will always face many unpredictable things. But he also knows that everything has to be an easy stage.

Sometimes, chirp will imagine that sniffing and hurriedly have found cheese and are enjoying it. He suddenly had an impulse to venture into the maze to find new cheese. Explore the maze, find new cheese and enjoy it. How wonderful it can be! Thinking of this, he felt as if he had tasted the delicious fresh cheese.

Looking for and enjoying new cheese, this scene is becoming clearer and clearer in the mind. He felt that he wanted to leave Cheese Station C more and set out to find new cheese.

Suddenly, he shouted, "Let's go!"

"No!" Hem quickly reacted: "I like it here. I only know this place, which is very good and comfortable. Besides, "It's dangerous to leave here and go outside."

"No," said Yanqi, "We have been to many places in this maze before, and we can also look elsewhere."

"I feel a little old, and I can't do this kind of risky thing." Hem said, "Moreover, I don't imagine a fool and often get lost. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the fear of failure hit Hum's heart again, and his hope of finding new cheese gradually faded.

In this way, the two dwarfs continue to do what they used to do every day. They still go to Cheese Station C every day and find that they still can't find cheese, and then return home with worry and frustration.

They tried to deny what was happening in front of them, began to suffer from insomnia, became weaker and weaker day by day, and became more and more irritable.

Their home is no longer a beautiful and comfortable place. They can't sleep peacefully, and they spend every night with nightmares of not finding cheese.

But they still return to Cheese Station C every day and still wait there every day.

He hummed and said, "You know, if we work harder, we may find that things haven't changed much. The cheese may be nearby, and they may just be hidden behind the wall.

The next day, Hem and Hem returned to Cheese Station C with tools. He humped with a chisel, and hit it with a hammer. After a lot of effort, they finally made a hole in the wall and peeped inside, but still found no trace of cheese.

Although they are very disappointed, they still miss that the problem will be solved. After that, they got up earlier and worked longer and harder. However, after a while, they got only bigger voids.

chirp began to realize the difference between action and results.

"Maybe," hem said, "we just need to sit here and see what happens. Sooner or later, they will send the cheese back.

I hope what he said is true. In this way, he went home to rest every day, and then reluctantly accompanied him to go to Cheese Station C to check the situation. However, milk cool has never appeared again.

The two dwarfs have become a little weak due to anxiety and hunger. Hao Hao has begun to get tired of waiting - completely passively waiting for the situation to improve. He began to understand that the longer they waited at Cheese Station C, the worse the situation would only become.

I understand that they are losing their advantage.

Finally, one day, chirp began to laugh at himself: " chirp, chirp, look at yourself! When you wait until you repeat the same mistake every day, it is always strange and wonder why the situation has not improved. What is more ridiculous than what you do? If it's not ridiculous, it's funny."

I don't want to run around in the maze anymore. He knew that he might get lost, and he didn't know where to find new cheese. But when he understood that it was his fear that made him so hesitate and wait for death, he laughed at his stupidity.

He asked, "Where did we put our sportswear and jogging shoes?" It took him a long time to find out the sports equipment. At the beginning, after they found cheese at Cheese Station C, they threw away their shoes and so on, because they thought they would never need these things again.

When humming saw his friend wearing sportswear, he said, "Aren't you really going to go to the maze? Why don't you stay and wait here with me and wait for them to bring the cheese back?

"Because if we do this, we will never get those cheeses," he shouted, "No one will send the cheese back. Now it's time to look for new cheeses. Don't think about those cheeses that don't exist for a long time!"

Humming argued, "But what if there is no cheese outside? Or, even if there is cheese, but you can't find it, what should you do?

"I don't know." He said impatiently. He has asked himself the same question many times. He felt the fear that made him stagnate again. The joy of cheese once again summoned his courage.

He finally asked himself, "Where do you want to find cheese - here or in the maze?"

So a picture appeared in his mind, and he saw himself exploring the maze with a smile on his face.

Such a scene made him a little panicked, and he found that he had finally overcome the fear of entering the maze again. He saw himself lost in the maze but still looking for new cheese with confidence, and all the good things followed. He regained his courage.

So, he tried his best to use his imagination and painted his most trusted and realistic picture in his mind - he was looking for and tasting new cheese.

He looked at the right side of the maze and felt fear in his heart, because he had never been there.

Then, he took a deep breath and ran slowly to the right side of the maze to the unknown territory.

When exploring the way, he was a little worried. At first, he hesitated at Cheese Station C for so long, because he hadn't eaten cheese for a long time, and he was a little weak. Now, it is more difficult and takes longer to walk through the maze than before. He made up his mind that once there is another chance, he must get out of the comfortable environment as soon as possible to adapt to the changes in things. He felt that taking immediate measures would make things easier.

Thinking of this, he smiled weakly and sighed, "It's better to be late than not."

In the next few days, I can occasionally find a little cheese around, but it won't last long. He had hoped to find enough cheese and bring it back to hum, encouraging him to leave the place and go into the maze.

However, I still feel a little lack of confidence. He had to admit that he was very confused in the maze. Many places in it are completely different from before.

He wanted to walk forward like this. He felt that he had gone a long way, but he seemed to be lost in the winding corridor. It's like taking two steps back, which is really a challenge for him. However, he still has to admit that going back to the maze to look for cheese is not as terrible as he thought.

As time went by, he began to doubt whether the hope of finding new cheese would become a reality. There was an illusion that sometimes he doubted whether there was too much cheese in his mouth to chew. At this time, he couldn't help laughing when he thought that he had nothing to chew.

Whenever he starts to feel discouraged, he reminds himself of what he is doing. Although it's hard now, it's more practical than staying in a place without cheese. He is in control, instead of being at his disposal and helpless.

He also reminded himself that if he can keep moving forward in a hurry, then he can do it!

Later, recalling the past, he finally understood that the cheese at Cheese C Station did not suddenly disappear overnight as he once believed. The amount of cheese gradually decreases until it disappears completely. Moreover, the rest has become obsolete and the delicious food has been lost.

There may have been mold on those old cheeses, but he didn't notice it. He has to admit that he should be able to pay attention to it as long as he wants. Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to these changes.

He also realized that if he had been able to detect these changes and foresee them, then these changes would not surprise him. Maybe that's what sniffing and rushing have always been.

To be continued... Next is more exciting...

The philosophy of life in the article contains an attitude in real life. I look forward to everyone being inspired by life and remembering me - Xiao Si. Xiao Si's article is about to be divided into volumes, so that everyone can read it more clearly!!! The purpose of this is to feel that I have written a lot, and the jumping is too strong. Maybe everyone can't understand!! Give you something easy to understand!! - Xiaosi