Exotic God

Chapter 250 Three Words of Reincarnation 4

He suddenly found that he had learned to laugh at himself, and when people learned to laugh at themselves and their stupidity and mistakes, he began to change. He even felt that the fastest way to change himself is to laugh at his stupidity - so that you can be easily relieved by the past, act quickly and face the changes.

Jiqi believes that he has learned something useful from his mouse friend's sniffing and hurried - not afraid of change and moving forward. Mouse friends treat life simply, and they will not analyze it repeatedly or make things complicated. When the situation changes and the cheese is removed, they will quickly change and move in the direction of the cheese. He told himself to remember these experiences.

I believe that with these experiences, with his intelligent mind, he will definitely do better than his mouse friends when he encounters any changes.

Clear pictures appear in his mind, his life will become better, and he will find something better in the maze.

He constantly reflects on the mistakes he has made in the past. He has to learn from these lessons to plan his future. He knows that he can master how to deal with changes through summary and learning:

First of all, we need to realize more clearly that sometimes we need to look at problems simply and act sensitively and quickly.

You don't have to complicate things too much, or blindly make those frightened thoughts panic.

Secondly, you must be good at discovering the subtle changes that occur at the beginning so that you can prepare for the greater changes that are coming.

He knows that he needs to make faster adjustments. Because if you can't adjust yourself in time, you may never find your own cheese.

Another thing must be admitted is that the biggest constraint that prevents you from changing is yourself. Only when you change will things start to get better.

Most importantly, new cheese always exists somewhere, whether you are aware of its existence or not. Only when you overcome your fears and have the courage to walk out of the life you have been used to and enjoy the joy of adventure will you get rewards and rewards brought to you by new cheese.

chirp also recognizes that some fears need to be taken seriously, which will help you avoid real danger. But most of the fears are unwise, and they will only make you avoid this change when you need to change.

He used to be so afraid of change. He really hoped that life could continue as it was, but now he realized that life would not follow someone's wishes. Change may come at any time, but facing the change positively will make you find better cheese. It's really a blessing.

chirp has seen a better side of change.

When he recalled what he had learned, he couldn't help thinking of his friend humming. He didn't know if he had read his messages on the walls of Cheese Station C and the maze, and he didn't know if he had walked out of the maze.

Have you decided to let go of the lost past and start to act? Has he returned to the maze and found something that can make his life better?

Or is he still hesitating there because he refuses to change?

I'm thinking about going back to Cheese Station C to see if I can find humming - but first I'm sure I can find the way back. If he finds hum, he will tell him what he has learned to help him get out of trouble. But he remembered that he had tried to change his failed experience.

Hum must find a path that suits you, get rid of comfort and transcend fear. No one can do this for him or tell him what to do. He must take the first step, otherwise he will never see the benefits of changing himself.

Wang knows that he has left enough marks for Hem. As long as he can take the first step and read the handwriting on the wall, he will find a way out.

So he gave up the idea of going back to Station C. He stood up and walked to the largest wall of Station N and wrote down the points of his experience along the way. He picked up a large piece of cheese, which was the largest piece of cheese he had ever seen. He tasted fresh cheese and looked at the experience he wrote, with a smile on his face:

Cheese wall

Changes are always happening

They always keep taking away your cheese.

Predict changes

Prepare for cheese to be taken away at any time

Track changes

smell your cheese often,

to know when they begin to deteriorate.

Adapt to changes as soon as possible

The sooner you give up the old cheese,

The sooner you will enjoy the new cheese.


It changes with the change of cheese.

Enjoy the changes!

Try to take risks and enjoy the delicious new cheese!

Prepare for rapid changes

Continuously enjoy the change

Remember: they will still keep taking away your cheese.

He is thinking about how long it has been since he parted ways with Hem at Cheese C Station. He knew that he had taken a big step forward, but he also knew very well that if he indulged too much in the comfortable life in Area N, he would quickly slip into his original predicament. Therefore, he carefully checks the situation of Cheese Station N every day. He is doing everything he can to avoid being caught off guard by unexpected changes.

When he still had a lot of cheese storage, he began to often go to the maze outside and explore new territories so that he could keep in touch with the changes around him. Now he knows very well that it is much safer to understand various practical choices than to isolate himself in a comfortable environment.

"The rustle", he heard something and listened to it. He felt the sound of walking from the maze. The sound gradually became louder, and he knew that someone was running this way.

Will it be humming? Will he turn around along that corner?

He read a few prayers, and he really hoped - as he had hoped many times before - maybe his friend could finally...

Change with the change of cheese,

and enjoy the changes!


Or a new beginning?

Everything is gentle and long, telling the most mysterious thing in Yi's heart - reincarnation. This kind of unspeakable pulse beats that kind of silky feeling. Beauty tears. At this time, his eyes opened and slowly fell on the land of reincarnation... That moment...

Next is more exciting, to be continued... [ Please collect it]

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