yi shi tian xie


Z city, night!

A red car is exercising quickly! Suddenly, at a corner, it stopped extremely and made a sharp brake and a stinging sound...

Suddenly, a girl in a blue silk skirt jumped off the car and stared at a woman who fell to the ground more than ten meters away. She was still a woman with a big belly.

Seeing this scene, the girl was dumbfounded and trembled a little. She quickly took out a mobile phone, dialed a mobile phone number, and cried tremblingly: "Ling...Brother! I'm Shuang'er, I hit someone and killed someone! What should I do?

"What? Did you hit someone to death?" The other side of the mobile phone was also very urgent and said, "Shuanger! Don't worry! I'll come right away. Maybe that person is not dead yet?"

"Brother Ling! I'm so scared! Come here quickly! I'll wait for you here!" The girl held her mobile phone and said with a white and trembling face. The girl's name is Li Shuang. Three years ago, with the consent of her parents, she said that coal had met Brother Ling in her mouth and had been in love for three years. It was not until two days ago that the two were ready to officially get married. Tonight, she originally went back to see her parents from her mouth of Brother Ling's house, but she didn't expect that she encountered such a thing on the way.

Nearly ten minutes later, a blue car quickly rushed towards the place of the accident. It was a handsome man in a black suit with an anxious face...

"Shuang'er! What the hell is going on! How many times have I told you not to drive so fast, but you don't listen!" The handsome man came over with a burst of scolding.

This handsome man is exactly what Brother Ling is talking about on the phone. This man's real name was Tianling, and he is the fiance of this young lady named Shuang'er.

"Brother Ling! I'm so scared! She...is she already..." The two children looked at Tianling with tears in their eyes and tears.

"Okay! Don't worry! Brother Ling is here. Don't worry!" Tianling put his hands trembling and put his arms around his cheeks and comforted him.

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" Whoo!"

Suddenly, there were bursts of rapid reputation of the police car patrol at the corner of the road, and it was getting closer and closer... "It's not good! The police must be here! Brother Ling, what should I do? What should we do now...? Shuang'er doesn't want to go to prison!" Shuang'er looked at Tianling pleadingly.

"Shuanger, don't worry! You go first. Leave the matter here to me. Tianling patted his chest and said calmly. As a man, he should protect his woman from hurting his woman.

"Good. Then I'll go home first. Brother Ling, be careful. You can't leave me alone. We have a marriage contract. Shuang'er looked at Tianling with tears in his eyes.

Shuanger did not occupy his own car, but Tianling's car. After all, the collision just now must have left some traces on it.

After Shuang'er left with his car in panic, Tianling shook his head and quickly came to the woman. Although the woman rushed out halfway, after all, Shuang'er knocked her down. Once something happened, it was a dead body and two lives!

Just as Tianling kicked down and wanted to see if the woman was still angry, suddenly, the woman's round stomach bulged, and a blood light rushed out of the woman's belly! In the blink of an eye, the woman's stomach flattened, as if she had never been pregnant.

And the blood light that rushed out of the woman's belly actually circled around the whole street at a thunderous speed. Within just one circle, all the leaves on the road rose into the night sky, instantly turned into powder, and were blown in all directions by a gust of strong wind.

Tianling was dumbfounded when he looked at the scene in front of him. Was he dreaming? What is that blood light? After all, you don't believe in gods and ghosts in this era?

But before Tianling could react, the blood light had rushed to the top of Tianling's head and directly entered Tianling's body from Tianling's spiritual cover.

Tianling felt a heartbreaking pain, roared, and his eyes darkened and fainted to the ground.


Z City's cells are one of the two largest cells in Z country. They are all prisoners or places where murderers are held, but eight of the ten people who came here were sentenced to death.

It was a late autumn morning. The door of the cell in Z City slowly opened, and two men in military uniform came out of the cell with a young man in black and hair.

The teenager's clothes are worn out and his face is full of dirt. I don't know how long he hasn't taken a shower. His hands and feet are still chained. Obviously, he is a criminal.

"Tianling! Your two-year sentence has expired. Be a good man after you go out and never come back. Obviously, this prison officer and soldier knew Tianling's previous clues.

Tianling did not speak. Although his face was full of dirt, his divine eyes were enough to prove that the pain of two years of imprisonment did not wear away his youth's fighting spirit.

Remember that two years ago, Tianling did not regret it. If such a thing happened again, Tianling would still make the same decision, because a man should not let his beloved woman suffer any harm, and the woman was still his own daughter-in-law.

The chains on their hands and feet were untied, and the first soldiers of the two cells pushed Tianling at the same time, which was also the rule in their cells, indicating that everyone released from here would not look back.

"Tianling, you finally came out, but I miss you so much!" After the two officers and soldiers returned to prison, a young man of about 20 came in front of Tianling. The young man was more ruffian and looked, two or three years older than Tianling.

Tianling lifted his messy hair slightly and looked at his childhood friend standing in front of him with a smile. He did not have that kind of young crying and hug, but smiled and said, "Thank you."

"My brother, thank you or not." The young man's name is Huang Ming. He grew up with Tianling and belongs to the iron buddy in Tianling's mouth, but this boy is idle every day and likes to do some bad things, that is to say, he belongs to the kind of street gangsters, but his righteousness is very strong.

Many of Tianling's friends cut off contact with Tianling after Tianling was sent to prison, but what makes Tianling happy is that at least Huang Ming, who has been known as the most useless, often comes to visit him.

"Brother Ming, thank you! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid no one would take care of my father's affairs.

At this point, Tianling's eyes showed tears. A year after he was sentenced to prison, his father, who depended on him, became seriously ill and died ten days later. At that time, Huang Ming, who had been playing with Tianling since childhood, went to the dungeon to visit Tianling, told Tianling about this matter, and told Tianling not to worry. He had arranged all his father's afterlife. Can Tianling not be grateful for such a friend and such a brother?

Although Tianling is young, he also knows that people can't be resurrected after death. He is unfilial and hasn't even seen his father's last face, but his father will always live in his heart!

"Don't say that, let's go to Uncle's grave first!"

An hour later, Huang Ming led Tianling to the cemetery on the outskirts of the city. Tianling looked at the four characters "Tian Wu Trace" carved on the tombstone, which was inscribed as "Unfilial son, Tianling". Tianling couldn't help flowing out and kowtowed nine times in front of his father's grave.

Seeing Tianling's appearance, Huang Ming's heart also began to hurt. He felt unworthless for Tianling. For a woman, he didn't even see his father's last face, and he went to prison for that woman for two years. If it were himself, he would never do it.

"Tianling, you have come out now. What are your plans for the future?" Huang Ming smiled and said, "Why not! Do you want to go out with your brother? Huang Ming's meaning is very simple, that is, to ask Tianling to go out with him.

Tianling wiped the tears on his face and said, "I'm going to find Shuang'er first!" Although my father has passed away, our marriage was decided by two old people in those years, so we can't give up.

"Uh...! Tianling, you just came out. Why don't you go to my house to take a shower and eat something first? Let's discuss the rest slowly.

A few crows fell on the dead branches next to them, making a sad cry.

Tianling got up and looked into Huang Ming's eyes. They grew up together. Although Huang Ming was a few years old, Tianling was much more mature than Huang Ming. No matter what Huang Ming had in his heart, he could not hide it from Tianling.

"Brother Ming! Are you hiding something from me?

When asked by Tianling, Huang Ming immediately avoided Tianling's eyes, looked around and said, "No, what can I hide from you? We are good brothers!"

"Don't lie to me. Is there something wrong with Shuang'er?"

"She, she..."

Huang Ming has a straightforward personality. Even if he wants to hide something, he can't get through himself.

"I really can't hold back. In fact, even if you don't come out today, I, a brother, want to help you get justice. But..."

"What the hell is going on? Can you say it quickly?

"Shuang'er, Shuang'er, she's going to marry someone else!"


Like a bolt from the blue, Tianling's heart suddenly cooled down, but then he said, "No, this is impossible. Shuang'er is not that kind of person."

Brother, nothing is absolutely possible in this world. Two years have passed, and Shuang'er has long changed her mind. She is no longer the naive Shuang'er two years ago. Now, in order to pursue glory and wealth, she wants to marry into a rich family by any means. Six months ago, she finally hooked up with the eldest son of the Lin Group and just got married today!"

After listening to Huang Ming's words, Tianling was stunned and turned around and left without saying anything.

"Tianling, where are you going?" Huang Ming followed closely and shouted.

Tianling roared with anger on his face, "Lin family!"

Lin's Group is Z City, and even the leading group company with the strongest financial strength in Z country.

The owner of Lin's Group is Lin De. He is over 70 years old, but he is old and strong, but now he still looks like a little 50 years old...

It can be said that the financial and strength of the Lin family can affect all economic operations of the whole country Z. As the largest economic group company in country Z, even many national leaders came to participate in the Lin family's happy event this time. And it is said that the president of the country also came here to hold a wedding ceremony for the couple.

It can be imagine how prestigious the Lin family is now.

Today is a happy day for the Lin family. Lin He, the eldest grandson of Linde, married. Although the other party is not a nobleman of a rich family, he is a very beautiful ordinary peasant woman.

When the Lin family has reached this status today, they don't need any family at all, but Lin He is also extremely strange. He is famous for his handsome man and outstanding family affairs. What kind of woman he wants, he chose an ordinary peasant woman. According to rumors, the woman was the most beautiful woman in Z City, named Li Shuang. Lin He was fascinated by her beauty and married her.

At this moment, the Lin family is already a sea of people, and even the leaders of the Z country have appeared one after another to host the wedding for the Lin family. Congratulations, gold and silver-like gifts were constantly moved in by the servants of the Lin family. The officials of the whole country Z also wanted to take this opportunity to climb the big tree of the Lin family.

"One worship of heaven and earth."

The wedding has entered, the bridegroom and the bride have begun to worship the world, and the whole house is full of laughter.

Linde was a bad comforter. Wearing a black suit, he sat side by side with Mr. President and looked at a pair of newcomers in front of him.

"Second worship."

The groom and the bride turned around, knelt in front of Lind and the president, and slowly bent down to bow.

"Couple and wife..."

"Wait a minute."

With the third and last sound, a sudden change occurred when the bride and groom were about to become a formal couple.

A teenager in a black suit with messy hair and a dirty face rushed out of the crowd outside the lobby and shouted, which surprised everyone, including Lind, and today's bride and groom all looked at him.

Tianling slipped over the wall from the backyard of the Lin family. As soon as he arrived, he saw that his fiancee was going to marry someone else. He was angry all his life. Tianling couldn't control what the place was and what his identity was. He stood up and stopped the wedding.

"Who is so bold to kick him out?" Lin De also never thought that his grandson got married today and ran out with a little beggar to make trouble. The Lin family can't afford to lose this face.

A team of armed forces rushed into the lobby with guns and surrounded Tianling at the same time as the servants of the Lin family.

In the face of such a situation, ordinary Tianling was not afraid at all. A pair of angry eyes stared at the bride wearing a phoenix crown and wearing a haze.

Lin He is handsome and exudes a unique temperament. In addition to being the eldest grandson of the Lin Group, he is also a large officer in the army of Z. Next to Lin He, there were still several officers in military uniforms, who did not speak or were shocked by the sudden variable, but sat quietly in chairs and waited for things to happen.

"Who are you to dare to destroy my young master's marriage?"

Tianling ignored Lin He and did not remove his eyes from the bride's body. At this time, the bride did not know who was coming, nor did she turn her head.

However, as Tianling's voice sounded again, the bride's body was obviously stunned.

"Shuanger, is that you? How can you do this to me!"

In just one sentence and a few simple words, the bride couldn't care much at all. The big red head suddenly pulled down, and a pair of beautiful eyes foolishly looked at the acquaintance in front of her that she had not seen for two years.

"You, you are...Brother Ling!"

Tianling said, "Shuanger, would you like to come with me?"

"I'll go with you? Is there any mistake? Do you have to figure out what this place is and who is here? The daughter-in-law of the Tanglin family, you asked her to go with you? In everyone's opinion, is this little beggar crazy or tired of living?

Li Shuang's feet retreated slightly, but after looking at the Lin River beside him, Li Shuang seemed to have made a decision for a moment and said, "Brother Ling, our business has passed. What I love now is the river. Go. The farther you go, the better. I don't want to see you again."

Li Shuang's words pierced Tianling's heart like a sword. Tianling clenched his teeth tightly, shook his head and said, "Is it over? Is it really over? Two years, I used two years of youth, what did I get? Do I deserve it? Do you know? I think about you every day in prison, and I don't even see my father for the last time. What am I doing?

Li Shuang didn't say anything, just shook his head and cried, "Brother Ling! Sorry! Sorry! We were still very young. In my heart, you are a hero from heaven. I used to think that you were my God, but now I find that it is not the earth. Not only these, but also the family background is also very important.

"I admit that you are perfect. But... this is not enough. For example, this time my father gambled with people and owed hundreds of thousands of dollars! And these are all Lin He's help and easily settles this matter. You can't do this."

"Is it because of this?" Tianling's heart was very painful. I really didn't expect what Li Shuang said to be so ruthless.

"No." Li Shuang continued, "That's not the only thing, because I find that the river is also very good to me. I am very familiar with him, and for you, I always feel that you seem to be shrouded in a layer of fog, and I can't see you clearly. Brother Ling, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Two years have passed, and you'd better forget me!"

Tianling didn't say anything, just shook his head.

Li Shuang sighed in a low voice: "Most importantly, we are always in two places. At first, it was okay, but after a long time, I was tired of it. I'm used to someone who can always be by my side, just like a river.

Li Shuang finished speaking in one breath and fell silent.

Tianling was also silent.

For a long time, the voice sounded: "Shuanger, do you remember what we said at the beginning? You once said that you would always wait for me to come out. No matter how the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, you will wait for me.

"And now, you...? Haha..." Tianling laughed bitterly and sadly. He used to have a trace of expectation in his heart, but now...

What did you get from two years of prison? It's just a sentence. Did you forget me?

Heartache, an unspeakable heartache.

Li Shuang wanted to stop talking, but he had nothing to say.

She just said so much, isn't that an excuse?

Tianling looked at Li Shuang: "Shuanger, you remember that when we first stayed in a hotel, you once told me that when we were not in love, let me tell you clearly not to hide you. You will leave silently."

Tianling suppressed his excitement and tried to keep himself calm: "At that time, I also said that if you have no feelings for me, I also hope you can clearly tell me not to hide me, and I will leave silently."

Li Shuang's eyes were wet and he shook his head silently.

"It doesn't matter if you are with others, but I don't want you to deceive me. You are behind my back and with others, but you don't tell me clearly, which makes me have a glimmer of hope in my heart and let me wait again and again. Do you know what it feels like to wait? Do you know the pain of my imprisonment these two years?

"I remember the first time you went to prison to see me, how happy I was, how happy I was, and how much I looked forward to seeing me next time, but... what about you?"

"Brother Ling! Sorry! Sorry! I know I'm sorry for you!" Li Shuang couldn't help crying and shed tears.

Tianling didn't say anything. His heart was very painful. He wiped his tears and turned around and left. He felt as if he were dreaming, and this moment the dream finally woke up...

"Shuang'er! Wishing you happiness! Thank you for bringing me a good memory.

There is no sound in the room now, and it seems very quiet. It was not until Tianling's figure was sent out of the house that the atmosphere in the house slowly eased...

Tianling walked on the horse road in the suburbs, and his figure looked so bleak. Tianling looked up at the sky. At this time, the sky was full of raindrops, and the rain fell on his face. At this time, Tianling's heart was trembling, and he couldn't help grasping his chest fiercely with his left hand.

Heartache, very painful.

It hurts my heart!

A moving picture flashed through Tianling's mind.

That purple dress is as beautiful as an elf under the moonlight.

The warmth of hiding under the balcony and whispering to yourself.

When the snowflakes are flying, he hides shyly in his arms.

In the hotel, lying in her arms and hugging herself.

Once Tianling thought that he and Li Shuang would be together for a lifetime, and then just now, the dream was broken. And Tianling's once steadfast heart was also broken.


Tianling was in the middle of the road and couldn't help roaring painfully. The low roar was like a lonely wolf, a desolate and painful roar of despair. The pedestrians around also looked at Tianling in surprise, and they couldn't help avoiding them far away.

These pedestrians looked at Tianling with a look of fools.

Two lines of tears flowed silently on Tianling's face.

Fool, you are a fool.

A fool who believes in promises!

"Bum!" Tianling suddenly knelt down on one knee in pain and covered his heart with his right hand.

My heart hurts, and my heart hurts as if I have been stabbed by a needle.

The palm of the hand was painful, and the ten fingers of the pain were not intuitive. Tianling could only grab the heart with his hand fiercely, as if this could relieve the pain.


Tianling shed tears, but suddenly stood up and laughed at the sky, laughing at his stupidity and his innocence.

This moment——

The severe pain in his heart made Tianling cough, and his chest was as painful as a knife, but Tianling still coughed violently, and Tianling curled up and half knelt down like a shrimp.

"Cough, poo!"

A violent cough and a breath of desolate red blood sprayed on the ground.

Tianling looked at the pool of blood on the snow, and he suddenly felt that this pool of blood was very similar to a rose, a bloody rose. Tianling couldn't help but think of the scene of Li Shuang holding roses two years ago.

"The moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, the person in the dream is empty after all. Haha..." There was no one around Tianling Avenue, but the laughter was so desolate.

Tianling felt that everything he was dreaming was so illusory, so unreal, so tired, as if he had stopped to rest...

Tianling's eyes were tired, and finally fell down weakly, and there was a blur in his mind...

The wedding of the Lin family has no meaning at this time, but the wedding still needs to be held...

Li Shuang in the lobby did not say another word, but Lin He could not give up. Today's incident will definitely become the laughingstock of the whole Z country. Tianling will not die, and he will definitely have a lingering psychological shadow.

"Come on." Lin He walked aside and whispered to a servant.

"What do you want, young master?" An old servant came forward and answered. Looking at the old servant's footwork, he should not be an ordinary person.

"You take a few people and follow that boy. You don't need me to teach you what to do, do you?"

"Young master, please rest assured that the boy will never see the sun tomorrow."


"Housekeeper! That boy is over there!" A flowing young man said to a man who looked about 50, "Oh! Why is that boy lying on the ground? Is he waiting for us?

"Go! Let's go and have a look! Remember! Wait until the right time to start, the young master said, "I'm going to die, don't live."

"Yes!" After receiving the order of the housekeeper, several thie's eyes immediately turned red and rushed to Tianling lying on the ground.

"Ah~! I'm out of breath!" A young man immediately sent it down at the moment of lifting Tianling's body. There was blood in the place where Tianling lay, and there was no breath.

"What? Dead?" The old housekeeper pondered for a while, raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's go! If you die, you will die! Let's just go back and make it clear to the young master. Although we didn't kill people, as long as the credit is ours.

"Ye" Several young people did not hesitate to even glance at Tianling's body.

Tianling seems to feel that he is in nothingness and has no stars! There is no moon, only infinite nothingness...

"What's going on? Where am I? How did I get here? Am I dreaming? Tianling's memory is still completely at the moment he came out of the Lin family. I don't remember anything after that.

"Kid, you're not dreaming, all this is true, because your affection is too heavy, and you finally hurt yourself."

Who? Who the hell are you? Where are you?"

If the scene last night may be a nightmare, Ling can now be 100% sure that he is not dreaming. In his mind, there is indeed an evil voice talking to him.

"You don't need to know who I am now, but if you want to ask me why I am in your body, I can still answer you."

The evil voice made Tianling's mind confused, and there was another person in his body. Isn't this too wonderful?

"Kid, do you remember the night you killed someone two years ago?" The evil voice asked.

As soon as he heard that night two years ago, Tianling was angry, but Tianling also wanted to know what was going on.

"I didn't kill that man!"

"I know, but who told you to blame others? Now you said you didn't kill him. Isn't it too late?"

Yes, things have happened, and two years of imprisonment have also suffered, and no matter what has been exchanged in the past two years, what has happened, what has been done, can never be exchanged!

"That night two years ago?"

Tianling was stunned. Is it that blood light? Is the person who speaks in his own body the blood light that appeared in the body of the pregnant woman who was killed by Li Shuang?

"You, are you a human or a ghost?"

"Ghost? Haha. Boy, there are all strangeness in this world, and ghosts naturally exist. However, how can the so-called ghosts be compared with me?

"So, who the hell are you?"

"People? To be precise, I'm not a human now. I'm just a yuan god.

"Yuan Shen? What is it?

"I have forgotten that you are a mortal, and it is impossible to know what the yuan god is! You should have heard of the practitioners, right?

In this world, I only believe in reality. As for the story of ghosts, Tianling has heard for the first time. Although Tianling has heard many ghosts on the street since he was a child, those strong people who turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain can dominate the whole world, but it's just a myth.

"You, do you think you are the legendary practitioners?"

"Yes, I am a practitioners and the king of the cultivation world thousands of years ago."

Thousand years ago? King?"

Tianling listened to the fog. How could the practitioners thousands of years ago run into his own body?

The evil voice sighed and said, "In those years, my cultivation was great, which led to the disaster, but when I crossed the disaster, I was attacked, resulting in my failure to cross the disaster and my body was destroyed by the thunder. Fortunately, I was alert at that time and out of my mind in time, which saved my life.

"The body has been destroyed, can you still save your life? You practitioners are really incredible!" Tianling himself felt a little stupid.

"You are not a practitioner. Naturally, you will not know that when a practitioner's cultivation reaches a certain level, even if the body is destroyed, it will not die, but after that, you must find a suitable body to recreate the real body."

"You said you were a practitioners thousands of years ago. Don't tell me that it took you a thousand years to find a body that suits you?"

"That's right. Because my cultivation method is relatively special, looking at ancient and modern times, it can fit my body, so it took me a thousand years to find everything. But it's a woman who plays tricks on my body. Fortunately, that woman happens to be pregnant. I'm sure that she will give birth to a * in the future, so it is attached to her placenta and intends to borrow her weight to give birth. But I didn't expect that just three days before I was about to be born, the woman suffered a disaster and died under that car!"

The evil voice sighed again, and Tianling felt a little sorry for him when he heard this. If Li Shuang hadn't driven fast that day, that thing would not have happened, and he would not have fallen to this point today.

"Wait a minute, you just said that looking at ancient and modern times, the body suitable for you will not exceed both, then I..."

The evil voice continued: "I don't know if I'm lucky or you are lucky. After you killed that woman, I was a little frustrated. I thought it was God's will. God blamed me for killing too heavily to let me be a human again. But who knows, when you came to that woman, I suddenly found that your body was more suitable for me than that woman, even more than my body thousands of years ago. It also suits my practice. With great joy, I will enter your body.

"Is my body more suitable for you than your original body? You have said so much, what's so special about my body?

"Because your body is 100% pure yang blood body, and the method I practiced in those years is called blood cultivation. Once your body is combined with my yuan god, it will become the first person in ancient times."

"Combine with your yuan god? Are you stupid or am I stupid? I am a good person, why should I combine with others? Moreover, I have a lot of things I haven't done now, and I don't want to die so early.

The evil voice laughed and said, "Hey hey! Boy, these can't be helped by you. In fact, you are dead and heartbroken. The reason why I can still talk to you here is that you are not lost, and the reason why I'm here is to thank you for your body, but here I can assure you that I will help you fulfill your long-cherished wish. Those who persecute you will get the retribution they deserve.

"No! No! I can't die! Impossible! I don't believe your nonsense. My body will always belong to me, and it doesn't belong to anyone. You lie!"

"Alas! Boy! Sorry! You'd better take care of yourself! I'm leaving. In the future, Tianling of the outside world will continue to live, but a soul. In order to repay you, I will give you something. If you are lucky enough not to be broken by the soul, maybe this will be good for you in the future.

As soon as this evil voice stopped, Tianling's mouth opened and he couldn't swallow a word, and a pair of strange pictures and strange words immediately appeared in his mind...

Tianling felt that her eyes were black and she was completely unconscious...

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